Fred Alabi posted in Estate Grammar School 94 Alumni. THE END - TopicsExpress


Fred Alabi posted in Estate Grammar School 94 Alumni. THE END HAS COME its so sadden that people bypass the substance and follow the shadow. The situation in Nigeria is a movie all of us have seen before and we know the script so well yet we play along. THE END IS NEAR FOR NIGERIA Let me not bore you with long stories. The insurgence in the North East Nigeria is beyond what we think. I may not be able to convince you but after raising some points, it will be up to you to draw a conclusion and if you cant, that is the reason the end has near. The western world is behind our problems and insurgencies. they fund and equip boko haram and use the press to brainwash us so as not to see the real picture. Their plan is to take control of all small and non western Oil producing countries and Nigeria is the next on the list. Their main motive in the new world order. (read about it yourself). It was before our eyes they initiated fight between Kuwait and Iraq whom are Arab brothers. The main cause of the fight .... Oil. Iraq under Saddam will not bow to the west and he is military. The west allegedly fund and help Kuwait to steal some Oil which purportedly belonged to Iraq. And the principal buyers of the stolen Oil.... the west (read more on it yourself). When Iraq fought and defeated Kuwait over this matter and took control of most of their oil, it affected the sales and supply of oil to the west and they looked for ways to bring down Iraq. They fabricated and claimed Iraq has weapon of mass destruction which they use CNN and all their media to brainwash people to believe. They also forced and used the UN to penetrate Iraq and when that as unsuccessful, they waged war on Iraq. And their first set of attack was on their Oil facility which they at the end of the war claim to help rebuild and indirectly took over. At the end of the war, did they find and weapon of mass destruction? .... NO! they only succeeded in killing Saddam and took over their Oil indirectly by putting their stooges there. The same pattern took place in Libya. They sponsored terrorist groups to rebel against Gaddafi because Gaddafis people loves him. Gaddafi demonstrated this in the heat of the war by driving on the streets of Libya without security and his people hailed him and followed his vehicle but CNN never showed this but rather showed the cities where the rebels have strong hold and are carry arms chanting for Gaddafi to vacate power. Eventually they succeeded. And what happened after? The world power quickly gathered to allocate Oil wells to themselves and infiltrate the Oil reserves they never had access to. Mind you, they put their stooges there. Nigeria is next on their list and the plot has been on for years. The Boko haram insurgence is a propaganda. There is nobody like Shekau. If their is, he is dead as the DSS claimed. Same as Osama. Osama was just a tool to infiltrate many Oil rich countries. They couldnt use it for Nigeria because many will disbelieve and Osama is not an African and the height of expertise they claim he has will be too much to operate in an under technological advanced African country. So they had to create a peculiar situation for Nigeria. Here are some questions you should ask. 1. How come the western media has more information on shekau and boko haram than the Nigerian media? 2. How come videos of and tapes released by Boko Haram gets to the western media such as CNN and Aljazeera first? 3. Why dont we ever hear Shekaus real voice in the videos? its always translated. who is translating it? who delivers the tapes? and is it shot is that zambiza forest? 4. where does Boko Haram gets the funds to buy ammunition and where do they buy it from? all we hear them do is loot food. someone is supplying them arms. 5. Why is bring back our girls become so popular especially in America than even anywhere in Nigeria or Africa? is it today that we tweet and its not heard. Its western media agenda to heat the situation up so that we raise against our government like they did in most oil rich countries. 6. why do we hear contradicting information about the number of girls and their identity? because its all fabricated. 7. Why did America offer assistance and once accepted, it was followed by UK. then china, then Israel. these are the teams that share peoples oil. They are the same that led the gathering after the killing of Gadafi. Anywhere all these people gather, there is something in it. 8. Why is the spate of Bombing getting high after the West has offered help? this is to further hasten their coming. 9. There are full blown wars in some other non oil rich countries. why is the west not offering them help? There are hundreds of questions to ask to buttress that external forces are instigating terrorists group against our nation but because some ruling class are benefiting from either the funding of the terrorist or security votes allocated for the fight against terror, many are not seeing what is coming. Shekau or any terrorist CANNOT be so crazy to kill his own people. Osam had problems with is home country Saudi Arabia. infact, he was exiled but he never attcked his own people. OPC never attacked yorubas or Nigerians at all. Shekau cant be that Mad. Only foreigners can be hired to do such dirty job. Its all Fake. They have forecasted that Nigeria will divide by 2015. They know what they are saying. They want to use the 2015 election to initiate a full scale war within Nigeria so that they can have a full reason to fly from Borno state to Cross rivers state and other oil rich areas in Nigeria in claims that they are making peace. Already I hear they are training soldier in Calabar. is the war is Calabar? why not train soldiers somewhere close to the heat in Borno so as to quickly deploy them but rather somewhere close to the oils. Are you sure they are not spying? As the president has already accepted their help, they now have opportunity to move in their artillery and equipment to use against us during the 2015 crisis. Wasnt there Boko Haram during the Obasanjo and Yaradua regime? they know this is the right time. Dont be surprised they are sponsoring some political parties and instigating them to get power at all cost and also that they will help them fight if they dont win. As our politicians and we as Nigeria are heating up the polity and 2015 election. we are just playing according to their script. We should forget 2015 elections. we the citizens should ignore and boycott the elections. Afterall, we never benefit from any election. Not that we dont care but since its what they west is waiting for, we should NOT make it happen. its about time we sit down and discuss how we move forward as a nation and forget politics. The Insurgence is orchestrated by western world. We should stick together as one. if we give them reasons to penetrate us, we are at loss. No country which they penetrated has known peace. They divide and rule. Our population is a weapon and what they are afraid of. They want to use every means to reduce our population. Ebola virus is not a mistake, we are one of the people its designed for. Why is ebola not in the west? Am very sorry my Muslim friends because they rubbish Islam and tag it a terror group just for them to carry out their evil. Islam or Muslims are not the problem. All those terror group are not at all Islamic. Yes we have had some Muslims misbehave and fight against other religion in the pass and the west has used as a tool to mistag the religion and they continuously use their press to blackmail Islam. We ned to open our eyes now. Our neighbour is our friend and brother. Our neighbour is not our enemy. we have a common enemy and its those evil western leaders. Let he who has eyes see and those who has ears hear and those who has brain think and read between the lines. Pls share to our beloved Country Nigeria. A word is enough for the wise. God Bless Nigeria the hope of Africa.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 22:00:34 +0000

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