“Frankly, while one can understand the hype of Malacañang and - TopicsExpress


“Frankly, while one can understand the hype of Malacañang and Noynoy over the signing of the Bangsamoro “peace pact,” since Noynoy and the Palace people are trying hard to portray a false image of peace in Mindanao as their achievement and that war will all be over while peace reigns, what is difficult to understand is why the media are buying the Palace hype, considering the fact that not only will there be no peace in Mindanao, but also that Noynoy has deliberately carved out of the Republic territory, Mindanao. One can understand the Western World—especially the US, UK and Spain, along with the Muslim world, all hailing the so-callled historic peace pact, since all these countries — especially the US, have been ready a long time ago, to swallow up Mindanano for their own interests even to the detriment of Filipino interests. For one, the US wants to have permanent basing agreement, not with the Philippine government, but with this new entity called the Bangsamoro government, that will provide the US what it wants. Why do you think the US built some years back, the modern runway in General Santos, if not with an eye of using that for its troops’ purposes? As for the other foreign countries in the western world, dealing with the Muslim government will be much easier, for their intentions and purposes, especially when it comes down to exploiting the now Bangsamoro’s natural resources. And boy, can they really exploit these — as has been proved in our colonial past. In that annex on wealth sharing, it is fact that Noynoy, on his own, has given away 75 percent of our patrimony located in Mindanao, the Filipino nation’s natural resources, including the seas, land and air space — and all for what? Peace in Mindanao that will not come about? And despite the Palace and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front’s (MILF) hype of the end of war in Mindanao, the fact remains that peace won’t come about since the Muslim armed groups are divided and truth to tell, the Christians in Mindanao aren’t going to just peacefully give in to Muslim rule and Islamic laws. It will be foreign troops again killing Filipinos. This no peace scenario was already evident when, after the Memorandum of Ancestral Domain (MoA-Ad) was junked by the high court for being unconstitutional, the same MILF armed group went on a rampage while the Christian settlers were also armed and ready to defend their territory. There is more than a big chance that the Supreme Court will junk this Bangsamoro Framework and and Law, once the puppet House of Representatives and Senate of Noynoy come up with the so-called Bangsamoro fundamental law, which serves as the Bangsamoro constitution that will establish the Islamic government and nation, with all its Noynoy-granted territories, all of which makes it a substate in word and deed. There are many constitutional questions that will be challenged before the high court, mainly because the Bangsamoro pact and later, the law that will be crafted by a majority of Muslims, and then sent to Congress, is no different from the MoA-Ad and is in fact even worse and highly infirm constitutionally. Still, if Noynoy has already succeeded in conscripting the Supreme Court justices, then that Bangsamoro entity, with its all-encompassing powers and wealth will become a reality, but there is the other reality: If the high court does declare the Framework and the Bangsamoro Law constitutional, then all respect for it will die, as the high court did during the Marcos Martial Law years, when the then Justices of the high court had no balls to declare Martial law unconstitutional, considering the fact that Marcos padlocked Congress and abolished it, which went against the then Constitution. Few will believe that the high court is independent if it does rule in favor of the Bangsamoro law, given the fact that it then stated that creating a substate, among others, is not constitutional and even described what a substate consists of, such as this being a nation, with its territory and its own armed force, which is exactly what Noynoy had given the MILF. The irony of it all is that there won’t be peace in Mindanao — not now and not in the near future, and all because Noynoy, as commander in chief, had no balls to fight the then enemy, the 12 thousand strong MILF, when he has a 120 thousand military force to bring the rebels to heel.”
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 13:22:45 +0000

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