Frank awoke from his dream; the details were so clear, with the - TopicsExpress


Frank awoke from his dream; the details were so clear, with the song playing over in his head. The song was very familiar, almost as if it were one of his favorite songs of all time. Just one line kept playing over and over in his head, the line that played as he kissed her on the dance floor. Maybe millions of people go by, but they all disappear from view… He could still smell her on his skin, and taste her on his lips. He shook his head to clear it. This is very freaky, Frank thought to himself. I don’t understand why I keep having this dream. I think I’m cracking up. He had started recently wishing for a nightmare just to break the cycle that his current dream seemed to keep him in. As if to remind him, another line from the song popped into his head. My love must be a kind of blind love…I can’t see anyone but you… He knew that song! Maybe he would ask someone at work in the morning. Hell, morning was already here. The clock on his nightstand read a glaring 5:45 AM. He cursed under his breath. Another side affect of this dream was its affect on his waking hours. He found it difficult to concentrate on little else. It had gotten so bad that he would forget what he was saying in mid sentence. For anyone other than a teacher that would not be a big deal, he thought. His business was talking and business was getting very bad. Frank made it to his bathroom. He flicked up the light switch and with a very loud sizzle the florescent bulb gave its last breath. “Jesus, cut me some slack this morning, please.” As he turned toward the bathroom closet where he kept the spare tubes, the lights flashed again. He almost jumped out of his skin as the image of her appeared in the mirror. Frank closed his eyes tight hoping that the flash had caused an illusion. He cautiously opened one eye. It was an image he had become very familiar with, and one that chilled him to the bone just the same. She was about 17 or 18 years old, about 5’7”, with long semi curly dark brown hair. Its style was what you’d see in all the old movies from the late 50’s early 60’s. Her powder blue dress confirmed the time period. She wore a locket around her neck, the kind that would hold pictures. She was an extraordinarily beautiful young woman. Normally her smile would make his heart skip a beat. She was not smiling now. She was reaching out to Frank and mouthing silent words. Frank was no lip reader but being a teacher, he was a good reader of body language. She was trying desperately to tell him something she considered very important. He could almost make out the tears running down her face. The lights flashed again as her hand went to touch the locket. Frank blinked and when he looked at the mirror again her apparition was gone. Frank had an empty sad feeling. The best way to describe the feeling would be to say that it was like never getting to say I love you to someone who meant more to you than anything in the world. Which was silly, Frank thought to himself. She’s not even freaking real! But even as he thought that for the millionth time, it got harder to believe with each passing day. He knew without any rational reason that he was in love with her. “I am cracking up,” he said. He reached into the closet and grabbed the spare tube. He walked into the kitchen for a chair so he could change the bulb. He was amazed that he had not stubbed any of his toes yet. “One of the benefits of getting the shit scared out of you first thing in the morning,” he muttered. He purposely avoided looking into his bathroom mirror. It was dark but he could see well enough to change the florescent tube. He climbed onto the chair and began to unlatch the light cover. Frank grabbed the old burnt out tube and twisted. With a loud snap-pop the bulb shattered. The last thing he remembered was the sensation of falling. Bad News “Principle Rooney,” spoke Jon Rooney’s intercom. His secretary, Betty, a wonderful older woman on the plump side, sounded very grave. “Could you see Officer Tate, please. It is urgent.” Jon was instantly up from behind his desk and proceeded to the door. He had a terrible feeling. He opened the door to his office where one of his former students stood, now in full manhood, wearing a Mart Police Sergeants uniform. Nathan Tate had graduated about 4 years before and had been an officer in Mart for almost 2 years. He was a sharp young man and would easily make sheriff within a few years. If he stayed in this one traffic light town long enough that is, Jon thought to himself. Nathan had too much potential to use this small town as just a stepping-stone to greater things. “Mr. Rooney,” Tate said, sticking his hand out to Jon. Jon noticed that the easy smile was not present on Tate’s handsome face. This must be very bad news. Jon started to wonder if one of his students was in deep trouble or worse. Jon shook Tate’s hand, and steeled himself. “Come on Nathan, don’t leave me in suspense. What is going on?” “Its Frank Lane, Mr. Rooney. He was found dead this morning