Freeing Energy: A Redefinition of the Energy Ansatz, Leading to a - TopicsExpress


Freeing Energy: A Redefinition of the Energy Ansatz, Leading to a Fundamentally New Class of Nuclear Interactions by Thomas Bearden ~ Utilizing fundamentally new definitions for energy, potential, and scalar potential, the mass of the atomic nucleus may be considered a powerful electrostatic scalar potential, referred to as the mass potential. The Whittaker EM biwave structure of the scalar potential then becomes a new and universal internal EM structure for mass, including the atomic nucleus. This structure can be directly manipulated electromagnetically, which allows direct EM alteration of the mass potential, and the nucleus itself. This totally new class of nuclear interactions is briefly explored, and several hypothesized mechanisms advanced for neutralizing or processing nuclear wastes. Additional applications are hypothesized for experimental falsification or verification. Some New Fundamental Definitions To explain why more precise definitions are important, we quote a statement by Einstein: [Ref 1] ... the scientist makes use of a whole arsenal of concepts which he imbibed practically with his mothers milk; and seldom if ever is he aware of the eternally problematic character of his concepts. He uses this conceptual material, or, speaking more exactly, these conceptual tools of thought, as something obviously, immutably given; something having an objective value of truth which is hardly ever, and in any case not seriously, to be doubted. ... in the interests of science it is necessary over and over again to engage in the critique of these fundamental concepts, in order that we may not unconsciously be ruled by them. We begin with the quantum mechanical vacuum (QMV), considered to be composed of an intense flux of virtual particles, each of which arises from nowhere and immediately returns to nowhere. [Ref 2] We hypothesize that, a priori, all macroscopic phenomena must in some fashion consist of stable ensembles (forms) in equilibrium in the QMV. From this viewpoint we advance the following fundamental new definitions: Energy is any ordering, either static or dynamic, in the virtual particle flux of vacuum. [Ref 3] Electromagnetic energy is any ordering, either static or dynamic, in the virtual photon flux of vacuum. [Ref 4] Work is the local scattering of energy -- the total disordering of the order in the virtual particle flux.[Ref 5] A potential is any ordering, either static or dynamic or combination thereof, in the virtual particle flux of vacuum. [Ref 6] Note that this makes the new definitions of potential and energy synonymous -- a potential is pure energy, a priori.[Ref 7] The potential also must be totally ordered internally, which is a quite new concept for physics.[Ref 8] Both energy and potential are collections of the individual energies of a host of individually-moving virtual particles. Neither energy nor the potential are directly observable, because the order is in and of the virtual state. A scalar potential is any static (stationary) ordering in the virtual particle flux of vacuum, with respect to the external observer. A vector potential is any dynamic (non-stationary) ordering in the virtual particle flux of vacuum, with respect to the external observer. Both scalar and vector potentials have totally ordered, nonlocal, Whittaker hyperspatial interiors.[Ref 9] Scalar potentials and vector potentials are simply different subsets of the energy domain. Both are stable forms in a dynamic VPF medium. One is stationary with respect to the external observer; the other is translating. Both potentials are open systems, continually being supplied with wave energy flowing in from the external universe, and continually emitting wave energy flowing out to the external universe. Both kinds of potentials possess ordered internal Whittaker bidirectional wave structures, flowing throughout local and nonlocal space wherever the particular potential has a nonzero convolution value.[Ref 10] We shall concentrate on scalar potentials. An electrostatic scalar potential is any static (stationary) ordering in the virtual photon flux of vacuum. Its ordered Whittaker structure is an ordered lattice of spacetime/vacuum (Figure 1), and consists of a Fourier expansion of harmonic transverse EM plane waves, coupled to the phase conjugate of the expansion in 1:1 ratio. Scalar (potential) interferometry [Ref 11] between two or more scalar EM potentials is just the multiple simultaneous interferometry of their constituent Whittaker waves. Fig1: A Whittaker-structured vacuum potential is an organized spacetime lattice. A vacuum is a spacetime and, to the first order, a scalar potential. The ambient vacuum is a violently changing and interfering collection of potentials from moving particles all over the universe. I.e., the ambient vacuum is really an incredibly large number of conglomerated, interfering vacua/potentials.[Ref 12] Thus the scalar potential interferometry mechanism shown by Whittaker [Ref 13] applies to these ambient vacua, and generates the zero-point EM fluctuation energy of the vacuum. This is a direct hyperspatial expression of Puthoffs cosmological feedback principle, [Ref 14] including its determinism. Since we are interested here primarily in EM, then to first order we take vacuum/spacetime to be an electrostatic scalar potential. The Statistical Graviton Concept... Continues @ Copyright © T. E. Bearden Association of Distinguished American Scientists
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 12:17:04 +0000

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