Frankenstein - akashicreading Plenty of people have confronted - TopicsExpress


Frankenstein - akashicreading Plenty of people have confronted Frankensteins Monster in their lives. Anyone that has taken that pause and thought How did that happen? or How did I end up here like this? has stood in those shoes. Many of us think, like Dr. Frankenstein, that building a new life from the remnants of an old life or from the cast off parts of others lives or from the expectations of others will work great. We work hard, get excited, pull the lever and either its a dud or, even worse, its a success. Then we have to cope with the life that weve built and it rarely works out the way we thought it would. Its not wrong to follow traditions, to go into the family business, to want what others want for us as long as that is authentically what we want to do and its good, nurturing and healthy for us to do so. How do you know? Well, remove all the external influences, the people who want that life for you, the pressure from peers and colleagues, the tendency to do it because Its what Im good at or Its the only way to get the money I need right now and if, after removing all that, its what you want to be doing and youre doing it the way you want, then youre golden. If you remove those and what you find is youre left with something you dont like and that isnt nurturing for you, then stop putting the monster together and walk away from the table. People sometimes excuse or rationalize the life theyve cobbled together because its what had to happen and everything happens for a reason. Personally, I like Mel Brooks answer to this. Dont live a haunted life like Dr. Frankenstein was made to in Mary Shelleys novel. Back away from the table and start building a wholesome life. Or at least send Igor out for something other than body parts. The poor guy needs a break. :)
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 21:37:58 +0000

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