Frances MetCalf The Lord first began to speak to me about - TopicsExpress


Frances MetCalf The Lord first began to speak to me about praise some thirty years ago. But even before that time I had experienced a special delight in the beautiful anthems of praise which we sang in the Baptist Church choir. I memorized these and often felt an ecstatic joy as we used them in worship. Since most of these anthems were taken from the Psalms or prophets of the Old Testament, I began to realize that praise was very important in the worship of the Hebrews and the Early Christian Church. As these inspired songs took root in my heart, my whole attitude toward the Lord began to change. I sensed a new hunger for His presence, and began to seek Him daily, earnestly, consecrating everything in my life to Him in a new way. Then, one day, as I was waiting upon the Lord in prayer, the words from an old hymn began to ring within me, almost like a chime: Take my moments and my days Let them flow in ceaseless praise. My mind was illuminated with a new concept of serving the Lord by offering unto Him ceaseless praise! Such a thought was re volutionary to me, for I had always considered daily prayer and faithfulness in the tasks of the Church to be my appointed service. How could anyone live a life of ceaseless praise on earth? I had never heard or dreamed of such a thing. Then the Spirit began to bring Scriptures to my mind, reinforcing this new calling . By Him (Christ) therefore, let us offer the sa crifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name. (Hebrews 13:15) I was really staggered by the thought that the praise God desired was not only an inner attitude but an outward manifestation involving my tongue and lips; I will bless the Lord at all times: His praise shall continually be in my mouth. (Psalm 34:1) Blessed are they that dwell in Thy house: they will be still (always) praising Thee. (Psalm 84:4) These and several others lingered in my mind for days. 3 Then, one day as I was quietly waiting on the Lord He reminded me of a sermon I had recently heard preached by a converted atheist. He had described the powerful effects of skillful blasphemy! He told us that he and other militant atheists were actually trained in how to blaspheme God effectually. He said that the most proficient among them could stand on a corner and blaspheme God for hours without repeating the same thing twice. As a result of this practice, they often became endued with strange, supernatural power, he reported, and many startling signs and even seeming miracles were wrought. Though I was amazed and shocked by this testimony, my only reaction was to be thankful that this ma n was now testifying of the grace of God in Christ, and had been delivered from such diabolical ways. However, as the Holy Spirit reminded me of this sermon, He impressed me with an entirely different aspect of truth. First there were these questions: How many Christians could praise God for hours without stopping? And, if they did, would not the sup- ernatural power of God possess them and work His true signs and miracles in the earth? My only answer was that I did not know any Christians who praised God out loud at all, except in hymns at Church. And then a sense of shame engulfed me. How terrible that God should be skillfully blasphemed, but not skill- fully praised! As I considered these things, the Lord seemed to challenge me to begin to practice praise and to seek to excel in this se rvice to God, as I had sought to be faithful in the church. At the time of which I write, I had not received the special infilling of the Holy Spirit. But I had experienced anointings, especially when I was called upon to speak or sing before others. I had also learned that He was my Teacher an d Guide, though little was said about this in our church. So now I put myself in His hands, seeking His instruction and help in obeying this new command from the Lord. I got down on my knees and began trying to practice praise. But I couldnt think of even one thing to say in praise of the Lord! And my mouth seemed to be sealed; it needed to be pried open! For some fifteen minutes I struggled, fearful of the sound of my own 4 voice, most inhibited and barren of the precious fruit of the lips, of which the Scripture speaks. By this time I was almost exhausted, as though I had been at hard labor. I began to realize that obedience to this challenge was not going to be as easy as I had expected. But I resolved to continue to keep my practice time, which amounted to a mere fifteen minutes a day. What painful practices I had! About this time the Lord began to answer my cries for help. I was asked to bring a message at our church prayer meeting. I felt impressed to speak of this call to praise, and I prepared carefully. I usually experienced liberty and lucidity in speaking; but not so on this occasion! A strange sense of bondage came over me as I arose. I felt that someone had their hand at my throat and was attempting to choke me. I coughed, lost my trend of thought, and became more and more confused as I continued. I felt that I had completely failed, and I wondered why the blessed Holy Spirit did not assist or anoint me. I was also humiliated and really disheartened. But, to my surprise, several who were present were moved on and began to praise God daily! One, in particular, had an amazing experience in praise, and carried the word on to a large prayer group she attended weekly. So the Spirit had owned the message, in spite of my seeming failure. This made it plain to me that I had come face to face in conflict with the one who wanted me to blaspheme, but not to praise. I realized now that my practice of praise was not only to be an exercise, but spiritual warfare. I persevered in my practice and in seeking the help of the Lord. Then, in a short time, I was present in a small private prayer meeting where the enemy was really at work. A home and hearts were being broken, and prayer seemed not to avail. Suddenly I remembered what the Spirit had shown me about the power of praise. So I began to praise. At first my voice sounded like a mere chirp, but I continued to chirp away, and gradually my voice grew strong and my praise began to rise in a flow of Scripture. (My daily practice periods were producing results!) Then a most surprising thing happened to me The power of God took hold of me in such a way that 5 I could not stop praising. Like an artesian fountain, the praise rose higher a nd higher. It was joyful, confident, free and wonderful! Meanwhile, the Spirit moved on the heart of the one who was rebelling against the Lord, and a great and lasting victory was won. During the intervening years, I have continued to practice praise, not only under the anointing of the Spirit, but also as a sacrifice. The Holy Spirit was swift to teach me the difference between the spirit of praise and the sacrifice of praise. It is easy to yield to the Holy Spirit, as He moves in us to sing