Francis Ventian 1 hr I am really curious what Brian Webster’s - TopicsExpress


Francis Ventian 1 hr I am really curious what Brian Webster’s definition of a “internet stalker” is. Is a “internet stalker” a guy who goes out of his way to find out all the personal information about a person that he despises and then posts this information on a hate page? Does an “internet stalker” then encourage all the members of this page to take this personal information and harass the person he dislikes at home and at work? Does an “internet stalker” then repeatedly post the name of this persons child on this hate page hoping it will intimidate and humiliate his victim? Does Brian Webster not realize that every time he looks into the mirror, that a classic “internet stalker” is looking back at him ?Charles Devin S Brian Webster has no respect. Hes nothing but an internet troll 1 hr · Like · 5 Ulla Grant Really??? Bring up someones minor child? How low can you go? Must make him feel very big. Where was this posted and when? 57 mins · Edited · Like Lori Parks He serves as an excellent indicator of character. Take a look at who supports him and youll find the dregs of Thunder Bay society. 56 mins · Like · 3 Brendan Carlin There was absolutely no reason to put the kids name in there. Completely gratuitous, completely creepy. 56 mins · Like · 4 Bill Ferguson Worse than a troll at this point. People are concerned and vocal about the social & political views of a candidate for office. This guys stalking and cyber bullying a private citizen AND HIS FAMILY over the person being vocal about said political and social views. Cyber Bullying and stalking are crimes under the recent Cyber Bullying legislation. Call the cops John, pretty sure theres a Mandatory Minimum Sentence for this. 55 mins · Like · 5 Amanda Mish Mash And look at all the names in that feed.... kind of gives me the creeps. Michele tittler? Really. 49 mins · Like · 3 Deborah Summers share this on CC!! 48 mins · Like Bill Ferguson Someone should ask Ms. Johnson, since she still hasnt corrected Mr. Websters behaviour, does that mean itd be fair game to name her child, where he goes to school, her address and the phone number of her employer, and recommend to others they harass her son, her employer, and herself? Or would she bemoan the attack on her person? ..... or use it for yet another poor me pitty party? Seriously, call the cops John. 43 mins · Like · 1 Sandra Ennis Nunn Is this a screenshot of a current thread or an old one Francis? 41 mins · Like Ulla Grant Mr Webster blocked me....seems he blocks a lot of women...especially strong vocal women. But I wondered when this is from and where? 41 mins · Like · 2 Francis Ventian It was posted on Tamara Johnsons page Ulla Grant. If you are not one of her second tier friends you will not be able to see it because of the filters she has on. 40 mins · Like · 1 Sandra Ennis Nunn When was it posted? 38 mins · Like Francis Ventian Brian posted this comment 4 hours ago sandra 36 mins · Like · 1 Deborah Summers Yes Ulla, he is a misogynist..I knew him personally many years ago but he blocked me too after I began to see his true self. I also uncovered one of his alter egos on FB,which showed that he belonged to a couple of Mens Rights pages. Funny how he seems to call people out for what he himself is actually doing, such as having fake FB names. On the page with his real name, he regularly posted pics of women meant to shame them and also called out women who wore makeup..which was funny considering most of the women he dated wore tons of it. He is a single middle aged male, no kids, who has never been able to form a meaningful relationship with a woman for any length of time. So add that to his list of charming personality traits! I have seen a few women fall for his bullshit and fawn over him but that is either because they dont know him or they think like he does. Disgusting that he mentioned this girls name!! 34 mins · Like Kim Boyechko Oh my gosh i cant even speak this has got to stop he has crossed the line children are off the table in this we have to do something what is wrong with him ? Im blocked as well he is finding out info about people he should not have privy too to use when it comes to children 34 mins · Like · 2 Ulla Grant Posted when? Im not her friend on any level. I dont even look at her page....dont care and when a person allows a minor child to be named, it reduces my respect for them. 33 mins · Like Lori Parks So Brian names a child in his post, when hes trying