by EMT’s responding to a 911 call.” Jon felt like someone just kicked him. Frank Lane? Jon just saw him last night, barely 7 hours ago. It was then that Jon finally noticed the muffled sobs of Betty. Jon could not believe his ears. As if Nathan was reading his mind he said, “Believe it. I just left the morgue. I made the ID myself. Frank is my cousin and all his family…” “Yes, I remember,” Jon, said. Frank Lane’s parents were killed in a car accident last year, and about 6 months ago his only sibling, a younger sister, died of breast cancer. She was only 22. How can so much bad shit happen to one guy in so little time? If Frank had been a total asshole then no one would care. But Frank Lane was one of the most active individuals in the community that Jon had ever known. At 26, Frank was already a pillar of Mart. He was also one of the most sought after bachelors of the small town. At least until about 2 months ago, when Frank had first started to tell Jon about this crazy dream he had been having. Jon was about to thank Nathan for coming to tell him personally, when a funny thought struck him. Again Nathan was reading his former Principles mind. “I came to tell you in person and to ask you to come to the station with me to answer a few questions,” Nathan said without emotion. “What’s going on Nathan?” “Mr. Rooney, please come with me, sir.” What the hell was going on? Jon felt like yelling at this young man that he was just informed of the death of a good friend, and Nathan was looking at him like a damned suspect! Jon laughed nervously. Not a bright move, because Nathan’s eyes narrowed slightly as he took another step closer to Jon. “Now I don’t know what this is about, but I hope you don’t think I had anything to do with Frank’s death.” “Mr. Rooney,” Nathan said with an even voice. “I just need to ask you a few routine questions, because I have reason to believe that you may know who is responsible for calling 911 this morning.” Now Jon was utterly confused. How the hell should he know who called 911 this morning. Something was not right here. What did it matter that they knew who called 911? “Okay, lets go Nathan. The sooner we get this out of the way, the sooner I can start grieving a friend,” Jon turned to his Secretary. “Betty, not a word of this goes out. Call Mrs. Cassidy and have her sub for Frank’s classes.” Jon grabbed his suit jacket from the coat rack and gestured for Officer Tate to lead the way. The Call A shudder went through Jon. The kind of feeling you get when you think there is something under your bed reaching out to grab you before you hop into it. “Mr. Rooney,” asked Nathan. Jon did not know what to say. He knew one thing though; the voice on the 911 recording was one he did not recognize. “The thing that gets me is why on earth did she say that?” “Which part,” asked Nathan. “Pretty much the whole recording”, replied Jon. “I mean its just plain spooky. You said the call was made from Franks house at 5:47 this morning, and when the EMT’s arrived the front door was wide open. However, the only one there was Frank. So who made the call?” “I was hoping you could tell me, Mr. Rooney,” Nathan replied flatly. Now Jon was really worried. “Now damn it, Nathan, youre not telling me something! What else is there? Is this a murder investigation or what?” “There is no indication of foul play. There are just a few things that can’t be explained.” Nathan paused. He looked as if he was reluctant to continue, but he went on. “I want you to listen to the recording again. Closely.” Nathan moved the mouse pointer to the file play button on the computer screen, with one click the file began to play. Nathan turned the volume of the speakers to full. “911, how may I help you?” said the dispatcher. Jon listened intently. Was he hearing what he thought he was? He could swear there was music in the background. Then the voice that freaked Jon out spoke her first words. “Hurry,” the voice whispered, but the strange thing was the voice was not in a whisper, but in a normal spoken voice that was far away from the phone speaker. “He’ll be with me soon if you do not come,” the voice said. “Ma’am, please tell me the nature of your problem,” the dispatcher insisted. “I want him to come to me, but not this way, its not his time,” the voice said. “Ma’am, you have to speak up,” pleaded the dispatcher, “Please repeat your last statement.” Jon had to hand it to the dispatcher…she was concerned but was staying cool. Now Jon leaned toward the speaker. You are here and so am I… It was music! Just as Jon was about to place the song, the soft voice said as if on cue with the words he just heard. “He is here with me now, but this is not the way, its not his time,” the voice said, “Jon must take the time, or we may never have the chance. Please, Jon, take the time.” The line went dead. That same shutter went through Jon again. He was grasping at something familiar when Nathan put a hand on his shoulder. Jon did not mean to, but he flinched and felt his heart skip a few beats. “Jesus, Nathan,” he exclaimed. Nathan was looking