Fred Hampton was targeted bc he was attacking the American system - TopicsExpress


Fred Hampton was targeted bc he was attacking the American system bc it was unjust to black ppl at the time. A majority of us support the black panthers and the civil rights revolution now and agree that America used to be corrupt. White Americans were thought to see the black revolutionaries as terrorist and gangsters by police and the media at the time. And the whites government workers were looking to put those revolutionaries into prison or kill them. Which is why Martin Luther King, Malcolm x, and Fred Hampton and many black revolutionaries were assassinated and sent to prison. These black revolutionaries were enemies of the country. Now many of us support them. Martin Luther, the catholic monk, was a threat for the catholic government in Europe when he was telling ppl that the Catholic Church is being corrupt bc they were selling indulgences, a piece if paper that allows you to sin and be forgiven by god. He influenced the idea that we dont need higher rulers like the pope to be saved from hell. And that we dont need indulgences neither. We just need god and we can save ourselves. The Catholic Church brought all its considerable power to bear to try and muzzle Luther, including accusations of heresy and excommunication. He attacked the catholic system to change a policy so he was an enemy. His believes made some people go against the catholic Churh. And now, many Protestants support him. And agree the Catholic Church was corrupt. And thanks to him, it lead to America being established. It gave rise to a revolution. And now Edward Snowden looked to change the American system. He revealed that NSA is keeping track on all of us Which is why he is accused of espionage many other things. The country is demonizing him like how they demonized black revolutionaries. Also like how the catholic church demonized Matin Luther. His information could have led to a revolution or change in the current way of doing things but it didnt. And it seems like his ideas are being forgotten. Why Is Edward Snowden forgotten? Is he just not talked about much anymore bc television does not talk about him anymore and ppl are not reminded of him? Or is he still remembered but no one is talking action of his ideas bc ppl are too busy trying to survive and work and rise to the top of the money and power pyramid as an individual in a place where everyone is helping themselves rather than helping each other. Or is he remembered but not supported bc the NSA spying can be justified bc they were protecting us from terrorists inside the country? If that is the case, then we have to ask what is a terrorist? Terrorist are demonized. Black revolutionaries were demonized. Martin Luther was demonized and his followers too. And now Edward Snowden is being demonized. Anyone who goes against the accepted system is demonized..
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 04:31:04 +0000

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