Freedom is what you do with what’s been done to you.” ~Jean - TopicsExpress


Freedom is what you do with what’s been done to you.” ~Jean Paul Sartre Still plagued by your past? Then this post is for you. But only if you want to be free, only if you want to know the open-heartedness and enthusiasm for life that come with making peace with the past. As you probably know, sometimes events from the past have a mind of their own. Memories keep recirculating when all you want is for them to disappear. You are way more emotionally reactive than you know is good for you. And you are limited by distrust, neediness, and a stunted view of what is possible for you. If you know your past is still nipping at your heels, read on. Because you will discover 10 facts that may just be the key to unlock the door to your full, unbridled, joyful, infinitely sane expression of you. Be free of the past, and you can go on and simply enjoy your life. Felt like this made sense. Didnt realize how much bad shit I was holding inside. And after my phone session today with a counselor that Is cool enough to let me call in once a week until I get a job, I realized that I am a self destructing person. Which pretty much means when my life is going perfect I intentionally screw it up because Im used to turmoil and chaos.also we touch base on the fact that I sabotage every relationship with a woman Ive ever been in because of some kind a trust issue which makes sense theres been some great ones in my life and I didnt see them till they were gone.but what part of the process I guess. Kicking back having a beer doing my homework the counselor gave me which is kind of funny because its gauging my anger as well as from a scale of 1 to 10 how quickly I am to react to problems in a negative way I asked him if he could go to50 because for some stupid crazy reason I love fighting always have and Ive done since I was a kid but with the situation in front of me I can just go outside and throw my hands in a street called today got to start using my head. So got to get back to homework later!!!!
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 01:30:38 +0000

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