at him as if waiting for Jon to come to some sort of realization. Jon was sure something was eating at him about the recording. Something so familiar, yet he could not put his finger on it, “It has to be the song,” he said absently. “What are you talking about Mr. Rooney,” asked Nathan. “I don’t hear any music. Do you mean on the recording? Because if you do then you have better ears than me. I wanted you to listen to the voice. Don’t you recognize it?” “No, I don’t,” Jon, said flatly. Nathan had a disappointed look on his face. It was almost as if he was for sure Jon knew the voice on the recording. Again there was a tickle in the back of Jon’s mind. Jon shuttered again. “I don’t know how the person on that tape knows my name, Nathan; that I’m certain of. Frank would have told me he was dating someone, and you know our town; he would have never been able to keep a relationship a secret. I swear I hear music on that tape, but I’m telling you I don’t know how the person on that tape knows me. Maybe…” “I know how she knows you, Mr. Rooney,” Nathan cut in. “What are you talking about Nathan? I’m telling you I don’t know who that person is.” “You do,” Nathan shifted his weight, the way someone would do if they were trying to say something they really did not want to say. “On a hunch, I ran the prints I lifted from the phone. I would not have even looked for prints in the first place had the caller identified herself. I just wanted to see if I could track down the Good Samaritan. When I ran the prints and verified them, that’s when I came to your office to tell you personally.” “Nathan,” sighed Jon, “If you keep leaving me in suspense every time we talk I’m going to start wondering what youre hiding.” “Maybe you should sit down.” “Damn it, Nathan, just tell me!” “Catherine Rooney,” Nathan said with resignation. “The prints match those taken from her autopsy records. I double checked, and they match perfectly.” “Oh my God,” Jon said as he sank into the chair that was thankfully near. “Cat’s prints? Are you sure? I don’t understand; she died over 45 years ago. Nathan, please tell me how its possible that my baby sisters prints are on my dead friends phone.” The View By that afternoon, Jon’s world had turned almost completely upside down. He was sitting down to dinner with his wife when the phone rang. Jon thanked his lucky stars that he didn’t have any food in his mouth at the time, because he would have promptly chocked on it. “My God, Jonathan,” exclaimed Linda, Jon’s wife of 27 years. “Its like you’re waiting for a ghost to jump out and scare you.” If she only knew, thought Jon. He had made it through the entire day without telling a soul about what happened today. He was very grateful no one asked. The whole town would know by tomorrow. The local paper, The Mart Herald, had a story prepared already about the mysterious death of Frank Lane. Jon was willing to bet most of the town was already talking about it. “Hello,” Jon spoke into the phone. “Mr. Rooney, Nathan. I was wondering if you could come down to the coroners right away?” “Uh, sure,” said Jon absently. “Is it something I need to know quickly?” “Not really. Just need you to have a look at something.” “Can I finish supper first?” “Sure, just eat fast if you could Mr. Rooney.” “Okay, I’ll be there in 20 minutes.” Jon hung up the phone. Linda asked him what was going on. Jon told her nothing, and they ate in silence. Linda did not know Frank Lane was dead yet, but Jon was certain that while he was gone, she would call her circle of friends and get all the details she wanted. Jon could have walked to the morgue. Mart was pitifully small, and if you had to, you could walk its entire length in less than 45 minutes. Jon had told Linda, however, that he needed to run into town to pick something up for school the next morning. Thankfully she only gave him a quizzical look instead of the usual line of questions that should have followed the announcement of such a late trip into town. Jon guessed she was too eager to burn up the phone lines and catch the gossip that was swirling around town to delay his trip. It feels like I’m dreaming right now, thought Jon, as he pulled into the parking lot of the morgue. He could not shake the feeling he was having a nightmare, truth be told. He got out of his car and headed for the front door of the morgue. He walked in and was greeted by the sight of Nathan taking a drink from a small flask. “Mind passing that this way,” asked Jon. “I get the funny feeling youre going to need this more than me, Mr. Rooney,” replied Nathan as he handed over the flask. Jon did not care what was in the flask as long as it was strong. He was not disappointed. After taking a nice swig from the flask he handed it back to Nathan and asked, “Okay, what is it that I have to look at?” “Other than Frank, just a locket he’s wearing,” replied Nathan. Jon drew a deep breath. Last time he saw Frank Lane, he was alive and telling Jon about that damn dream again. “All right, hand me your flask again, and then lead the way, Nathan.” They walked down