#FreePalestine #BDS #StopArmingJSIL aje.io/8g5c UNSC, failing the - TopicsExpress


#FreePalestine #BDS #StopArmingJSIL aje.io/8g5c UNSC, failing the test of Palestine | How the US outmanoeuvred Palestine and used Nigeria to avoid using its veto at the UN Security Council bit.ly/148Xgae Judge: Equality in the West Bank, just not for Palestinians * RT @YousefMunayyer: The ICC, UN, all this alternative strategy nonsense is not a plan. It is the absence of one & despite bluster, US & Israel fine with it * RT @YousefMunayyer: Theres undoubtedly an understanding between the PA, Israel & DC about all these moves meant to do something while amounting to nothing * RT @YousefMunayyer: Best part about Abbas finally joining ICC is it is one less card he can threaten to play before having to accept the inevitable. *** RT @AliAbunimah: NYT @rudoren calls Abbas move to join ICC provocative. She wouldnt even use that word for Israeli massacres nytimes/2015/01/01/world/middleeast/palestinians-to-join-international-criminal-court-defying-israeli-us-warnings.html * RT @AliAbunimah: Highlight of 2014: @MaxBlumenthals expose of NYT bureau chief Jodi @Rudorens Zionist bubble, for @intifada electronicintifada.net/content/candid-video-reveals-nyt-bureau-chief-jodi-rudorens-zionist-bubble/13685 * RT @AliAbunimah: Fanatical Zionists thank Obama for ensuring defeat of UN vote on Palestine m.forward/articles/211911/did-barack-obama-snatch-victory-from-jaws-of-victo/ *** RT @Dena: Next time a U.S. official seeks a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, remember this pic #veto #UNSC https://twitter/Dena/status/550064992020467712/photo/1 * RT @MaxBlumenthal: Moral fraud & human rights huckster @AmbassadorPower votes against the world to perpetuate the status quo in Israel-Palestine. Why we do BDS * RT @MaxBlumenthal: Re-upping this - @AmbassadorPower, Obamas Atrocity Enabler: alternet.org/world/samantha-power-obamas-atrocity-enabler * RT @MaxBlumenthal: Riyad Mansour says PA is considering next steps. How about disbanding the PA and letting Israel take full responsibility for occupation? *** RT @MazMHussain: Occupation also somewhat confrontational RT @allissonCD Samantha Powers calls the Security Council resolution a staged confrontation #UNSC * RT @ggreenwald: Samantha Power gets to lay her head on the pillow every day & say: Today I once again protected Israeli occupation https://twitter/allissonCD/status/550055968747175936 * RT @ggreenwald: US State Dept angrily condemns Palestinians for the crime of trying to join the International Criminal Court https://twitter/APDiploWriter/status/550377905109626880 * RT @RaniaKhalek: Hi @AmbassadorPower! Israels military ethicist says Israel can kill as many Palestinians as it wants bc of ur vetoes bit.ly/1ryo7qn (EI: Killing 40 civilians in one go is “reasonable,” says Israel army ethicist) * RT @alexbkane: Rwanda abstained on UN vote on Palestine. To learn why, heres some background from me in @mondoweiss mondoweiss.net/2014/05/boteach-leader-slaughter * shar.es/1HcFW0 M: Palestinian resolution fails at the Security Council, U.S. votes against staged confrontation at the UN aje.me/12tefTY What does French vote really mean for Palestine? - To really make a difference, France must go beyond rhetorical statements * RT @AliAbunimah: Rule 1: If your goal is to regain your rights, then you cant begin by irrevocably conceding your rights. * RT @AliAbunimah: Rule 2: Understand that Israel does not want Palestinian concessions. It wants unconditional Palestinian surrender and then concessions! * RT @AliAbunimah: Palestinians have no interest in cutting a deal that legitimizes the illegitimate and extends the life of a moribund apartheid regime. * RT @AliAbunimah: Palestinians should declare their rights clearly: all rights for all Palestinians and mobilize support for that. BDS is a key tool for this. * RT @AliAbunimah: I would like to think failed UN resolution is final end of two-state delusion, but we know that the zombie peace process never dies. *** RT @YousefMunayyer: Failure of UNSC resolution will be another boon for BDS * RT @AliAbunimah: To clarify: US voted against resolution on Palestine, but it would have failed even if US abstained as it did not get majority. * RT @AliAbunimah: But this also shows that racist backers of Israel like US, UK are not even prepared to allow Abbas his shriveled bantustan. * RT @AliAbunimah: Remember that this wet firecracker of a UN resolution was Abbas big plan. Will he now do as he threatened and dissolve the PA? (Hint: no) * RT @AliAbunimah: But this also shows that racist backers of Israel like US, UK are not even prepared to allow Abbas his shriveled bantustan. * RT @AliAbunimah: France believes its necessary to grant Palestinians a bantustan asap to preserve Israeli apartheid while US does whatever Israel tells it. * RT @AliAbunimah: Both US and France are committed to the liquidation of Palestinian rights and preservation of Israeli apartheid but differ only on means.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 16:58:24 +0000

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