Free to Love Prayer Devotional, November - TopicsExpress


Free to Love Prayer Devotional, November 25 “Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people, because you know that the Lord will reward each one for whatever good they do...” - Ephesians 6:7,8 COMMENTARY One of the ways good parents encourage their children to do good things is through rewards. Brushing teeth, cleaning rooms, and memorizing Bible verses are all occasions that merit reward. Maybe its as simple as ice-cream cone or upon completion of a series of disciplines, a new toy. Theres no parent that would disagree, rewards motivate our children. There is a tendency to believe that as we get older, more mature, rewards for faithful service should be unnecessary. And yet, each year organizations around the country honor those people that give selflessly of their money and time to contribute to worthwhile service. Maybe its just a thank you note while other times it might be an appreciate banquet. Successful non-profit organizations all know that showing appreciation to their benefactors leads to more giving and ultimately more participation. While rewards and acknowledgment for acts of service is good and right, its important to consider our motivations. Do we serve only in areas that we know well be noticed? Do we serve only in those areas and to those people that are capable of rewarding us? (Mt. 6) Do we contribute only to those causes that allow us to claim a tax deduction at the end of the year? Do we serve, but only half-heartedly if things arent going our way? How would our attitude change while serving in a struggling ministry if we remembered that were serving God? Maybe we expected 300 people at the church work day, but only 25 people showed up. Do we call this a failure? Do we praise God for the ones that did show up? Can we be comfortable in the knowledge that God knows our every act of service and has promised to reward us regardless of the human judgment of success or failure? I hope that parents continue to reward their little ones for doing the right thing. I hope that our governments continue to provide incentives for giving to charity. But, I hope that as Christians we look first to our heavenly Father for His rewards. As Christians, I hope that we continue to serve with our whole effort because we know that serving others means serving the LORD. (Mt. 25:40) PRAYER Father, its amazing to know that you see and remember every act of service that we do. May I seek to encourage those around me as they serve in our family. Let my heart be fully committed to the acts of service that you have called me to. When the devil begins to feed me lies about wasted effort and failed plans, fill me with your Spirit so I might capture and dismiss every falsehood. You, my God, are my reward. In you will I find my satisfaction. AMEN! TAKEAWAY “I can freely serve the LORD because He holds all my rewards.”
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 06:00:00 +0000

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