a short hallway, and then through what Jon guessed to be a receiving room. Jon took another drink from the flask. He was starting to fell sick. God, I hope I can keep supper down, he thought to himself, as Nathan opened a door marked “Prep Room.” The room was smaller that Jon would have thought. It was roughly the size of a large bedroom. Large enough for only one table and all the instruments and machines needed to prepare bodies for an eternal rest underground. Standing next to the table was a portly man, probably in his early sixties. Jon did not recognize the man as the man smiled and extended his hand. “Jacob Smith, County Coroner,” he said. “Jonathan Rooney,” replied Jon, as he shook his hand. Cold and clammy, what a freaking cliché, thought Jon. Jacob took a step back and without warning threw back the sheet covering Frank Lane. At first Jon did not want to look at all. Then his head lowered and for the first time all day he was not surprised. Frank looked like Frank. Jon had been to many funerals and had never once seen a body look the way it did in life. Apart from the blue tinge of Frank’s lips, it looked as though Frank would open his eyes at any moment and start talking. Frank still had a bit of color to him. “The body is in amazing shape considering he’s been dead for over 12 hours,” remarked Jacob. “He looks like he could get up at any moment,” said Jon. Jon glanced down around Frank’s neck. “So where is this locket you told me about,” he asked over his shoulder to Nathan. Nathan walked around the table where Frank lay, and retrieved a bag from one of the instrument tables used by Jacob. “Um, if you two don’t mind I’m starving,” said Jacob as he excused himself. Nathan opened the bag and dropped the necklace into his open hand. He breathed deeply and walked over to Jon. Jon was starting to put the sheet back over Franks face as Nathan walked over to stand next to him. As he drew the sheet over Frank’s mouth, Jon suddenly heard a whisper. He started and dropped the sheet. “What,” he asked of Nathan. “I didn’t say a word, Mr. Rooney,” he replied. “Are you hearing something I’m not again?” Jon shook his head and turned to Nathan and held out his hand to take the necklace. Nathan dropped the necklace into Jon’s hand. As the gold locket touched his palm, Jon’s world started to swim. He reached out for Nathan as the world went black… The Past “Jon! Would you please wake up,” called a distant voice. Jon groaned. “Nathan, give me a damn minute; I not a young man anymore,” he squeaked out. His voice sounded a little strained. Well when you faint and you’re my age, you’re bound to sound funny. Nathan was now shaking him. Nathan needed to cut his fingernails, because they were digging into Jon’s shoulder. “Jon, if I’m late for school again, its going to be your fault,” whined the voice attached to the hand that was shaking him. Jon opened his eyes and grabbed the hand shaking him, “I said give me a…” Jon stopped abruptly for two reasons. For one, the face he was now looking into was not Nathan Tate’s, and two, the hand he was holding was that of a beautiful teenage girl. Jon felt faint once again as recognition struck him. “Cat,” he exclaimed loudly, and pulled his little sister to him to embrace her in a hug. “Uh, Jon, what are you doing, silly,” asked Catherine Rooney. Jon was crying like a baby. “Did you have that dream again, Jon,” asked Cat. Jon could not stop sobbing. He clung to Catherine even tighter. “Uh, Jon I really do love you, silly,” Cat labored to say because Jon was hugging her too tightly to breathe. “But I will kill you if I’m late for school again.” Jon eased his embrace and grabbed Cat by the shoulders and held her at arms length. As he did, something fell from his hand. “I missed you so much, Cat,” he said with a funny voice. “Are you sick, Jon,” asked Cat. “Just last night you were telling Mom how it would be nice if I would die and leave you my room.” “Oh God, Cat I never…” Cat’s hand flew to cover her mouth as she drew in a shocked breath. “Jon! You took the lords name in vain! You are sick. I think I’ll have mom drive me to school. Youre not acting like yourself.” If she only knew, thought Jon. She looked beautiful. More beautiful than he remembered his sister looking. Of course, what brother looks at his sister when he’s 19 and thinks she’s beautiful? Cat got free of his grip and walked out of his room. His room. Just as he remembered; James Dean posters and all his football trophies and his very messy room that his mother constantly… Jon jumped out of bed and ran downstairs into the kitchen. That is when he started crying again. His mother, June Rooney, stood in front of the stove cooking as she did every morning for most of her life. Cat was standing next to her and said, “See, mom, look at his face. Not only is he crying, he looks crazy!” June Rooney turned as Jon closed the distance separating them. He wrapped his arms around his mother. “My goodness,” she exclaimed. “What did I do to deserve that this morning?” Jon sighed. He stepped back and took his mothers hand, “Mom, did