and praise the Lord. But it is most difficult to pour out praise unto the Lord when our hearts are heavy, dry, and crushed with sorrow. It is this sacrifice that New Testament priests are called upon to offer. In fact it is the only acceptable sacrifice prescribed for them, after they have offered their bodies as living sacrifices. This sacrifice is an act of faith, an offering most holy unto the Lord, since we praise Him in obedience to His Word, not because of what He does — or we want Him to do — but because of what HE IS. And we make this offering apart from our own feelings or supernatural enduement of spiritual power. The Lord has graciously united me with a whole company of Davidic Praisers. Each of these could tell you of amazing experiences in this high and holy call- ing. In the following pages you will find some of these recorded for your edification and blessing. We know that the Lord is preparing a great company of Praisers throughout the entire earth, and that these shall in time and in truth bring up the Ark of the Living God. But whether or not you have received a special call from God to this praise ministry, this book is for you, for ALL in Christ are thus enjoined: Through Him (Christ, our High Priest) therefore, let us con- stantly and at all times offer up to God a sacrifice of praise, which is the fruit of lips that thankfully ac- knowledge and confess and glorify His Name. (He- brews 13:15, Amplified Version) —FRANCES METCALFE 6 LESSONS IN THE SCHOOL OF PRAISE Sing ye praises wi th understanding. The Spirit commanded us to excel in praise, just as once He had commanded us to excel in love and in the gifts of the Spirit. I found that the word excel meant to go beyond, to project, to surpass, to outdo, to be choice, prime, admirable. And with this word came another . . . excelsior! It means still higher, ever upward . O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is Thy name in all the earth! And how excellent should be Thy praise? O may we excel in praising and glorifying Thee! ********** The Spirit has been speaking to me that now, more than ever before, we are called upon to sing the HIGH PRAISES of our MOST HIGH GOD. For some of us this means a separation from other types of ministry in order that we may be devoted to being His unique song of praise and glory in the earth. Let those who hear this call respond quickly! High praise is like rare frankincense, costly and most desirable unto the King. With it is mixed the myrrh of the pain and sorrows that have afflicted us in times of darkness and desolation. Not until we have descended into the depths of self-death and devastation can we be projected into the heights of heaven. Our cries are resolved into shouts of highest praise. Our very anguish and distress have but stretched and tuned the strings of our lyres, so that we are fitted to play skillfully unto the King. As we praise together our incense is blended into a fragrant, fuming cloud of glory in which our God appears in new splendor. ********** We have all marveled at the special anointings of the Holy Spirit which have enabled us to praise the Lord in beautiful ways. For many years now we have reveled in such movings of the Spirit, as we have assembled before him. But of late the Spirit is showing me that He seeks a practical praise too — a praise that extends into every function of our daily life. I caught a glimpse of the transformation which would take place in me and in each of us if we met 7 everything, yes, every single thing, in the attitude of thanksgiving and praise; an d deliberately refused to think negative thoughts and speak negative words, or even have negative feelings. I know this takes discipline. It means a purging of ourselves from many things which do not seem evil to us, and yet which are definitely not in keeping with positive praise. Sometimes I have lived this way for a few days at a time, refusing any sort of thought or expression, except that of thanksgiving and praise. How great a change was wrought! But soon I would become careless again, and the tides of darkness and oppression would sweep over me. Almost before I realized it I would be giving place to thoughts from another realm. I know that the Word of God declares that all things work together for good, and that in all things we are to glorify the Lord. This includes our looks and attitudes, as well as feelings, thoughts and words. One poet said, O may my every look be love! Well, praise is divine love singing its highest song, so I am saying, O may my every expression be praise! There are many forms of praise, as I am coming to see, and we know little about them. We are limited to the lower forms, I feel. But the HIGH PRAISE shall be given to us, by the Spirit, after we have learned to live praise out in every action of our daily lives. At least this is the way the Spirit instructs me. One thing most frequently stressed about praise is that it must be pure. The Lord has been revealing that much praise is mixed with other ingredients, and is not holy and altogether acceptable. For in- stance, many of us have praised in a more or less me- chanical way. We come together, and we have many things on our minds; maybe we are troubled in spirit or in heart. But we know that Holy Ghost people should begin every gathering with praise, so we praise along with the others, repeating any phrase that comes to our minds. Our attention may not be upon it at all — sounding brass, tinkling cymbals! Then, too, we may praise very fervently because we want the Lord to do something for us, such as heal us, or answer some urgent prayer, supply some material need, or 8 give us a special blessing. Such praise is like a sort of refined bargaining with the Lord. God is to be praised primarily because He is deserving of praise; because His Word declares that He is to be praised, regardless of whether He answers any of our prayers or not. Our praise must be divested of thoughts of re- ward and enrichment. For several days the Spirit directed me not to ask or even think of receiving anything from Him as I praise d. I found that this was a sort of exercise. I had not realized how much attention I was giving to receiving something from Him, even though it was something spiritual and good. As I praised with pure devotion, I began to realize that much of our repeated asking is belittling to the Lord. He has already freely given us all things in Christ! As we praise and believe, we do receive that which is in His order and will for us moment by moment, just as the plants draw from the sun all they require, and can utilize no more. There is a greedy spirit in most of us, and that greed can be diverted from material things to spiritual things if we are not careful. I saw that pure praise brings about a greater purification of our hearts. The other day the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart so directly that I took my pencil and wrote down the words, and now I feel to share them with others: The Beloved languishes and thirsts for your praises. Give Him a special offering of praise. What I say unto you, I say unto all — Praise! Show forth your love for Him by lauding Him. Lift up your voices with strength, be not afraid. Span heaven and earth with an Arch of Triumph. Triumphant praise! Tunnel through the rocks; make dry paths through the seas; water the deserts with praise. It has great power! Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon you — that you should be called the Praisers of God. As I meditated upon these words and felt the impact of them upon my heart, I was stirred to recall some words from one of Wesleys hymns: We cast our crowns before Thee, lost in wonder, love and praise. We do not need to enter into physical death to be lost in wonder, love an d praise. It can become a present reality. 9 Over and over again the words of the Psalmist were brought to my mind: Blessed are they who dwell in Thy house, they will be still praising Thee. Then I was aware that an adaption of these words was being given to me in the form of a little song: Blessed are they who dwell in Thy house, They will be always praising Thee. They will be singing of Thy glory, and lauding Thy name unceasingly. Blessed are they who dwell in Thy house; they will be always praising Thee, in joy or pain, through loss or gain, They will be always praising Thee. I sang and sang this little song. Then I was given a strenuous exercise to teach me how to live it, and I learned that the praise th at ascends during times of pain and loss is more costly and fragrant to God than that which we can offer in times of joy and gain. I am learning many new lessons in this school of Praise. One of the most precious is this: Praise not only perfects the fruit of our lips and brings it forth in delicious ripeness, but it greatly assists in perfecting all the precious fruits of the Spirit: Love, Joy, Peace, . . . etc. Yes, these thrive and develop in an atmosphere of praise, but are often blighted when we become depressed and doubtful. Longsuffering (a fruit lacking in many of us), gentleness, goodness, faith — yes, all these are brought to perfection in an atmosphere of pure praise. I saw that it was like the warm summer sun that comes to ripen the fruits. We have sown in tears, watered the seed with prayer, have known much testing and exercising of faith. Then we are brought into a higher realm — a realm where praise and thanksgiving flourish constantly and all the precious fruit of our lives is greatly benefited by our living on this higher plane. I know that of a truth. Faith has caught the joyful sound the song of saints on higher ground. ********** Just think what pleasure it would give to the Father if only there were one person on this earth who would 10 manifest constant thanksgiving to God — in every attitude, thought, word and deed! We know that Jesus was such a one and that in everything He did thank and praise the Father. If we obeyed His Word more fully and allowed His grace to operate in us more perfectly, we would find the same pattern being wrought in us. We would breathe out thanksgiving with every breath. We would be overflowing with the great grace of gratitude. From morning until night this would be our theme. I am striving to become such a one, but have found that there is much in my nature that opposes it. I seem to be dull, unresponsive, lacking in appreciation. I find that it is not easy to be actively thankful at all times, for such a state leaves no place for the self-life to hold sway. But I still strive to fit into this beautiful picture the Spirit has taken the pains to paint for me. The Lord has been trying to teach me that thanks- giving and praise is the way to victory in every situation. Recently I had an impressive lesson along this line. One of the Lords dear ones was permitted to greatly tax my patience by coming to me in a strange spirit of animosity and taunting. I felt a current of negative feelings rising within me, particularly because this one seemed to be discrediting and doubting the Lord, as well as me. But suddenly I remembered that PRAISE is the way. So I began offering the Lord inward praise, offsetting everything that was being said by lauding Him and thanking Him. Outwardly a sweet serenity settled over me, while within strong praise was being wrought. In a very short time the whole situation changed. The other person began to take back the cruel things that had been said and before our meeting ended, love and faith and praise to God were flowing from both our hearts. It could have been just the opposite, so I want to remember this lesson — Praise is the way to victory. The Holy Spirit impressed me about the House of David — and the special Praisers whom he chose. There were 4,000 out of 38,000 Levites, who were to do nothing but PRAISE the Lord, play on 11 purifying, ennobling, sublimating, powerful force. Tears of joy flowed with exultant praises. Over and over I called the Lord my All in All. This title was deeply impressed upon me, and I was given a revelation of Christ as my perfect ALL which has remained with me ever since. New fountains, new ri vers, have been opened to me. Floods to swim in! My God, my All! Who is like unto Thee! My soul doth magnify Thee in a new and greater way. As a few of us were gathered to offer praise to God, I suddenly felt a strong moving in my body. I seemed to have become a trumpet, and out of my mouth came trumpetings! Then, as we continued to worship, my body seemed to become other instruments, each giving forth its own unique and significant sound. I had an inward vision of David, leading forth the singers, dancers and players-on-instruments before the Ark. And I realized as never before the part praise played in restoring the Ark to Israel. In these latter days of restoration, praise is again playing a vital part in bringing up the Ark, the awesome, miracle working presence of God! I lift my voice to sing Thy praise, O Lord Most High, And join the hosts that glorify Thy name, Who send their anthems ringing through the earth and sky To offer Thee their hearts acclaim. My heart shall praise Thee, my lips shall praise Thee, My tongue shall praise Thee, Lord, eternally. For Thou art great and greatly to be praised, O Lord, And Thy glory all the world shall see and every knee shall bend While fervent prayers ascend, And every tongue shall then proclaim Thy name. For Thou are great and greatly to be praised, O Lord, And worthy of all power and fame. 16 REVELATIONS & ILLUMINATIONS I will praise Thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Thy works. As a few of us were gathered unto the Lord, the Spirit began to move upon us in earnest, fervent praise. Very soon I saw, in the Spirit, a high mountain, and was given to understand that it symbolized the High Order of Praise. A herald stood on the very peak or top of the mountain, blowing a trumpet— sounding a reveille or call to ascend this Mount