French Oil Giant, Total has been awarded 11 blocks west of - TopicsExpress


French Oil Giant, Total has been awarded 11 blocks west of Shetland in what has been called one of the UK’s largest ever licensing rounds. In what is seen as a huge commitment to their future in the UK, Total has won the right to prospect in some of the deepest waters west of Shetland where experts believe there could be a lot more oil and where oil giants BP have already had huge success with their Clair Field and Clair Ridge developments. UK independent Chrysaor was also successful in securing a block west of Shetland with more license wins going to smaller companies than ever before. Oil and Gas People Managing Director Kevin Forbes, Said: “It is extremely encouraging to see companies begin to look seriously at frontier areas, stepping away from known basins and into deeper water. The technology has finally caught up and it is a very exciting time for the North Sea and the industry as a whole” The Licensing round also seen the first every exploration licenses awarded in the West of Hebrides area Announcing the awards, Business and Energy Minister Matthew Hancock said: “This successful licensing round, which is on track to be one of biggest rounds ever in five decades, is a boost for the UK economy. “Industry are scrambling over themselves to invest in the UK and explore for energy.”
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 00:21:45 +0000

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