you know that I always loved you, no matter what?” June Rooney looked at her son and cocked her head to one side and said, “Of course, dear.” She reached up and stroked some hair back from Jon’s forehead. “A mother always feels the love of her children,” she said as if that was an indisputable fact. Jon smiled and rubbed his eyes, and ran his hands over the top of his head. “Hair,” he yelled, as he ran to the bathroom. Once there he flicked on the light and stared at himself. “I’ll be God Damned!” “Jonathan,” retorted his mother from the kitchen. “Sorry,” he said sheepishly. I have hair again, and no wrinkles! “What is today,” he asked yelling from the bathroom. “It’s Friday Mr. Dirty Mouth,” shouted the reply from his alive little sister. Jon could not remember the last time he was insulted by his sister. He did not mind in the least. He asked tentatively, “Um, what year?” “See mom he’s cracking up,” he heard Cat say. “What year,” Jon repeated. “Well it will be next year by the time you get me to school.” “Just tell me.” Jon said. Damn, now even I sound crazy to myself, he thought. “If it will get you to hurry up and take me to school,” yelled Cat. “It will!” “1959.” Breakfast Jon felt light headed again. Come on old boy don’t lose it this time, stay with it, he thought to himself. How is this real? He took a drink of water. Yep, it was water, and it was wet, and he was drinking it. It even tasted just like he remembered. Horrible Waco Public water system water, the foulest water you could drink and it not kill you. Damn it was good! Jon smiled. A second chance, he thought. If I’m dreaming, I’m going to enjoy it. Enjoy it he did. At least the morning he enjoyed. He ate two helpings of eggs, bacon and toast. He listened to Cat prattle on about the Fall Formal dance and how she still did not have a date. It did not matter to her, she had said. She and her two best friends Beth and Mary were all going without dates. Being probably the three most beautiful girls in the entire school, Jon was not surprised; boys in this time are nowhere near as aggressive as they will be years from now. He listened as Cat continued to complain that he was taking too much time to eat. As he ate, Cat showed their mother the shoes she would wear with her skirt. She worried if their color would match. Jon knew she would go through 3 more colors before she settled on the blue ones. Jon also knew that she would change her hair a few times before she was happy. He drove his sister to Waco High School. Or rather the old Waco High School, which had be demolished in 1975. The school never looked better to Jon. Banners were everywhere proclaiming, ‘Fall Formal 1959’. Jon knew that he would be there to welcome the new class of seniors, as the senior class president of 1958. Jon also knew this would be the last night that he would see Cat alive. She slammed the car door shut without even a word of goodbye before the car had completely stopped. She ran to Beth and Mary, and together the trio walked into the school. Jon drove home, and as usual his mother was now cleaning. “Jon, honey,” she asked with a quizzical look on her face. “What, Mom?” “You not going to class this morning?” Oh shit. His classes at Baylor University; he could not remember what classes he took his freshman year. Didn’t matter, not today, but instead he said, “I forgot something in my room.” “Okay, dear,” she said as she continued to clean. Jon paused. Should he tell his mother that she should start taking better care of herself because in less than 15 years she would die from a burst blood vessel in her head? Jons head was swimming again. He shook it and headed up the stairs to his bedroom to think of the best way to keep his little sister from going to the Fall Formal tonight, or at least keep her inside the gym where the dance would be. Jon had to keep her from being killed by the car driven by a man in a great hurry. The man would not see Cat until she darted between the many-parked cars in front of the school gym. It should be easy, thought Jon. All I have to do is take the time to keep an eye on her. His head started swimming again. He reached his bedroom and sat on his bed. He heard a tiny thud of something falling to the carpet of his bedroom floor. He leaned over his bed to see what it was. Cat’s locket! He reached for it, and as his fingers touched the gold metal of the chain his world once again went black… The Present “Mr. Rooney,” said a strong voice. “Mr. Rooney,” it repeated and was accompanied by a firm shake. Jon opened his eyes and looked up at Nathan Tate. “Shit, I knew it was too good to be true.” “What,” Nathan asked. “I guess I was dreaming,” replied Jon. “Quick dream,” Nathan said. “You were out for just a minute or two.” “Huh?” “Yeah, probably closer to one minute than two,” said Nathan. “But I was there for at least 2 hours,” said Jon. “I even ate there; I don’t even feel hungry.” “Mr. Rooney,” Nathan looked worried, “I think you might have hit you head before I caught you.” “Why do you say that,” asked Jon. “I feel like I just ate