Freedom! letter Kharkovian (translated text - TopicsExpress


Freedom! letter Kharkovian (translated text Certainly there are errors ) ( ( What we continually say every day our bosses ? That for 23 years we are independent and free . We are not slaves , we are not cattle , we almost Europeans . Is not that the most wonderful thing that could happen to us . We got rid of all fetters , which only you can throw . We are freed from the bloodthirsty tyrants and bloody history. From all that we have to communicate with them. Our country for a long time , almost a quarter of a century walks air Liberty, Equality , Fraternity , which is not anywhere else. Is not it so ? Should not we be proud of it constantly ? Is not that what we wanted and not this what we have sought all these years? Is not that what we hear from the TV and the Internet every minute ? We are ready to give their lives for this freedom ! This is our highest value. Above does not happen. There is nothing more important in this world than our independence . Hands off Ukraine. And so on and so forth ... And from whom we are independent ? As a country , as a people ? For a minute ... just think . Who holds the power ? People? Or oligarchs? Who are all these years of getting rich ? People or are these guardians for the people who shout the loudest about our unity and our freedoms ? Whose channels and websites repeat to us about it every minute ? Why we have chosen every president , every time we were promised so much ... and why are we in all this time is not got nothing but this freedom and independence for which we are now ready to die in the fight with the evil and treacherous neighbor ? Each of us has more than $ 3,000 . Everyone, including infants ! It is our duty worldwide. $ 140 billion . Where is the money? They do not exist ! A debt is. And you and I and every member of our families need to pay for them. Here we have such independence. Can a debtor be independent, as we repeat it all the time ? It also is our main value ? To pay debts? And, incidentally, this value increases every year . And who all these years, our greatest asset - Independence served ? Authorities , politicians and oligarchs? Under the guise of elections , we were forced to choose the next noisy politicians. Which again and again promised us prosperity. And again and again it did not happen . Rather prosperity happened in power, politicians and oligarchs . And this time , do you think we ll have better luck ? So maybe it is for the oligarchs and the main value is independence? Independence from the people. Freedom to rob, steal, lie and freedom to pit us together. All that surrounds us, that built our parents , fathers theirs . They could , mesmerizing us with the words of freedom, democracy and independence usurp all ! They gain credits, build castles , villas and yachts . They have accounts abroad , and their offspring enrolled in the most prestigious and expensive universities in the West. And we pay for it ! And if you doubt the value of such independence , then youre a traitor , you sold Moscow and Putin personally . Is not it so ? Perhaps over the years we have become independent and free from their history , their language, their roots and ancestors? We were forced to abandon their feats of great deeds and achievements of our people. Our great nation . Somehow, our heroes now those whom our ancestors trod the same Great War . How did it happen that we tear down their same monuments , monuments to our ancestors , fathers and grandfathers . This is our memory . To destroy it so necessary ? We like a madman again climb the barricades. Orem, so that this time we will begin to live just like a fairy tale . At that time it happens to us , what is this vicious circle. What a wraith ? We got rid of a corrupt government , again. In the umpteenth time . And again the specter of hope, like a mirage beckons , whispering from all angles , that this time we will certainly prosper and all just drop dead with envy. We have lost over the years more than 6 million ! our citizens. It is impossible figures . In peacetime . It is close to the loss of the entire civil population of the USSR during the most terrible war in human history. And we lost them in the world, independence and democracy . What we have achieved in 23 years, this intoxicating freedom? What we can be proud of? That our care for women or old women working in brothels ? That our males compete with Polish for the right to collect strawberries in Portugal or Moldovans - lay tile in Russia? That we have a normal army that can protect us , and now there is no police ? And our children are ready to fight with our own sons and fathers of Berkut ? We remain proud that we Ukrainians . And this is our only reason for pride ? Why are we trying to whitewash the traitors , and make them heroes ? Where are our real heroes , which the whole world knows ? Where is our Shakespeare , Einstein , Gagarin ? At least someone who can give us a glimpse of hope and faith? Take a minute from everything and sit in silence. Try to think just where all that we had ? Why we abandoned our victories ? Why we scratched himself with sores Holodomor and sit