of Praise. When the trumpet began to sound, I heard the words, Ascend, ascend, ascend! Leave the lowlands; make haste and ascend the Mount! This was repeated, with variations, several times. It was revealed to me that the lowlands represented the state or condition of each one who was being called — that state wherein we come short of this high calling. And I saw there must be a clean breaking away from all that ensnares us or hinders our ascent— anything, everything that does not pass His holy scrutiny and sanction — whether it be in the realm of the world or the flesh or Satan. As I listened to the clear, certain tones of this trumpet, I KNEW the summons was IMPERATIVE: that it was not from man, to be taken lightly, but a call from The Highest Himself — authoritative and commanding. I also knew it was URGENT: calling for immediate attention; and that the Lord was very weary of our vacillation, and grieved with our procrastination. Furthermore, the call was DECISIVE: it was time for us to rally all the forces and faculties within us — our affections and interests, our wills and ways, our time and talents, ALL — for His glory and for His praise. I saw clearly that if we were to continue in this high calling we must BE HIS PRAISE, LIVE HIS PRAISE in everything. The Spirit called for pure praise without the admixture of self, or of desire for blessings or favors in return, but praise which arises from the motive of pure love from a purified heart. Moreover, this praise He 17 desired was holy praise or consecrated praise, which is offered unto God alone, and offered in the true spirit of praise, and not from the force of habit into which it is easy to fall. Only this high and holy praise will be acceptable unto Him who is High and Holy, who dwells between the Cherubim! It was also disclosed that this lofty praise is a glad and joyous praise which springs from glad and grateful hearts, because it is our glorious privilege to praise Him who is Love! Although the heathen worship their gods with great sincerity and frenzied devotion, spending hours in their fanatical rituals, they are never inspired with holy, joyful praise such as that which we are privileged to offer unto our loving God. TO KNOW HIM is to LOVE HIM, and to love Him is to PRAISE HIM! with joy and gladness! I saw that when we could praise God with perfect praise, it would become projected praise — powerful and effective in His hands to the tearing down of the strongholds of the enemy, the casting down of imaginations and every high thing that exalted itself against the knowledge of God, and for the deliverance and salvation of multitudes of captives! I heard the words, I will work as My people praise Me, and When will My people learn to praise Me? This revelation and experience has moved me to a deeper heart-searching, and to a greater purpose and resolve to ascend this holy Mount of High Praise, the dwelling place of our God. I feel strongly that the glory of God is at stake. It seems He has put it within our power to protect His glory and to advance His fame. In view of this, how sinful is our neglect! It seems that this old nature of ours is actually competing with God for honors. We were made for His glory, not our own. The Lord has given me a little glimpse of the horribleness of our old nature, the leaven of which is trying to work its way into the Holiest. It must be a pure offering we bring. It is holiness unto the Lord or nothing. I am overwhelmed with the thought of His glory. He has offered us a tremendous privilege. I tremble at this 18 word from Him! I can feel His heart yearning and desiring this high praise; it seems that it is even broken and bleeding, waiting, waiting, for this heavenly praise. Last night I could see the heavenly ones praising Him according to His hearts desire. But it seemed that He had not yet found those on earth who could praise Him this way. I saw a circuit, and the Lord was waiting for some on earth to complete the circuit so the heavenly glory could flow from above to earth. Then I saw His glory flashing from east to west in the midst of those on earth who arose and answered the call. I am so glad to have had this word. I feel that I have been visited by the Most High. By His grace, I want to obey and meet you at the top of the Mount. I was engaged in worshiping the Lord when a great thankfulness swept through my entire being. It seemed to originate in the Holy Spirit and I felt that He was rejoicing in our praise unto the Lord. I was so very thankful to be called into this ministry of glorifying the King. Then I uttered these words, My heart is considering a great and glorious matter. For great is the Lord and greatly to be praised! I had a glimpse of the angels and saints in heaven, and they too were rejoicing in the praise of mortals. Soon another picture passed before me: I saw myriads of souls seeking the Lord, praying, crying, sighing, moaning, beseeching Him with tears and doleful petitions. There was so little praise! I was greatly grieved at the neglect of praise. I longed to praise Jesus in some great outstanding way so that I might make up for this lack. And I cried out within myself, recalling the years I spent in crying and beseeching Him, giving very little praise: Oh, to be expendable in praising God! Oh, to expend myself in His praises! During the night I was suddenly awakened, and I heard an inward voice speaking to me. My heart was so touched and stirred that I knew it was the voice of My Beloved Lord. And this is what He said, You little realize the realm into which you could be taken if everything but praise were silenced and subdued within you. Then He gave me a glimpse of this realm ... a realm so creative, 19 supernatural, peaceful, and positive that I was amazed. It was truly beyond the limits of my own imagination. As I have pondered this revelation, I have realized more fully than before that much of our thought-life, feelings, attitudes, and words are tinged with negative and even destructive power. They are impure because they are mixed. Therefore they are subversive in their effect. On the other hand, what great creative power we could manifest in Christ if in everything we gave true and fervent praise and thanksgiving. All my Christian life I have recognized the importance of prayer, but for some reason the importance of praise had never been brought to my attention. One day as I was quietly waiting upon the Lord in prayer, the Spirit moved in a most unusual way. For several hours His presence lingered, and I was given a revelation about the ministry of praise. I am not able to put into words what I experienced and saw, but it is all confirmed in Scripture. Actually there is far more in the Bible about praising God, rejoicing in Him, and singing to Him, than there is about praying. As I searched the Scriptures, I found more than four hundred references to praise. These did not include a number of synonyms, words such as extol, sing, glorify, etc. The references to prayer are fewer. But the two go together, as we know, and the two are the two wings that lift us Godward. The strange thing is that praise is so neglected. In this revelation I felt the lords great desire was that I and others, enter into a life of high praises . . . continual praise. It seemed that there would be limitless power and fruition manifested in any who obey Him in this ministry. I also saw that it is the highest and most heavenly of all ministries. 