a great meal.” “Uh, yeah you did,” said Nathan, looking at Jon like he was looking at an insane man. “Remember you ate before you left your house. You made me wait while you finished supper. Like I said, you may have hit your head; I don’t think so, but maybe.” Jon got to his feet. He was in the reception area; he had been on the couch. “Have that flask still, Nathan?” he asked. “Sure,” said Nathan as he handed the flask to Jon. Jon drank the remaining contents of the flask and promptly began to cough and sputter. “Easy Mr. Rooney,” said Nathan as he patted his former principal on the back. “I know this is tough on you, but you have to keep it together. Think you could look at the locket again?” Jon stepped back. He looked at Nathan and said, “Yes, let me take a look at the locket I buried with my baby sister.” Jon had expected to travel back in time again when he touched the locket. Hell he had hoped he would. No such luck, but upon opening the locket he nearly pissed his pants. As it was, all he could manage to say was, “Oh my God.” “I said the same thing, if it helps at all,” offered Nathan. Jons head was swimming again; everything had started to take on a surreal feel. Like you were dreaming but the colors and smells reminded you that it was not at all a dream. “When we buried Cat, it had to be closed casket. I was the last one she saw alive. I was the one that kept my parents from seeing her when they came to the morgue. Nathan she was so broken she, she, she…” Jon started to sob uncontrollably. Nathan took the locket from Jon and looked at the picture. There stood Catherine Rooney and Frank Lane posing for what appeared to be a prom photo. Nathan was not one to be scared easily. But this photo gave him the creeps like nothing ever had. He waited patiently for Jon to continue. “So I thought it would be a good idea if I bought a locket and put a picture of my Mother and Father in it,” Jon said. “I told my parents that way they could be with her always. So the next day I did. I got the locket and put a picture of my parents in it and went to the morgue and had the mortician put it on her. He did and I said goodbye to Cat as he closed and sealed the coffin. I stayed there until the funeral that evening.” “Are you sure this is the same locket, Mr. Rooney?” Jon took the locket from Nathan, opened it, and took out the picture. Behind the picture there was an inscription that read, “I can’t see anyone but you, Cat.” Jon dropped the necklace and swayed on his feet. Nathan quickly stepped forward to grab him. Was that music Jon heard? You are here and so am I… “Mr. Rooney,” Nathan said his voice laced with concern. “What is it?” “The inscription is wrong.” “Huh?” “The inscription I had put in the locket was ‘Forever with you our Daughter and Sister’” “I don’t understand.” Maybe millions of people go by, but they all disappear from view. And I only have eyes for you. That song! It was playing that night; it was the last song he heard the band play as he was told to hurry outside by Beth and Mary, and that something terrible had happened. “She was running after someone,” Jon said. “Beth told me that she had dreamed of him and that he was real. Oh my God, Nathan. It’s not possible.” “What are you talking about, Mr. Rooney,” asked Nathan. “I don’t know what you’re talking about; youre not making any sense.” “I know,” said Jon simply as he bent down to grab the locket. He knew what he had to do. For once in his life, he was absolutely certain that love could conquer all. His fingers again touched the gold locket, and his world went black once again. The Dance “Jon,” said a familiar voice. “Why are you sleeping, silly?” “Rough night, Cat,” Jon said as he opened his eyes and smiled at his baby sister. He was in the Gym, backstage sitting on a chair. The band was playing, and he could hear the low din of people talking. “Wow, how rough can it be to welcome the new senior class? Try not sleeping well for 2 months straight.” “I have a pretty good idea,” Jon said. “I have a friend who has not slept well for…” Jon just got a chill up his spine at that instant. The locket! Where was it? Back at home, beside the bed at home. He bolted out of the chair and grabbed Catherine. “Cat, promise me you wont leave the dance until I get back.” “What? Why? Youre acting crazy again like this morning, Jon.” He shook her a bit and said urgently, “Promise me!” “Okay silly, I promise,” she said. Jon let her go and ran out of the gym. “Where are you going,” Cat called after him. He had a hell of a time finding his car. He looked at his watch. 