Free Energy and the Cosmic Flux ~ Eric P. Dollard, Wireless - TopicsExpress


Free Energy and the Cosmic Flux ~ Eric P. Dollard, Wireless Engineer, is a scientist who bases his work on observation of phenomenon and practical experimentation. He is the Vice-President of BSRF and the author of five published papers on electrical phenomena: CONDENSED INTRO TO TESLA TRANSFORMERS, DIELECTRIC AND MAGNETIC DISCHARGES IN ELECTRICAL WINDINGS, SYMBOLIC REPRESENTATION OF ALTERNATING WAVES, SYMBOLIC REPRESENTATION OF THE GENERALIZED ELECTRIC WAVE (IN TIME), and THE THEORY OF WIRELESS POWER. In the course of Eric’s research he has investigated the works of Nikola Tesla, Charles Proteus Steinmetz, Philo Taylor Farnsworth II, Johann Sebastian Bach, Wilhelm Reich and other true Scientists of our era. I have personally witnessed the propagation of electricity without wires, the phenomenon of drawing several inch sparks off insulators and mysterious living forms in plasma gas bulbs connected to Eric’s Tesla apparatus. Eric speaks a knowledge gained by hands on experience. This interview will certainly change your point of view about the Borderlands of Science and will certainly shatter any preconceived notions you once had about Tesla, Free Energy, ELF, The American Dream, etc….. Tom: What first interested you in the works of Nikola Tesla and electrical engineering in general? Eric: I’ve always been interested in the subject. Years ago someone gave me a copy of Co-Evolution Quarterly that had an article on Tesla, Philo Farnsworth and Edwin Armstrong. That got me thinking about what was going on as I had basically reinvented the Tesla coil as a teenager using equipment given to me by RCA. Things started to connect at that point. Then I read PRODIGAL GENIUS (by John O’Neill) and it was like I was hit with a bolt of lightning. That book shocked me into action. T: What do you think that Tesla was trying to attempt in his work? E: It’s hard to sum that all up in one phrase. T: Would the culmination be the transmission of electrical energy without wires? E: That was part of his projects, using what could be called true single phase electricity, or mono-polar electricity. That’s the key to his transmission of electrical and mechanical energy – to convert it to a single phase form. T: Would you say that monopolar electricity is electromagnetic? E: No, its anti-electromagnetic. T: You mentioned Philo Farnsworth, what type of work was he doing? E: Farnsworth built the Multipactor tube, a secondary emission, negative resistance tube. It tends to take off when connected to apparatus such as a Tesla coil and exhibit electrical oscillations. T: So, to use a catch-word of the day, it was a free energy device? E: Yes, probably the only real free energy device that anyone ever demonstrated which can be reproduced. T: Was there any relationship between the work of Tesla and that of Farnsworth? E: They are really in totally opposite directions. Farnsworth was the high master of electronics… he was electronics. No one knew more about the electron than Farnsworth. Tesla was dealing with ether type forces that don’t involve material or atomic particles, they involve something a little finer than that. T: You have worked extensively with Tesla coils and we have published your books on the subject. What do you feel is the actual use of these apparatus? E: As a transmitter-receiver device, for transmitting energy without transmission towers or large arrays of dipoles, or equivalent. T: What is the medium for the transmission of energy if wires are not used? E: Whatever the general media is around us, call it the ether,or air or you can transmit it through the ground. Basically it just flows. The Tesla system is designed to transmit through the ground. There’s a lot of talk about propagating through the earth-ionosphere wave guide, which Tesla, In no way, shape or form envisioned. Most of his apparatus are for transmission through a common conducting medium and the earth is the best conducting medium available. The devices are one conductor electrical generators – just connect one terminal to the common conducting medium and all the other or terminal devices will receive the energy. There’s no pairs of wires or wave guides to bound the energy. These are what are called unbounded waves. The Tesla Magnifying Transmitter is a converter which converts electromagnetic energy into what is called magneto-dielectric energy... Continues @ Functional Thinking: an Interview with Eric Dollard by Tom Brown
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 11:19:33 +0000


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