20 WHAT THE SPIRIT IS SAYING He who has an ear, let Him hear what the Spirit is saying. Do not underestimate the power and purpose of praise. Satan seeks to divert My people from giving Me fervent, pure, and continuous praise. Praise is a life to be lived, a battle to be fought, and a way to be followed. It is a key to many hidden mysteries of the Kingdom, and a power few men have discovered or learned to use. It is a vocation to be pursued, and a calling to be obeyed. It is an art, an exercise, and a practice. My Praises are FEW; there is need that MANY rise up swiftly to render high and effectual praise unto Me. Search the Word and wait upon the Spirit, that you may be instructed in PRAISE, the everlasting ministration of the saints. The failure to give the Lord the glory due His name is the most shameful among all the failures of the people of God. Even those who do praise Him the most frequently and fervently fall far short of the high and holy praise He desires and requires — a praise worthy of His great glory. Earthly kings and leaders receive far more praise and demonstration of honor than the King of Heaven. It is His desire that the praise of the heavens shall come down into the earth, and that He be praised on earth as in heaven. Indeed, not until His praise is resounding throughout all the earth shall His open glory be made manifest. He reveals Himself in the midst of praise! Revelations, prophecies, and teachings about praise — as good as they are — are not the principal thing: it is the performance of praise — both in the life and on the lips — that is vital. It is better to receive one word from the Spirit and obey it, than to have an abundance of revelations which go unheeded. There is much talk about praise, but little praise! It is easier to say, Praise ye the Lord, than to say, I do praise Thee, my Lord . Be ye doers of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. James 1:22 21 Praise is not complete until it is expressed. It is not enough to say, I have the thought of praise in my heart. Praise must be enacted, given a form, made manifest. Our God is a God of action and performance. He desires that we perform our vows, and make His praise glorious. The radius of Christs circumfluence toward us is increased as we praise Him in Spirit and in truth. This was impressed upon me in the form of a spiral. It began with a small circle at the bottom, but as it went up it enlarged with each round of praise. We ascended in praise, spiraling up and up into the heavens until our praise was resolved into angelic tongues and a new song sprang from our lips. Render unto the King free, joyful, radiant praise. Let it be varied (not monotonous) as His works are varied; glorious as His power is glorious; colorful, as His creation is colorful; rich, new, fluent, and eloquent. Sing it, speak it, dance it, shout it, act it, write it, breathe it, think it, radiate it, live it, express it in a hundred ways. He is worthy of your best and highest praise! The Praisers go before the Ark, preparing the way of the King. Praise wakens the slumbering, heals the wounded. It evaluates in heavenly terminology the boundless graces and mercies for which we have no words or comprehension. It spans differences and distance s. It unites all who love the Lord in truth. i Praise affirms that God is; God can; God will; and God has! Praise is the power God gives us to wield. Praise is the victory. It is a powerful magnet, drawing the Beloved One to the Praiser, and vice versa. Praise God, and He will draw nigh unto you. It draws others to Him with the assurance and reassurance of His love and response. 22 Praise is our insurance and assurance. It is faiths fulfillment, hopes fru ition, loves coronation. There is something of a consummation — two-way — about it. Praise defies defeat, im plies faith, denies the flesh, applies wisdom, supplies strength. It is an art — the beginning of wisdom. The secret of the Lord is with them that praise Him, and He will show them His covenant. Praise gives form or substance to the things which are to come. It makes way for Gods plan to be fulfilled. His praise shall continually be in the heart and mouth. Praise is a sowing or a planting; it is a watering; it is a gathering of flower and fruit; it is a life after death. Praise is beauty expressed; song rendered; glory revealed. It is an act of love. It is like the bloom on the first-fruits. It is sweet musics overtone! It is the blossoms fragrance; fires glow; hearts warmth. Praise is active. It is the activation-motivation of love for God in bloom. It is like a live wire that no one but the life-giving Spirit can touch. It is armored love, plus fortified faith; Praise covers a multitude of faults. Cover with praise all that is unseemly, unlikely, unpleasant and ungodly. True praise does not depend upon feeling, but upon obedience. True praise gives freely, unquestionably, un conditionally, and receives immediate audience. Praise prepares the way for the Lord and, in turn, for the saint and for the sinner. It is like blending or combining faith and devotion. It seems to be the divine partaking of humanity, as it passes through human channels. It is the shortest distance between the saint and the King of the saints. Praise is like sweet incense, like the God- essence that man takes out of himself and pours back on God. It is often like taking out your very hearts and offering them to Him, as you offer the sacrifice of praise. Praise is a fragrant flower which springs forth from good soil — the planting of the Lord. PRAISE withers amid thorns and briars (a sharp, critical spirit). PRAISE fades upon rocky earth (hardness of spirit). 