9:27 PM. The dance would end in 33 minutes. If he remembered right, ‘I Only Have Eyes For You’ was the last song. He had plenty of time. But he was not going to take any chances. He made it home in 8 minutes. He grabbed the necklace and started to run out of the door, when he nearly ran over his father. “Dad!” Jon threw his arms around his father. “Have you been drinking, son,” laughed Fred Rooney. “You have not hugged me like this since you were 10.” “Dad, I love you,” Jon said forcing himself to part from his father. “We will catch up when I get back,” he yelled over his shoulder on his way back to his car. “Uh, okay son,” called Fred Rooney with a strange look on his face. June Rooney took Fred by the arm. “He’s been acting a bit strange today,” said June Rooney with a smile on her face. “But I like it. I’ll take those hugs and words every day of the week, and twice on Sundays.” Jon was pulling onto the street of the high school. One more corner, and then he would be in front of the Gym. 10 minutes left. He prayed he was not too late. He rounded the last corner and accelerated. Ahead he saw a parking space right in front of the sidewalk leading to the gym. Good, he thought, he would park there and… Right in front of him darting out from between two parked cars was a girl. She was wearing a blue dress. What a strange thought to be having when you are about to accidentally hit someone. Brakes squealed then there was a loud thump as Jon ran over someone that used to be alive. Just then realization hit Jon. “Oh my God! NO! NO! NO!” He screamed as he got out of the car and ran to Cat who would not live for very long. Blood was everywhere and pooling incredibly fast around her limp body. He knelt beside her and cradled her head in his lap. Blood quickly soaked through his pants. “Cat, I am so sorry,” Jon sobbed. “I was going to get your locket and make everything right.” Cat looked up at Jon and said, “You took the time Jon, and you took the time to bring the locket back to me.” “But it was not supposed to be this way,” Jon stammered, “I was…” “Shhhh…Jon put the locket on me.” “But I don’t understand I…” “Please Jon, take the time to put it on me.” Jon slipped the locket around her neck. God there was so much blood. “Cat, hang on, oh God, please hang on.” “Jon, this was the way it had to be,” Cat said. Jon held her tightly as she breathed her last breath. There was a flash, and then his world went black… Dear Diary Lets see. I have not written in this thing in Lord knows how many years, but the events of the last couple of days have prompted me to start again. A good friend once asked me what true love was. My answer was simple really. I answered that true love was a love that knew no bounds. I’m but a simple man of 62 years; I had no idea that my answer was so right on. When does one become wise? I don’t know where I picked up that gem of wisdom, but I do know that it came from the heart. Love knows no bounds. What a simple statement. After my experience, I can tell you two things. First I believe in true love, and second, that when it comes to love, you don’t have to understand the how or the why, just understand that love IS. Why do people always assume that true love can only be found in their own hometown? Why do people settle for less than what they are truly searching for in another soul? Why do we always assume that our soul mate is always less than 10 miles from where you grew up? Is it possible to find that true love just 10 miles from you? Of course, anything is possible. Is it likely? I don’t think so. More often than not, those who find true love search everywhere in this world, and sometimes, it just does not happen. Does that mean that your soul mate is not out there somewhere? You know what I think? Love has no bounds. It’s a double-edge sword. It means something wonderful and something tragic at the same time. Love knows no bounds once you find it with someone…you can do anything… as long as you are together. The feeling that, no matter what, you always have that love that will last forever. The other edge of that sword is realizing love has no bounds. That includes distance and time. How do I know this? Easy. The body of Frank Lane disappeared a couple of nights ago right before my eyes, and the eyes of Nathan Tate. Who, by the way, claimed on his report that the body was cremated. I’m going along with that because no one would believe what else we saw. The next day I signed the paperwork to have Cats body exhumed. Nathan and I were not surprised to find that the coffin was empty. Why? The strangest thing happened this evening after dinner. Nathan called me to tell me to expect a phone call and then promptly hung up before I could ask who would call. Linda just happened to be at a friend’s house when I received the call. On the other end was Frank Lane. He said simply, “Thank you, Jon, for taking the time. Cat wants to say something too.” There was a brief silence then words that I’ll remember always, “Love always finds a way.” Then the line went dead. I did not get the chills; I did not the creeps; all I got was a smile plastered to my face and an easing of my soul. Now I have another bit of wisdom that I can pass on to all who know me. What is that pearl of wisdom? Easy. Never settle, and you will find true love. Cat knew this, and I’m sure Frank knew it too. And so, in the words of my baby sister: love, true love, always finds a way. I love you Cat. End
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 13:40:27 +0000

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