Freedom of the press. In the U.S. we have press that does two - TopicsExpress


Freedom of the press. In the U.S. we have press that does two things. 1. group does not report but opines (youve all heard me lament that there is not intelligent insightful news broadcast today in popular media), 2. we have media that reports information and facts from a variety of perspectives (however few and far between it is becoming), and allows us to make a determination. In my following of Venezuela, Ive met a couple of folks who dont report often but when they do it is in an attempt to inform not sway. Frankly, any form of reporting is good. We are smart enough to listen to a liberal and conservative side of an argument, do our own research and come to our own personal conclusion if we have access to the internet or a library. What is not good is when media are hushed, silenced, censored from reporting what they see and hear and research. This is what is happening in Venezuela. Again, I say this for two reasons. It is unconstitutional there but is happening. And, if we dont learn to understand the signs of progression that lead to it here, it is entirely possible that we could fall pray to it here. So, this is your civics lesson for today. When the constitution says that you can assemble peaceably to demonstrate against something, you can. Your security forces should protect you from opposition and opposition from you. When your constitution says there is freedom of the press, there should be. Pay attention to what has happened to our constitution over the past 16-18 years folks, and make sure you agree with the changes. If you do, support is. If you dont, say something about it.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 12:48:38 +0000

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