Frenchy Fry is 8 months old! She started out the month growling at - TopicsExpress


Frenchy Fry is 8 months old! She started out the month growling at us like a little bear all the time…when she was happy and especially when she was interested in something. She has finished the month off by laughing at almost everything. Unless something makes her mad, in which case she goes from a smile to a furious scream in no time…gives us zero amount of time to anticipate what she may want. So, shes become a little demandy in her old age…taking a little bit after her bigger sis. Sitting up is old hat to her, although she hasnt figured out how to push herself up from a laying position yet…and her transition from sitting up to a crawling position still usually involves a dive and a big thump to her cabbage head. Still doesnt stop her, though. She started army crawling right about a month ago and has almost gotten on her knees several times the last couple of days. She already gets to where she wants to go with no problem, but will most definitely be a bonafide crawler in the next few days. Shes such a strong girl. She can almost pull herself out of her Bumbo seat (Ill sometimes trap her in one when I have to run to the other room and I dont want her getting into something or bothering one of Rubys block masterpieces)...when she wants to get somewhere, she goes at it with a vengeance. Her strong little square hands can tear up almost anything…mail envelopes, her daddys paperback books he leaves by his side of the bed, Lego/block buildings, and the bigger kids have discovered she will ruin puzzle pieces in minutes. Jody says she constantly pulls his arm hairs to the point hes scared theyre coming out…he says shes good at getting the exact same ones over and over, too. Ruby was (and is) an absent-minded pincher…Frenchys a puller. Unlike Ruby, Frenchy is going to be a strong, fast eater. Weve always had to coddle (and beg) Ruby to get all her good food in, and also give her plenty of time to eat it in (Jody already worries about her just getting her lunch unpacked at school by the time her lunch time is over). The baby already eats like a little hungry piggy…fast and happy to have it to eat. She constantly grabs at our food and any cup or bottle around. She already wants real food. Its so nice to not have to worry about her weight gain or that shes not getting enough. It was such a source of stress with Ruby…one of the advantages of a full-time, fatty watty baby. Frenchy still doesnt like being left alone…she enjoys her company and being left alone is usually one of the reasons for one of her furious screams. You can tell that Frenchy has still stuck, especially now with Ruby calling her Frenchy as much as she calls her baby. Its so cute. And when Ruby does address the baby, Frenchy already looks at her with adoration and happiness. Ruby can get a smile out of her quicker than anybody. We expect her first tooth for those gums any day now. The last thing of mention is that Frenchy will actually lean in for a big open-mouthed, gummy kiss when you ask her for one. Youve never seen anything so sweet. She is our happy, easy-to-please baby…she is thrilled with anything and everything; any attention, words, or smiles you have to pass to her is greeted with appreciation, interest and a beamy return smile. Shes a ray of light to our household and she makes every place she enters a happier place to be. Happy, healthy, joyful girl.
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 02:16:49 +0000

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