Freedom Isn’t Free, We Need To Fight For it Thomas Jefferson - TopicsExpress


Freedom Isn’t Free, We Need To Fight For it Thomas Jefferson once wrote in a letter to congress: “ The most sacred of duties of government (is) to do equal and impartial justice to all citizens.“ I have been asked once again to put the push on for Federal Sentencing Reform. Find out for yourself the major stock holders of the private prison company’s out there today who are trading on the NASDAQ and supported by the US government. To be more accurate supported by you and I every year when we pay our taxes. Could this be another Halliburton? I think so find out for yourself get online and check the facts. Then at the end of this is the web address on CHANGE.ORG take a minute sign the petition. Then email to everyone you know. Print it out give a copy to your friends at the local grocery store or church. Sentencing Reform Act 1984: encyclopidedia/doc/1G2-3407400268.html Figure this out for yourself, after reading the political list of stock holders on the top 20 private prison companies founded before and after this reform act. Correctional Corporation of America: CCA Founded January 1983 Does the United States lead the world in prison population? straightdope/columns/read/2494/does-the-united-states-lead-the-world-in-prison-population The Attorney General of The United States of America Eric H. Holder Jr. in a address to congress, in the summer of 2013 said our Federal prison system is over burdened and broken due to the 1984 Federal Sentencing laws and they must be revisited. His budget report for FY 2014 $27.3 billion 2014 ended over budget by 0.4% He is asking for the FY of 2015 $27.4 billion Bureau of Justice Statistics: History of private prisons in the USA. According to Wikipedia: Private prisons consume at a minimum of $250 million for inmates alone each year. In some cases they can receive $14,000.00 a day for out of state inmates. For more informative report read Private Prisons By Eric Bates January 5 1998 (Keep in mind inflation as you read his costs.) There are over 5.85 convicted felons in the United States who no longer have a voice in voting. This in and of it’s self is appalling to me. To me this constitutes “double jeopardy” Once all imposed sentencing is completed by a felon they should be allowed to vote, just like they are forced to pay taxes. This country was founded on the preside of “ No Taxation Without Representation” Yes this is a totally different issue. However it is the elephant in the room! Go to CHANGE.ORG or use the link and sign today we need your help
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 13:59:41 +0000

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