French King and Roman Papacy vs Knights Templars I know where - TopicsExpress


French King and Roman Papacy vs Knights Templars I know where the real threat to Christianity came from - The Vatican and Roman Empire When Spirituality and Religion went Mainstream for Control The Crusades were to seperate the Church Power and Authority Back to the Original Teachings of the Gnostic Christians and Hebrew Alchemists, Gnostism is the Greek word for knowledge of thyself and then God in the Teachings of Jesus Christ. The Original Templars were called The Poor Warrior Monks of Jesus Christ, they became wealthy and corrupted later on down the Track as the rose to power and with that comes the Temptations of Money and Business and Wealth and Corruption which happened as well over time. Many of the Spiritual Templars and Alchemists knew you were all Spiritual and Mental Slaves basically so they formed the Original Illuminati, which means the Enlightened or Illuminated ones in Christ to then teach all of you the Spiritual Practices to free yourself and know thyself within, which unlocks all your hidden spiritual powers and gifts within. Well that is no Good for a Pyramid system of Control where they use all methods and forms to keep you all locked down and turning up to those careers and paying those taxes, chasing Spirit and God all day and your own meaning to life and finding self and gaining power within. Not real good for the Matrix Social Economic Machine People nowdays care more about that and Stupid Mainstream Media Than they do about the other life forms called Human Beings here with them now. The Original Illuminati got taken over by Evil men with a corrupt age old sinister Anti Christ Agenda and well the plans went from overthrowing all the corrupt monarchies and governments and Papacy. To them now controlling everything through the Jesuit Order, all roads do lead to Rome. From there they lead to the Council of 300 then the 13 Families of the Illuminati satanic bloodlines, from there they answer to Spiritual Entities that are not of Human being form, I call them Hijackers, Fallen Angels or Reptilians and Jinn or Demons and Alien Grays things of that nature that are of Extra Terrestrial and Inter Dimensional, these beings are nothing new, they are even mentioned in the Bibles, Aliens we just have all different names and perceptions for similar types things. This Planet has always had some form of Supernatural Spiritual Influences the Bibles speak of Angels and Demons and Visions and Spirits. You only have to look back to Ancient Sumerian times and Ancient Egypt and the Elites dealing with the fallen angels or creatures not of human being form with wings and so on. Where do you think all this technology and science and invention ideas come from so fast over the ages, not mankind alone. The people in the secret occults get help. Good Book I read called Fallen Angels the Origins of Mans Evil https://youtube/watch?v=F7oVwGIAYeU Montalk - 1. What is the Matrix Control System? Website: montalk.netThe five key components... YOUTUBE.COM The Demiurge is what modern Christians call the Devil or Satan. Christians called them the Archons, Islam called them the Jinn That aim to keep you all spiritually asleep and low in consciousness. So therefore you have to do opposite, Raise Consciousness and Spirit If your alive in Christ you all have the Spiritual Powers not these ETs They know this, do not let them doop and hood wink you due to ignorance. Jesus Promises the Holy Spirit …25These things I have spoken to you while abiding with you. 26But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you. Jesus Christ Gave Me Power Over Alien Abductions - Alien Resistance I have a lot of things to talk about, especially things of... ALIENRESISTANCE.ORG When people learn the Real Jesus Christ and his full Spiritual Authority he is the Sheppard and your Strength and Protection, the Master Rabbi. He won this war against the powers of darkness long ago they know this, they are just trying to doop all of you, seek Truth and the Real JC. Knowledge and Education is Power to the People Jesus says I did not give any of you the Spirit of Fear beforeitsnews/.../proof-that-jesus-stops-alien... Proof That Jesus Stops Alien Abductions! | Alternative Glenn Canady project.nsearch Link to Video: BEFOREITSNEWS.COM If your one of Christs Children his not going to let nothing mess with you, you mess with Christ your now picking a fight with Father as well, God. God is the Ultimate Father and Creator even to all these fallen entities They know this, I want you all to know it as well, The power of God When I saw several times, Reptilians are shit scared of born again Christians and Humans in full powers of Christ and God and they will not mess with Gods Spritual Laws, I am like, ah ha, I got your weakness, they rely for you to be in constant fear, not no fear and chasing them. Now they are scared. The Little old reptile mouse behind the Curtin pulling the Lions strings keeping them all dumbed down and sleeping. Then one day the Lions start waking up and walking towards the Curtin. This old little creepy Reptile is now, Oh no, they are onto us, and not scared anymore. Shittttttt Run. All these years the mouse been terrorizing the lions Until the day the lions wake up to the scam, then lookout. By Benjamin Saint Fankhauser This is what is going to happen soon in future https://youtube/watch?v=8ZBrlqfLLBU
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 01:57:05 +0000

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