23 PRAISE dies upon wayside ground (uncultivated spirit). PRAISE flourishes in good ground (a mellow and tender spirit). PRAISE blossoms in rich soil (the generous spirit). PRAISE flowers in the sunshine (a glad, cheerful spirit). PRAISE multiplies abundantly when cultivated and watered. PRAISE does not grow like weeds (without care). PRAISE is sweet incense which rises from a purified-by-fire heart. PRAISE is the perfume of loves devotion. PRAISE is the essence of sorrows tears. PRAISE is like a cloud of glory which fills the Temple. PRAISE is like the holy anointing oil compounded of myrrh, cinnamon, cassia, and the oil olive. (a combination of ingredients). The everlasting praises of the Eternal One mount up into heaven; they go down into the depths. He that dwells in the heights shall hear it and be glad. He takes sweet refuge in the mountains of His praise. (Zion!) These habitations of praise, these spiritual sky- scrapers of glorification, are His desired haven. Praise Him in the heights. Magnify Him in the depths! Earth and heaven, make His praise glorious! The entrance of His praise also brings light. Blessed are they which sow praises beside all waters: The waters of affliction (Marah), humiliation, and persecution; as well as beside the waters of blessing. There is a divine secret in the high praise of God. It releases His power. Praise resembles helium, causing us to rise above the earth. It also enables us to parachute His power to far distant lands. It is a secret weapon and no man knows what may be accomplished by practicing the praise of the Living and only true God. 24 Love delights to see the Beloved arrayed as becomes His excellence! She weeps as she sees Him in the garments of humiliation. She rejoices to behold Him in the vestments of His exaltation. Our precious Christ can never be made too much of. Heaven itself is but just good enough for Him. All the pomp that angels and archangels, and thrones, and dominions, and principalities, and powers, can pour at His feet is too little for Him. His people can never extol Him enough. Praise unlocks heavens portals ~ Praise causes doubts to cease ~ Praise brings precious blessings ~ Praise brings the sweetest peace ~ Praise breaks all bands asunder ~ Praise sets the captive free ~ Praise lightens every burden ~ Praise is the master key ~ Praise changes our circumstances ~ Praise establishes the heart ~ When praise becomes perpetual, it is a Holy Art. Deafen your ears to the din of this world, and attune your hearts to the music of the spheres, the music of the heavenly realms, the music of the winds, the seas, the trees. It is the voice of the Lord that shakes the trees of the forest; the voice of the Lord that whispers in the winds, that roars in the seas. Be deaf to the voices and the din of this world, that you may be alert to His voice, His music! There is music all around you. Make music unto the Lord! Sing unto Him and make melody in your hearts unto Him. You know not the mystery of this music, the power of this singing. He has not called you to make a clamor unto 25 He has said, Sing! Sing! Sing unto Me! And this song must not be neglected, this song must not cease, no matter how heavy your heart may be, nor how weak your body; no matter how much there may be to trouble your mind — Sing! Sing! Sing unto the Lord! Speak unto Him and unto yourselves with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs. How heavenly is this concourse! How rich and rare are the true songs of the Spirit! Yet how few are they in the earth! The Lord has a listening ear! Do not try to catch the ears of men, nor attract their attention. Sing unto the Lord! His ear is open to your song! And when you sing unto Him out of the depths of your heart, He will cause your voice to be heard on high. Yes, far above the range of mortal ear. How foolish to desire to be seen and heard of men! Such desires have the Pharisees. Let Me see thy face; Let Me hear thy voice. Praise cannot dwell with bigotry or abide with self. No true praise emerges from a mouth whose heart is filled with resentment or self-pity. Praise is completely divorced from condemnation. The Lord wants a bonafide praise. He does not want fair-weather praise. Be instant in praise, in and out of season. Give extraordinary praise. He has done extraordinary things. Continue in praise, offering thanksgiving in small things — in all things. Let no man forbid thee to praise or despise thy song of glad thanksgiving in the earth. Let mortal men praise Him while it is light, for the night comes soon. Highly favored and most blessed are they who find and follow the way of high and holy worship. Yea, blessed are they who learn here in the earth the way of heavenly worship that leads into the presence of the Most High. They shall arise and be freed from the binding ties of the earthly. They shall put on wings and escape like a bird out of the snares of the enemy, flying straight home to Gods own heart whence the spirit came. For the spirit descended from 26 God Himself and must return unto Him. Does not thy spirit within thee beat its wings like a caged bird, seeking escape, seeking its homeward flight? Do not wait for the hour of death to come and release your spirit unto Him. Let your spirit be freed now, while there is yet breath in your nostrils, while your heart is still beating strongly and you are clothed upon with this body of earth. It is true that when death comes your body shall return unto dust and your spirit unto God who gave it; but it pleases the Lord that even now, while still living in this body, your spirit shall rise often, seeking the Father in holy worship, dwelling in His presence with song and praise. Worship, worship, worship and glorify His name, His sacred name, His holy name, His unspeakable name! Let the earth be shaken! Let the mountains be cast into the heart of the sea! Let the heavens themselves bend down before Him! Let every star flame out to His glory! Let every sphere whirl, whirl, whirl in space in perfect order, in perfect beauty, in perfect array, in perfect grace! All creatures great and small, the Lord calls on them all. Let everything that lives, let everything that breathes, let everything that has life, glorify Him, exalt Him! Pay tribute to the Creator of heaven and earth! And let the saints most of all, excell in this worship. ********** Out of the Temple shall come forth the voice of praise. Yes, and the VOICE shall speak from the Temple — the VOICE of the ALL HOLY. Even as He speaks from the Throne, so shall He speak from His Temple on earth! Everything in His Temple shall cry, Glory, glory, glory! The vessels of the Lord shall be cleansed and purged by fire, polished and restored to the Temple of the Lord. And they shall be called The people of the Purging Fire, for by them shall the God that answers by fire purge the earth. They shall be the bearers of the sacred fire. They shall take it from the Altar and scatter it in the earth. By fire shall the Lord purge the earth. (Psalm 29:9; Malachi 3:1) 27 His praise shall rise like a fountain. And flow like a river Until it becomes a mighty sea of everlasting glory. It shall ascend unto the highest heights And blend with the songs of the blest; It shall stoop to the deepest depths And bring peace to the imprisoned and oppressed. It shall be a balm to the wounded And a wine to the fainting heart, An oil of joy for the head, How wonderful is praise like this! It shall run with the speed of light To all the dark hidden places; It shall destroy every evil thing, It shall conquer in every field, And live throughout the ages to come. Summon all the powers of your being! Summon all the powers of your being . . . your beings ransomed powers, the powers that you know not of, the powers that are hidden within you, to