Franklin Perez, 2014 Libertarian Candidate for the Florida State - TopicsExpress


Franklin Perez, 2014 Libertarian Candidate for the Florida State House of Representatives (District 28), recommends that everyone view the following video by Stefan Molyneux. It is very insightful... The Truth About Israel and Palestine Published on Jul 31, 2014 The Israel-Palestine conflict has been raging on for decades and there seems to be no end in sight. On July 8, 2014, Israel launched operation Protective Edge, carrying out airstrikes on 50 cities in the Palestinian Gaza Strip. The Israeli government claimed this was retaliation against rockets fired from Palestinian territories controlled by the Islamic political movement Hamas. The July events are the latest of a series of bloody attacks between Israel and Palestine. What is the cause of all this violence and why are both sides so committed to it? Some excerpts from the https://youtube/watch?v=iKzlh9kN4HI video.... A booklet published by the Central Region Command of the Israeli Army stated: When our forces come across civilians during a war or in hot pursuit or in a raid, so long as their is no certainty that those civilians are incapable of harming our forces, then according to the Halakhah, they may and even should be killed... Under no circumstances should an Arab be trusted, even if he makes an impression of being civilized... In war, when our forces storm the enemy, they are allowed and even enjoined in the Halakhah to kill even good civilians, that is, civilians who are ostensibly good. Psychologist and Judaic scholar Baylis Thomas wrote: The political Zionists made three assumptions: (1) that the assimilation of Jews was an illusion because anti-Semitism was eternal and universal - the solution being sanctuary in a sovereign state for Jews, (2) that Disapora Jewry would see themselves as objects of pity and welcome the Zionist cure, and (3) that the use of force to dispossess the indigenous Arab population in Palestine was acceptable. President Woodrow Wilsons King-Crane Commission stated in 1919 that the Zionists looked forward to a practically complete dispossession of the present non-Jewish inhabitants of Palestine. Palestinian Arabs at the time comprised about 90% of the population in Palestine. With the help of the British, the Jewish population in Palestine had increased from about 8% in 1917 to about 30% in 1947. However, despite their efforts to buy up land, Jews owned less than 6% of Palestines territory. In September 1947, the British government announced that its mandate would end in May 15, 1948, and so the United Nations (UN) was entrusted with settling the territorial dispute between Jews and Arabs. In November 1947, the UN adopted a resolution that intended to partition Palestine into an Arab state and a Jewish state with a significant Arab population; Jerusalem was to become an international state. Despite being the minority (at 30% of the population), Jews were to be given 56% of the territory. Unsurprisingly, both sides refused to accept the UN resolution. Jews wanted more of the land, while Arabs were refusing to let them get more than what Jewish settlers already owned legally. David Ben-Gurion, the first Prime Minister of Israel, expressed his disappointment with the UN partition plan: There are 40% non-Jews in the areas allocated to the Jewish state. This composition is not a solid basis for a Jewish state. And we have to face this new reality with all its severity and distinctness. Such a demographic balance questions our ability to maintain Jewish sovereignty... Only a state with at least 80% Jews is a viable and stable state. As the end of the Mandate approached, the British army started withdrawing from Palestine, allowing the Jews to execute Plan Dalet, which you may read about in the hyperlink - the culmination of a carefully designed purge of Arabs that had been in development for decades. Beginning in December 1947, several days after the UN resolution was adopted, the Jewish army started to attack Arab settlements, surrounding them on three flanks and leaving the fourth open for evacuation; massacres ensued whenever this tactic didnt work, and evidence suggests that some of the slaughters were intentional. Israel concealed these crimes for decades, but evidence slowly started leaking out of the state archives, fleshing out the testimonials of countless Palestinians. However, Israeli scholars who exposed the truth about ethnic cleansing were largely ignored by Western media. What is often described as a civil war between Jews and Arabs in Mandatory Palestine was, in fact, little more than an ethnic cleansing campaign carried out by Zionists. Jewish soldiers would sometimes fight small militias who were trying to defend their homes, not a bloodthirsty Arab army. The results of the campaign were devasting for the Palestinians: 500 villages and 11 urban neighborhoods were burned to the ground; thousands of Arabs were massacred and 700,000 expelled from their homeland - the equivalent of 200 million Americans. Since 1946, Palestine has lost 75% of its original territory. For comparison, this would be the equivalent to 136 million Muslims immigrating to the United States, establishing an Arab country on its territory and leaving Alaska and Texas to Americans. Israel declared independence on May 14, 1948. For the Palestinians, May 15 - the day after - became Nakba Day or Day of the Catastrophe. While Israeli Jews annually celebrate their Independence Day, Palestinians commemorate the tragic events that took place during the brutal ethnic cleansing. In their book Gaza in Crisis, Noam Chomsky and Ilan Pappe provide insight into the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: 1) The ideology that produced the 1948 ethnic cleansing is the one that keeps refugees in their camps today, discriminates against Palestinians inside Israel, and oppresses those under occupation in the West Bank and imprisonment in the Gaza Strip. 2) Seen from that perspective, a two-state solution is a small lid trying to cover a huge boiling pot and whenever it is put on, it drowns. The resolution of a conflict can only occur when such a lid can be put firmly on the past and bring its horrors and evils to a close. However, if the horrors committed by the Nazis continue to live on in the minds of Jews, how can we expect Palestinians to forget what was done to them? Adjusted for inflation, the United States has provided Israel with $233.7 billion since the country was founded in 1948, making it the largest recipient of U.S. economic and military assistance since World War II. On average, Israel annually receives more than $4.3 billion in foreign assistance from the U.S. - about 2% of Israels GDP. In recent years, military aid accounts for 75% of taxpayer money sent to Israel.U.S. support for Israel has been one of the main drives behind Muslim hostility towards Americans. In his Letter to America, Osama bin Laden claimed this was one of the main reasons behind the 9/11/2001 attack. https://youtube/watch?v=iKzlh9kN4HI
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 13:20:35 +0000

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