Frankly getting tired and annoyed by all the whiners comparing the - TopicsExpress


Frankly getting tired and annoyed by all the whiners comparing the latest Boko Haram massacre to the Parisian killings, and all the petulant complaining about why they are not receiving as much attention. Firstly, as someone pointed out, the Nigerians are at as much liberty to organise their own public demonstrations as the French. So people should stop inquiring through bad memes why no marches are being held for the Nigerian victims because the answer is plain to see: their compatriots are not bothering, or at least not on the same scale. What are these people suggesting, Western Interventionism to help organise a public demonstration? Secondly, the saddest and most embarrassing truth, another reason why this horrific incident was not as widely publicised and commented on as the Parisian killings is that these kinds of attacks happen regularly all the time in Nigeria. Though this is something nobody can exactly feel proud of, one cannot quite accuse news outlets of being discriminatory in their reportage or even go as far as to imply there is hidden racism involved. Editorial selectivity is a must unless you want to publish a weeky encyclopaedia. Thirdly, and most importantly for me, the victims of Nigeria were simply trying to live their lives. This is miles away from having a handful of individuals who were going the extra mile and championing, through obstinately practising, what is perhaps the most important value we have in modern society. No matter how much the country where you live sucks, though you definitely deserve empathy, simply trying to live your life does not win you many brownie points in heroism. If you want the world to react to your death the same way it did to the Hebdo massacre, then try reforming your society (in a public manner) first instead of just simply surviving. Yes, even publishing an irreverent comic helps.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 07:48:31 +0000

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