Free writing: Ministry and men being in places of authority. I - TopicsExpress


Free writing: Ministry and men being in places of authority. I have experienced some frustrations lately... I want to share my heart... Be cautious of who you serve (or who you call pastor/or what church you attend) a man who takes to the pulpit should embrace that position with fear and trembling. Its not a light matter and many lives can be affected in a negative way if that position is used for personal gain. (A lot of men do this blindly never having the intention of being wicked... keep that in mind. we all have this potential) Many men who sit in the office of (5 fold) authority should NOT be there... Power corrupts absolutely... This scripture has been in my head all day. Jesus addresses the pharisees and the scribes in the temple because they were full of themselves... I have often been told that I have a call to preach, prophesy and evangelize and while I understand that to be true I will not be moving into that type of ministry any time soon. I am still young and foolish at times. If I am not careful I could be one of these men that Yahushua rebukes... maybe when I am older... I want to live a little more and learn as much as I can. Im wise for my age but not wise enough. I personally believe that a man can be in ministry at anytime and at any age but with that being said he should be mature not only in mind and spirit but also in body if he is going to assume a role as a senior pastor, prophet, evangelist, teacher and so on... I understand that youth should not be despised (2nd Timothy) but there is a certain releasing of wisdom that comes with age and maturity. This is just my opinion. I see to many young men (younger than me and I am 31!) take to the pulpits to teach that havent even see battle (figuratively speaking) that are trying to teach the word with a narrow minded prospective... Their hearts are in the right place but they say things that are destructive and unwise... Its angered me a little... especially the ones that are unteachable... Ill say this to wrap this up. I want to make sure that my heart is in the right place before I assume any position of authority when it comes to the body of Yah. I will also say this to all the leaders and shepards that are in those seats of authority... you have assumed that role as an authority over me and because you have done so I will make sure that you are in line with scripture and if you are not. YOU will hear from me. I understand that when I get to a place of authority (LIKE YOU) that I will have to submit my life to the people just the same as you. (so i have to be open to being corrected! especially when I am in leadership!) I would rather them judge me than Yahuah if I should ever become corrupt. (I pray that I have the heart and mind to humbly repent in my ways) You have my word... Hold me to it just as I will hold you to yours. Matthew 23:13 “But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because you shut off the kingdom of heaven from people; for you do not enter in yourselves, nor do you allow those who are entering to go in. 14 [“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because you devour widows’ houses, and for a pretense you make long prayers; therefore you will receive greater condemnation.]
Posted on: Mon, 02 Jun 2014 07:01:40 +0000

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