Fred and I are back from Vegas. We had an amazing time. We had - TopicsExpress


Fred and I are back from Vegas. We had an amazing time. We had fun and saw a few shows, enjoyed our time together alone (we dont do that very often but understand the importance of our time and family time) and recommitted to our family and ourselves. We will focus on the many great things in our life and look forward to our future. Our kids. Our relationship. Ourselves. Careers. Spirituality. Friends. Goals. We are looking to become more healthy in all aspects of our lives. Weve always taught our kids to do what is right for them. At pivotal moments decide who you want to be at that moment. Choose your path and make plans but be flexible when needed. Choose the people in your life carefully. Work hard and take time for yourself. Stand up for something. Know who you are, what you believe in, and set boundaries to protect yourself. Have wonderment. Always ask questions. And dont lie, cheat or steal or knowingly hurt another. Dont be afraid to make mistakes. Take time to rejuvenate and heal. And never spend all that you have. We just reminded ourselves of those simple things we taught our kids. Yeah, I know, you dont go to Vegas to find yourself. You can find peace in your heart wherever you are. We did that. We also learned to just have fun. My kids always said I turn everything into a lesson. (Going to the grocery store became learning about nutritional value, the cost of food, ethical companies, fair trade, organic vs non organic, employee treatment at all levels - wages, work environment etc, living within a budget, and when they were little sometimes foods and everyday foods) We sowed a few wild oats and look forward to growing sage, and protecting whats sacred. Many people who hurt us in our lives will never ask for forgiveness or try to make amends. Thats okay. We can do that on our own. Today I am grateful for the many gifts Ive received. Thank you Creator for all that I have and all that I am.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 21:14:32 +0000

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