praise the Lord. I have not permitted man to know all the powers that are latent and locked within his being, for those he has discovered he has used to his own destruction. But I say unto you, call forth, summon all the powers of your being and devote them to this praise, the high praise. Oh, devote all the powers that are latent within your soul, the powers within your heart and its affections. Summon the vital energy of your body of flesh, the body I have created for My glory. Summon all your powers and do not dissipate them on vanity. Do not waste breath — it is life! Do not waste thought —it is powerful, both to destroy and to create. Do not waste words, for the time shall come when you shall be held accountable for every word you utter. Your words shall become impregnated with power. Praise Me increasingly! He has given a banner to them that fear Him, that it may be displayed because of the truth. He has given them a trumpet to be blown because of righteousness. He has given them an armor of light to put on, and a shield to be lifted. With the high praises of God in our mouths and a two-edged 28 sword in our hands, we rise to follow our Conquering King who rides forth for Zions war. Then onward from the hills of light Our hearts with love aflame, Well vanquish all the hosts of night In Jesus conquering name! O Lord, many are Thy crowns! We would exalt Thee and crown Thee now with praise! Here, in Zion, we would give Thee Thy first dominion. We should be the first to bring back the King! Thou hast been in the midst of Thy people as their Servant- Lord, their accommodating God and helper — answering their petitions, doing unto them according to their needs and desires. Now Thou art coming forth in the midst of Thy people to be their Ruler and to perform Thine own pleasure. Mans ways shall be brought to a sudden end. Thine own ways shall be established, an d Thy people shall be a broken, willing people, in the day of Thy power. They shall serve Thee with newness of heart and mind, newness of devotion, and with an eye single to Thy glory and pleasure. Our Suffering-Servant has become our Glorious King! (Ps. 2, 110) We went out weeping, we went out weeping; We have come back rejoicing, we have come back rejoicing! Laughter has filled our mouths; joy has crowned our hearts. Praise be to the One who turned our mourning into dancing! We have sown in tears, we shall reap with joy. We went out empty, we have come back full. Our lips are fragrant with praise, Our voices vibrant with song — The singing people of the Singing God. We are His singing sons. 29 The heavens shall be filled with song, And the earth shall respond with music; The spheres shall sing, And every star shall voice its melody. And the Lord of the Heavens shall rise And go forth in the midst of song, He shall go forth in the midst of music. We shall sing the songs we learned in our night of sorrow! We shall sing the songs we learned in the wilderness! We shall sing the songs we learned on our bed of pain! We shall sing the songs we learned in this barren land! We shall sing the songs we learned on our pilgrimage! We shall sing the songs we learned on Zions hill! We shall sing the songs we learned in His Chamber! We shall sing the songs we learned in the banqueting house! King Solomon had a thousand and one songs, And a song above all songs! But our King has ten thousand times ten thousand times Ten thousand times ten thousand times as many songs — And a Song of Songs. A Song of Songs! A song no one can learn unless He teaches it to him. The Song of Songs! A Song for the chief singers, A canticle of canticles, an anthem sublime! The day of the Lord is breaking — and it is a terrible day! It is a day of darkness and strife, a day of bitterness and enmity, a day when Satan too comes down with great power to work his works and to deceive men. How shall ye escape unless ye shall mount up — far above all — on the wings of praise? God will deliver the soul that praises Him; that one shall mount up far above all, far above all, to dwell in His presence. Yes, He will manifest His victory to the one who believes; and if any man believes he will rejoice and give praise, for faith cannot be silent. Faith has a song! Hallelujah! Sing the song of faith! Sing the song of love! O keep holy day before Him, for the day of the Lord is a holy day to His saints, and a terrible day to His foes. Keep holy day, for I say to you that, 30 Zion in that day shall be filled with praise and glory; and whosoever will go up into the City of God must go with songs of pilgrimage, entering His gates with thanksgiving. There is no other way to enter the gates of that strong city, and if any man would enter and dwell in His courts, let him continue to praise, praise, praise! By My own arm will I bring deliverance! By My own arm will I bring salvation, and no man shall be able to glory in that day, or say, See what deliverance we have wrought by our prayers and our works! I say unto you that by My own arm, by My own power, by My own strength, I will work My works. Wherefore, let all the house of Israel magnify Me. Let all the house of Israel shout unto their God and praise Him; and let the house of Aaron praise Him without ceasing. Yes, let Israel rejoice, for the Lord in the midst is mighty. He will save. He will rejoice over them as the bridegroom rejoices over the bride. It is fitting to give thanks unto Him and to exalt Him. It is fitting to rise up out of the dust and go before Him with singing. It is fitting to be radiant, overflowing with thanksgiving and praise. O, put off your sackcloth and put on thy beautiful garments of praise, and anoint your face with oil and adorn yourself as a bride prepared for her husband, and go forth to meet Him. Is He not at the door? Go forth to meet Him! Strike the loud timbrel! Clash the loud cymbals! The Lord Jehovah hath triumphed gloriously. He hath made a way for the redeemed to pass over. He hath made a way of praise for the redeemed to pass over. He hath rolled back the sea. Israel praised the Lord on that great day when the horse and his rider were cast into the sea. They sang together and rejoiced before the Lord. But how soon their song of praise died down! O that Israel had praised the Lord! O that men would praise the Lord! O that His people had praised Him by the waters of Marah! O that they had praised Him in the wilderness! Their pilgrimage would have been cut short! O that men would rise to glorify Him in this day! We would soon see His power. 