Freedom and Liberty: More than Concepts There are many fronts - TopicsExpress


Freedom and Liberty: More than Concepts There are many fronts opening up on the battle for America. Obama and the commie elite are determined to take control of every aspect of our lives and anything that smacks of freedom must be eliminated in their eyes. Free range grazing of cattle is one of the most long lived and agreed upon capitulations of the old west in the settling into Statehood. Agreed in those days was the notion that this practice could continue until the modern day EPA and its thugs stepped in. The tortoise could undo law and settled tradition, that is until it was no longer useful for the government in its real quest for control. And that is the summary of all government incursion on our rights, they want control. We have the right of freedom and the liberty that goes with it. They are now focusing in on how to jail us or kill us if necessary to get the control that they want. Rights that come from God must now pass the smell test of Obama - His question - Can I get control over it. And if I can then I can determine who gets the right or not. Welcome to the power of the elites, commie style. With his fist pointed to heaven, Barack the muslim is now telling the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who will receive the gifts that God had meant for all to have. Seems that back in history there was a dude named Satan who felt the same and acted in the same fashion. - Dr. Jim Garrow -
Posted on: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 12:25:05 +0000

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