to refute the claim that he names children. Is this the twilight zone or what? 28 mins · Like · 1 Deborah Summers TWJ is now crying on her page about the fact that the police asked her to come to the station and discuss the letter that was dropped off at the library because apparently it contains her name. She refused to go and has now written a huge rant. She stated that she is an innocent and if she went they could have started a file on her..well , maybe I am wrong, but I am pretty sure they have probably got one on her already....she is always the victim, while people like Michelle Tittler say things like FN people are always crying victim..see how they twist their perceptions of the world? Just unbelievable!! 24 mins · Like · 3 Ulla Grant Lol....I got blocked (I assume) for trying to explain the offensive nature of blackened face (black face) to Ms Coreau. Yes...that was me who got into it with her on her page and had her buddies jump on me for it. I didnt back down and BW blocked me for it. Guess he cant handle a strong Alpha female. I respect everyones opinion whether I agree with it or not...too bad he doesnt show the same respect. And such a shame that BW doesnt realize that strong women are so stimulating for the mind, body and soul....but for a weak man, we can be frightening. Lol...oops my bad. 22 mins · Like · 4 Deborah Summers Funny, I somehow had a feeling that TWJ would be linked to this letter.. 20 mins · Like Joshua Dowbak ^wow 20 mins · Like · 1 Joshua Dowbak Im not surprised but it really does bring to a public light that her speech is inciting hate. 19 mins · Like · 1 Deborah Summers She stated that going to the station was like going into the Lions Den , lol, so I guess there is more victim rhetoric. But of course, she wants more police on the beat!! She is just a ball of confusing contradictions! 18 mins · Like · 1 Amanda Mish Mash ive been blocked by both bw and twj for not agreeing. haha 18 mins · Like · 1 Amanda Mish Mash wow, is right, 17 mins · Like Joshua Dowbak Wow Ive never been this excited slash nervous for a municipal election. I hope our city is smarter than her. 16 mins · Like · 1 Amanda Mish Mash same, based on the people on fb and in certain groups its pretty clear she and her followers are just a few. i doubt she gets in and judging by this new info about the letter who knows if she even makes it till the end of the election... seems she is on the track to a big train wreck 12 mins · Like · 1 Deborah Summers I think we are going to be ok, a lot of people have no clue who she or Kim Coreau or Andy Wolff is, regardless of all the internet stuff 12 mins · Like Deborah Summers She has invited the Constable who called her to meet her at the Tim Hortons by Montanas on Tuesday night at 8, and anyone else who wants to show up..she called John Hannam Mayor Hobbs suckhole sidekick..oh and she said she is never going to go away or shut up until the voters tell her too , then she promised to go away forever if they do..that would be great Tammyjo!! 8 mins · Like Amanda Mish Mash isnt tuesday night the debate? 7 mins · Like Bill Ferguson Wait a second ....... that one bit of hate mail dropped off the library mentioned Johnson? So, of all the hate mail floating around on a daily basis, that one that got the attention of the police for some reason, Ms. Johnson is featured in, so most likely, the person is connected to her in some way ...... if that person acts on whatever threats they made, thats blood on her hate inciting hands. 6 mins · Like Joshua Dowbak How convenient 6 mins · Like · 2 Deborah Summers Would that be the 30th? Then yes, hahahahaha 6 mins · Like · 1 Joshua Dowbak Not your comment bill I meant the debate 5 mins · Like Ulla Grant With so many running, name recognition will work for the benefit of he incumbents....may not be ideal but the alternatives are ????? I think the returns for this election will be the most interesting in years! 5 mins · Like · 1 Bill Ferguson So, shes skipping the forum as an excuse on top of that? 2 mins · Like · 1 Amanda Mish Mash yes tuesday is the 30th.... hmmmm pretty smooth move twj 2 mins · Like Lori Parks Ill be glad when the election is over and she crawls back into the hole she came out of. Her friends will fade away as there will be no second-hand limelight for them to stand in. 1 min · Edited · Like Joshua Dowbak Im feeling better about her odds of not getting in.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 02:33:24 +0000

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