Free to Be Relentless Relentlessly pursuing God is not - TopicsExpress


Free to Be Relentless Relentlessly pursuing God is not necessarily easy, but its definitely worth it. However, you cant really pursue God until youve first experienced real freedom. God is in the business of setting us free, and its glorious to be free from guilt, condemnation, and always wondering what people are thinking of us. Were set free from the concern of failing when we know who we are in Christ. This brings us the courage to be able to step out and pursue Gods promises. One of the greatest freedoms God has given me is the freedom to be me. For years I tried to be something I wasnt, feeling like I needed to be like this or like that, all the while knowing I wasnt like everyone else. Yet, I kept trying to be like others until I learned through my relationship with God who He created me to be. This also set me free from me, so I can focus on Jesus and being the woman that He wants me to. Philippians 3 says Paul was determined, or relentless, to have the things that Christ Jesus died for, to know Him and the power of His resurrection. I believe when we are born again, there is a spirit of determination that rises within us. We can call it Holy Spirit passion or zeal, and its what gives us the oomph we need during hard times to say, I will not give up on having an intimate, passionate, deep, personal relationship with God. I will not give up on being all that Christ wants me to be. I am going to be relentless to stay in faith at all times and receive what God has promises. I have to Remember, that I belong to Him and Hes given me a relentless spirit! God, I want to live my life, relentlessly pursuing You and Your promises. I trust You to help me become all You created me to be and experience true freedom.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 18:18:16 +0000

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