growl ? How this can be inspired , create and build something under this ideology ? Hold on ! But this is the first satellite we launched ! That we defeated Napoleon , Hitler , Turks and Swedes and a lot of other nations and tribes who came to our land ! This we have created the most great and vast country in the history of mankind! That we created nuclear power plants and bombs ! This is us yesterday feared and respected all over the world ! Where is it now? Where? Why we refused to be a great people , and took upon himself the fate of the offended ? Who stole from us our history and our victory? Russia ? Muscovites ? We have allowed ourselves to do this, we ourselves have abandoned their memory of their ancestors , feats. Believe in false idols and new heroes. Small and insignificant in comparison with what we had yesterday. Is it possible to compare Gagarin and Bender ? In Kiev ideological go guys in masks and sticks. One of the people burning alive another. Shooting at each other . How do we let this happen? We again believe a new revolution , new promises. Why do we become miserable , constantly shouting that we are independent and free. We stole the past, now steal the remains of the future. We teach our children to false false history textbooks . How could this happen to us ? What happened? I envy the Russians , I envy those Katsap and Muscovites ! I envy them the Olympics and their armies , I have many friends , and have relatives in Russia . And I can see how they change and grow . They believe their President . They believe in their army. They are proud of its great history , its achievements and victories . And its been our common history ... and victories and achievements . Yesterday. They reconciled with him . They spit on us idolized West. And they go on and develop, not to tell us on our televisions and in our forums. And I understand that we are losing it , not them. We become weaker and they stronger. And how could we not loudly shouted Glory to Ukraine ! It will not stop. More recently, we speak maliciously when they had Chechnya . Now Chechens have no less Russian than themselves Russian . They are ready to fight for their revival and great country. Which they are part . And already Chechen battalions frighten us . How did this happen ? ? ? They killed each other yesterday. And the reason is simple : the Chechens were able to remember that they are Russian , and they are part of the Great Country and Great People. We gloating when they attacks and disasters . And they overcome them over and over again , and it becomes stronger! Although the whole world is against them ! They fall and rise again . Stand and lybyatsya . Just spit blood, through gritted teeth. And we shout it they are slaves . That they would soon fall apart , oil falls , NATO attack , and they will fall next punishment. And they - its us! We spit at his reflection . Into themselves . We need to be sure to remember that we are a single entity. And when we begin to understand and realize that feeling comes , once been in our ancestors. Sense of inner strength , hope, faith and pride in the fact that we are also Russian . And no matter who our ancestors : Ukrainians, Tatars, Jews , Buryats or Uzbeks . No matter who we are in the faith : Catholics, Orthodox, Muslims or Jews . Its not important. The key is that we - Russian ! And we are part of a great people and a great country . Yes, our great country and a great nation there are still problems . But if we remember that we - Russian , and everything will change forever! And all this fear . Fear that we remember and be together again . And so on all sides , this woven web of lies , lies. Supported all this anger and hatred , and we have in Russia. They did not give us a wake up. And if we remember who we are, then do not wake up have never been. About the situation , occupation , and more. Who shouts the loudest that we need to protect our independence, unity and freedom ? Those officials , oligarchs and deputies . They are terribly afraid that for all that has happened over the years with our homeland will have to answer . Or maybe its not the occupation ? Or maybe it is liberation? It came our , when almost no hope at all , when we almost gave up. And we need to stand together and destroy all these lying politicians , the oligarchs , mayors and officials who are foaming at the mouth screaming that we were going to die ! Die for their villas , yachts and castles for their bank accounts, for their freedom and independence from robbing answer for their actions. I understand that this manifesto will be cut out from the Internet. There are thousands of nasty comments will scream that I am a traitor , sold Putin that I katsap , jacket and Moskal . I do not care . I know that for me - the truth. I am a patriot of Ukraine , a true patriot, and now the fate of my people and my Ukraine. Or we remember who we are, or just disappear . I love my Ukrainian people , their ancestors and their culture . I am Ukrainian, but more than that I - Russian ! Andrew Avramenko , Kharkiv
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 08:50:28 +0000

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