Frankly, I am more than a bit annoyed at the plagiarism lite that - TopicsExpress


Frankly, I am more than a bit annoyed at the plagiarism lite that passes as real journalism these days with all this trolling the internet, swiping other peoples work, and regurgitating it by rejigging a few words, and then slipping in a link to the stolen ideas. Then I get really, really annoyed when these major media outfits dont even bother to include a citation, any attribution, or even a link. Here is a message I just sent to Brent Bambury of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation: Dear Brent: Your article on the KKK was a case study in plagiarism and I respectfully request that you make the immediate changes to correct this egregious violation of basic journalism ethics immediately. It is beyond debate that you lifted, without citation or attribution, words and ideas directly from my article and presented them as your own work. Please see (quite obviously not for the first time): nate-thayer/huffington-post-partners-with-montana-crackpot-to-create-jew-black-friendly-ku-klux-klan-in-mutual-bid-for-webpage-traffic/ Plagiarism is defined as the practice of taking someone elses work or ideas and passing them off as ones own; an act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of another author without authorization and the representation of that authors work as ones own, as by not crediting the original author; a piece of writing or other work reflecting such unauthorized use or imitation; the act of taking the writings of another person and passing them off as ones own.; to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as ones own : use (anothers production) without crediting the source; : to commit literary theft : present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source This fraudulence is not only a cardinal violation of journalistic ethics, but against both Canadian and U.S. law, in direct violation of copyright laws. I am a journalist. That is how I make my living. To have a prestigious major media organization steal another journalists words and ideas and take credit for them as their own is not acceptable. Not to mention not compensating that journalist for their work while being paid by the CBC for that other persons work. Please contact me immediately at 443 205 9162. And please make the immediate proper corrections and include a specific apology citing the correct sources for your published work. If I do not hear back from you and the ethical and legal transgressions are not only corrected but specifically acknowledged accompanied by an apology, I will promptly bring the facts to the attention of CBC management. You bet I remain most sincerely, Nate Thayer 443 205 9162 thayernate0007@gmail nate-thayer Below link is to my original article from early this week. Here is an excerpt from the CBC Day 6 program from today. You decide...... ......Headlines from around the world announced what looked like a surprising development. Ku Klux Klan now accepting black people, Jews and gays, wrote a Fox News affiliate in Texas, while The Christian Science Monitor wondered if the new face of the KKK is Black, Jewish and gay. There were many similar stories - all based on one article in a small local paper, the Great Falls Tribune of Montana. It was picked up by a British tabloid, and repeated by news outlets around the world. But the original story had a much more cautious headline: Many suspicious of more inclusive Montana KKK chapter. What many headlines failed to mention was that this is not a story about the entire Ku Klux Klan, its about one splinter group: the Rocky Mountain Knights of the KKK. The self-proclaimed grand goblin of the group is a man named John Abarr, who spoke to Day 6 this week. He declined to be interviewed on air....
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 19:38:06 +0000

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