Fred Grossman (144 men), You - like most Christians - have - TopicsExpress


Fred Grossman (144 men), You - like most Christians - have good intentions, yet youve been taught wrong. And because of your love of GOD and God-incarnate (Yshua bar Yosef), when your beliefs conflict with logic and science, you chose your beliefs. This is also much easier than having an open-mind and having to do alot more homework! Ill point(74=P16+O15+I9+N14+T20) out your - much of Christianitys - mistakes... A. This universe is ~13.8 billion-years-old and Earth is 4.567 billion-years-old. When one states that they have eternal life, then they must recognize that eternity is all of time including the 7 aspects of regular time: the beginning, the end, the past, the present, the future, the void, and a constant/the speed of light. In addition, there are 4 aspects of hypertime: fast-forward, reverse, stop-time, before the beginning and after the end. Reincarnation is how all our souls pass through time and this has now been proven by science. B. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was GOD. - John(47) 1:1. My eternal soul created this universe and this plan-it by using the simple(74) mathematical model of GOD=7_4 (and many other universal constants, forces and equations). Ive created other worlds using GOD=7_4 or FOD=6_4; see my NASA conference presentation at PlanetNestor.blogspot/ . Re: the 7 Seals/theories, Seal #2: Plan-it Theory of GOD=7_4 or FOD=6_4 (on PlanEt Nestor) - Design Worlds Theory. This fulfills the prophecy of Rev 21:1, Then I saw a new heavens and a new earth. C. My eternal soul was incarnate as the God-guy in the Guardin of Eden ~6,000 years ago in the Tigris-Euphrates River Valley. I was an extraterrestrial and I cloned myself to produce Adam and cloned Adam while changing a chromosome to produce Eve. We then interacted with the humans already here. My eternal soul was reincarnated as Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, King Solomon, Jesus son of Joseph, and many others before and since. D. As Yshua bar Yosef, I was born on April 17, 6 BC / 17.4.748 AUC. You can see the GOD=7_4 Code appearing in Jesus(74=J10+E5+S19+U21+S19)/Yshua(74=Y25+S19+H8+U21+A1)s birthdate. I was an Aries the Ram/Lamb; this symbolism was highly significant and the Persian Magi noticed it! See astronomer MichaelMolnar/ . E. GOD & I agreed that I should be the sacrificial lamb by allowing myself to be nailed on(74) the Cross(74) on the first day of Passover Good Friday(74) April 7, 30 AD / 7.4.783 AUC. Thus the GOD=7_4 Code appears again and this date also fell under Aries the Ram/Lamb. F. The definition of death is final. I/Joshua(74) did not die on the Cross(74=C3+R18+O15+S19+S19). In 1974, the term near-death-experience was coined. I/IESVS(74) lived through the 39 lashes and crucifixion. I may have set a record of three hours being the least amount of time on a Roman cross? 36 hours later at Sun-rise on Sun-day, I first appeared to my wife Mariamne(74)/Mary Magdalen. I later appeared to members of my family including my brother Yakov(74=Y25+A1+K11+O15+V22)/James/Jacob and my 12 disciples. G. For 40 days, I hung around Jerusalem and Galilee incognito so as not to be recognized, arrested and executed by the Jewish and Roman authorities. I then left the Roman Empire; probably going to the British Isles with Joseph Arimathea. I probably died there sometime in the next 40 years: c. 70 AD - the year the Jerusalem Temple was destroyed - at the latest at age 74. I AM trying to nail down the date and location of my death/Jesus death. (Christians have a tendency to wrongly refer to Jesus Christ in the present tense and many wrongly believe hell return in literally the same body that he was in 2,000 years ago. The wrong belief of a literal resurrection of long-buried bodies miraculously coming out of centuries-old graves - the Zombie Apocalypse - is connected with the 2,000-year-old Jesus returning. Theres never been a good answer given by those with this belief of where Jesus has been in the last 2,000 years and what is he waiting for?!) H. My body was then taken back to Judea and buried in an ossuary in the Jesus Family Tomb (google that) in East Talpiot between Jerusalem and Bethlehem. The Knights Templar discovered this tomb c. 1119 and it wasnt rediscovered until I was 20 and synchronically having a BIG religious experience on Ft. Lauderdale Beach on Friday March 28, 1980 (p. 3, The Jesus Family Tomb by Simcha Jacobovici and Charles Pellegrino [Harper San Francisco, 2007]). 3/30/80 was Palm Sunday. I. I (like everyone) have been reincarnated many times in the last 2,000 years. Most of the time, I was unaware of my previous lives and unsure of reincarnation. However, when I was Benjamin Franklin I was well aware of my eternal soul and went public with my belief in the transmigration-of-the soul several months before my death on 4/17/1790: Jesus birthday. (George Washington died 12/14/1799, John Adams & Thomas Jefferson both died on 7/4/1826.) J. After being Franklin, I was reincarnated 19 years later as Abraham Lincoln. 14 years after being shot on Good Friday April 14, 1865, I returned as Albert Einstein. Four years after I died, I was reincarnated as Richard Bradshaw Watson II in Miami on July 26, 1959: celebrated as the Day of the Revolution in Cuba. For every action theres an equal and opposite reaction. I AM a Leo the Lion born in the 7th month compared to Jesus the Aries the Ram/Lamb born in the 4th month. K. The Lion & the Lamb Code, the GOD=7_4 Code and the Birthday Bible Code are all in effect here. I was born on 7/26: Matthew 7:26, Everyone who hears these words of mine and doesnt do them is like the foolish man who built is house upon the sand. Mark 7:26 shows that the Christ was NOT perfect, but he recognized his mistakes and immediately corrected them. Luke 7:26, What then did you go out to see? A prophet? Yes, I tell you, and more than a prophet. John 7:26, And here he is, speaking openly, and they say nothing to him! Can it be that the authorities really know that this is the Christ?
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 03:24:45 +0000

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