Free to Love Prayer Devotional, November - TopicsExpress


Free to Love Prayer Devotional, November 26 “But Moses said, “Pardon your servant, Lord. Please send someone else.” - Exodus 4:13 COMMENTARY Ah, Moses. What an amazing example of character building. From the confused origins of a mixed heritage, to the shame of exile. From a weak and feeble excuse maker, to a stalwart man of God, Moses life teaches us much about service in Gods kingdom. What message from Moses life will you hear today? When God called Moses to be his instrument in the colossal showdown with the Pharaoh, he was anything but willing. Moses, tempting Gods wrath, humbly believed God had made a mistake. Surely there was somebody more qualified to lead His people out of bondage. Maybe a man with more eloquent speech or a man with a better reputation. After all, the last time Moses was in the capital city, things hadnt really gone so well. Moses had a point, at least from mans perspective. On his own, he had no credibility with either the Israelite elders nor the Egyptian elite. His only honed skill of late centered around tending to animals, not people. And, his mettle in the face of frightening circumstances had been, to say the least, questionable. But God works in ways very different to mans. (Is. 55:8,9) God does not call the equipped, He equips the called. Ive been there before. Youre asked to serve in an area wholly unfamiliar to you and before the full explanation has been laid out, youre already thinking, “No way.” No way can I lead a prayer in front of others. No way can I serve on the committee for VBS. No way do I have the ability to speak to others about my faith. No way do I have time to dedicate to that ministry. I simply dont have the gifts necessary to be successful there. It begs the question, then, where do the gifts that we do possess come from? Are they not given to us by God? Can He not, in fact, give us new gifts at His pleasure? The incredible answer is, Yes! Its tempting to think that we are born with a set of gifts. Perhaps we think of them as our natural gifts, but as God sees fit, those gifts can be revoked and new ones put in their place. (1 Cor. 12) Therefore, before we hasten to reason our way out of a calling to serve, maybe we can seek Gods will on the matter. Maybe God is waiting to bless us with a new gift, a powerful gift. We didnt win Gods favor and blessings because were gifted, were gifted because He has blessed us with His favor. PRAYER LORD, help me to discern the gifts that you have blessed me with. Thank you for calling me to serve in your kingdom and then giving me means to make a difference. Father, if you need me, I am here. I am willing to be changed and blessed with new gifts, if that is your will. Send me. Ask God, “Father, is there somewhere new you would have me serve? If so, what gift will you grant me to serve in that area?” (listen) AMEN! TAKEAWAY “God does not call the equipped, He equips the called.”
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 06:00:00 +0000

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