31 In the midst of praise, O Lord, Thou wilt show forth Thy presence. Thy presence and Thy praise dwell together. You will meet him who rejoices, Hallelujah! Thy praise is sweet to our lips; it is honey to the tongue; it is as wine to the palate. Thy praise is a luscious fruit, reviving the faint. Thy praise, O Lord, is better than wine. We offer unto Thee, O Lord, a living praise! It is a well-ripened fruit. It has been watered with tears in the valley of affliction; it has grown in the sunshine of grace; no w it has ripened and is a fit offering for Thee, O our King! We kiss the Son and offer Him the harvest of the fruit of our lips. Like the sound of many waters, O Lord, is Thy voice; and the praise of the saints shall ascend unto Thee like the tumult of the sea. Thy praise shall be so great and so loud and so high that it shall fill all the earth and heaven. From Thy throne, Thou shalt reply, and shall pour forth THY praise and blessing upon Thy people, and every man — as Thou has said — shall have praise of God. Blessed are they who have praise for God. In that day they shall receive praise from God. (I Cor. 4:5) Thou art the God our fathers praised, the God our mothers praised! Our God! Be praised as a King is worthy to be praised! Be praised with a praise exceeding the praise the heathen give to their idols! Be praised in beauty! Be praised in strength! Be praised in glory! Let Thy people bring forth a praise worthy of Thee, worthy, worthy, worthy! We would not bring Thee an offering that costs nothing. Our father David despised such an offering. I will not offer that to the Lord which costs nothing. I will bring a costly offering. Bring a costly offering. Be prepared to pay a price for it — a great price. Bring a costly offering unto the King. Come ye, come ye; stir up that which is within thee; put on the armor prepared for thee. Put on thy helmet and prepare to ascend. You need special light for this special way, for the path is dark, stony and thorny. 32 This new way is not a way of delight and ease. It is not a casting of thyself upon a cloud of glory; it is a difficult way, a way that bruises — but He bindeth up again and again. This new way is the praise way. Great must be the praise of My people. This High Way (highway) has not yet been trodden in the earth, but it is traversable, for it is marked by the blood of the Lamb. Behold, the Spirit leadeth thee in the new praise path. It is My hand that guideth thee and not anothers. This is My praise way. Arise, arise, put on strength, O daughter of Zion! Ascend to the peak of peaks where standeth the holy angels, the immortal saints, awaiting thee. Come ye who know the Lord, ye who love His name and dwell on High. Praise opens the gates that you may enter. Arise this very hour. Tread upon scorpions; push down the enemies by the power of praise. Let the weak say I am strong. Ta ke the shield of faith and the sword in thy hand and hasten toward the goal, for the time is short. This is the hour. Possess the peak of peaks. This is My land, a land flowing with the richest of milk and the sweetest of honey. Possess the land and breathe the pure air of the Spirit. And bless the name of thy God forever and even forevermore. Give praise unto the Lord with all your hearts. Speak of His wonderful kindness and goodness in the midst of the Assembly. Lo, He has dealt with you in abundant mercy and abounding grace. So let your thanksgiving abound toward Him. Do not praise Him grudgingly nor of necessity, but liberally and joyfully offer the sacrifice of praise unto Him, even when your hearts have cause to be heavy and oppressed. Look not upon the things that are seen, which are external and passing. Set your hearts and your eyes upon the things that are unseen, which are eternal and unchanging. If you walk by sight and feeling, you shall be depressed. And if you praise only when you feel like praising, or have some special cause for praise, you will be miserly toward the Lord. Be not silent, but break forth into singing and shouting. For the dead praise not the Lord, neither they that go down into the pit. But let everything that lives and has breath Praise the Lord and sing aloud unto Him. For the Lord most high is magnificent in all His ways and magnanimous in all His acts. 33 Sing unto the Lord even by the waters of Babylon! In all places, in all conditions, sing unto the Lord! Let the song of the Lord be heard among all nations! For the song of the Lord is mighty. The Lord himself is your strength and song. And He is a singing God. In the midst of His church, Jesus sings aloud and all His sons are singing sons. The song of the Lord is a weapon mightier than sword or spear. When the Israelites began to sing and praise the Lord, He sent an ambush against their foes and gave His people the victory. Learn how to sing in the storms as well as in the sunlight. To Thee, O Lord, we give thanks. Though our mouths were full of song as the sea, and our tongues of exultation as the multitude of its waves, and our lips of praise as the wide-extended firmament; though our eyes shone with light like the sun and the moon, and our hands were spread forth like the eagles of heaven, and our feet were swift as deer, we should still be unable to thank Thee and to bless Thy name, O Lord our God and God of our fathers, for one-thousandth or one ten-thousandth part of the bounties which Thou hast bestowed upon our fathers and upon us. Therefore the limbs which Thou hast given us and the spirit and breath which Thou has breathed into our nostrils, and the tongue which Thou hast set in our mouths, lo, they shall thank, bless, praise, glorify, extol, reverence, hallow, and assign kingship to Thy name, O our King! For every mouth shall give thanks unto Thee, and every tongue shall magnify Thee: every knee shall bow to Thee and whatsoever is lofty shall prostrate itself before Thee; all hearts shall fear Thee, and all the inward parts and reins shall sing unto Thy name, according to the Word that is written, All my bones shall say, Lord, who is like unto Thee? Who can be compared with Thee, O God, great, mighty and awful, most High God, possessor of heaven and earth? We will praise, laud and glorify Thee, and we will bless Thy holy name. 34 Thou art God in Thy power and might, great in Thy glorious name, mighty forever and awesome by Thy awesome acts, the King who sitteth upon a high and lofty throne. In the assemblies also of the tens of thousands of Thy people, the house of Israel, Thy name, O our King, shall be glorified with joyous cries in every generation; for such is the duty of all creatures in Thy presence, O Lord our God, to thank, praise, laud, glorify, extol, honor, bless, exalt and adore Thee, even beyond all the words of song and praise of David, the son of Jesse, Thy servant and anointed. —Hebrew Prayer Let all the house of David now rejoice, And sing unto the Lord; Let them begin with happy voice To magnify Him in accord. Let them bring forth the harp and the timbrels, Let them clash the highly sounding cymbals; Let the instruments now be attuned! Let all the house of David now rejoice, And sing unto the Lord; For it is time they made sweet melody And brought forth heavenly harmony For the pleasure of Zions great King! Let all the house of David now rejoice And sing, sing, sing!
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 23:50:30 +0000

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