Frequencies 28 Spectrum of light waves - TopicsExpress


Frequencies 28 Spectrum of light waves https://youtube/watch?v=eCVPhjHh57E https://youtube/watch?v=EEgAWW4vuiI A development in Western practices dating back to the 1940s is to associate each one of the seven chakras to a given color and a corresponding crystal. For example, the chakra in the forehead is associated with the color purple, so to try and cure a headache a person might apply a purple stone to the forehead. This idea has proven highly popular and has been integrated by all but a few practitioners. Mercier introduces the relation of color energy to the science of the light spectrum: in my mind waves. As humans, we exist within the 49th Octave of Vibration of the electromagnetic light spectrum. Below this range is barely visible radiant heat, then invisible infrared, television and radio waves, sound and brain waves; above it is barely visible ultraviolet, then the invisible frequencies of chemicals and perfumes, followed by x-rays, gamma rays, radium rays and unknown cosmic rays. Understanding existence and physical form as an interpretation of light energy through the physical eyes will open up greater potential to explore the energetic boundaries of color, form and light that are perceived as immediate reality. Indian Yogic teachings assign to the seven major chakras specific qualities, such as color of influence (from the 7 rays of spectrum light), elements (such as earth, air, water & ether), body sense (such as touch, taste, and smell), and relation to an endocrine gland. Fundamentally ancient teachings correctly interpreted and translated shows us that we are all basically unique vibrating light energy. Some of you may have even heard the term “light worker” or even spiritual medium. Again there’s no mystery. It simply means a person who tunes into light energy or vibrational energy that others don’t wont cant etc. On the face of it, most of what I believe goes against physicists claim they know! It demolishes what is arguably sciences most cherished principle. Ever since Albert Einstein formulated his theory of relativity nearly a century ago, it has been a central note of physics that nothing can travel faster than light. Now it is claimed that in certain circumstances, light itself can be accelerated up to 300 times its usual speed. But its too soon to bin the textbooks. As always, the devil is in the detail or more importantly, evidence the detail in language that people can relate to and understand, not perplex complicate confused and sell or miss sell. Moving through a vacuum, light, as we know it travels at 300,000 km per second. According to the theory of relativity, it is the ultimate speed limit for the propagation of any physical influence. That includes spacecraft, subatomic particles, radio signals, or anything that might convey information or cause an effect. When light passes through a medium such as air, it is slowed he’s a little Analogy with water waves. Try throwing a stone in a pond to make ripples. Focus on a particular wave crest, and it will appear to move fairly fast, but then take a wider perspective to view the group of waves as a whole, and it travels outwards from the point of disturbance noticeably more slowly. It is almost as if the waves are rushing to get nowhere fast. You can watch as new ripples rise up at the back of the wave group, whiz forwards, and fade away at the front. The same thing happens to light in a medium. It comes about because atoms in the medium create outgoing ripples of light as the primary light wave sweeps by them. When these ripples overlap and combine with the primary wave, they obliterate the parts racing on ahead, suppressing the fast-moving wave front and serving to slow down the group. So light passing through a medium has two associated velocities: that of the group as a whole, and that of the individual wave crests, known as the phase velocity. In music production phase invert. Even in normal electric circuits we phase invert. An example of inverting lets say a stereo music track, I don’t know Justin Bieber! Assuming we are using a shop brought Cd playing at 44.100hz what our ‘hi-fi’ meaning high fidelity or device reproduces is two tracks. 1 left 1 right. Combined we know this as stereo. When the tracks get mixed. Sound engineers such as my self, pan or move frequencies such as base or low frequencies to the left channel/speaker. Other sweater higher tones or frequencies go right speaker. Now this is to utilise basically as much headroom or frequency bandwidth range as possible or as is needed and to add separation and definition. So now you basically understand music mixing. If you invert the mixed left right signal and invert it, what happens is you cancel out the middle frequency band, often where the sweet vocal and snare drums are found. Karaoke machines use phase inversion to remove at least some part of vocals from standard cds etc. Phase inversion simply put means reversing positive and negative poles. Basically it’s like swapping the red and black cables on your speaker input. A normal medium always reduces the group velocity of light to below its phase velocity, leading to the familiar phenomenon of refraction - the effect that causes a stick to look bent when it is stuck in water is this situation is reversed: the secondary ripples of light actually make the wave group travel faster than the phase velocity. To achieve this UN normal state, the scientists used a gas of cold caesium, and then excited the cesium atoms with a laser. So energised, the atoms do more than cause secondary ripples of light, they amplify the light too. It is this amplification that is the key to boosting the speed of the wave group, reportedly to 300 times the speed of light in a vacuum. Bizarrely, the wave distortion achieved is so large; it causes the group velocity to become negative, which means the peak of the wave pulse appears to exit the gas before it enters. In other words, the light waves seem to run backwards. What makes this result appear to be a revelation is the relationship between light speed and causality. The theory of relativity predicts that speed slows time. Back to Aviation, time passes a bit slower in an aircraft than on the ground, an effect that has been verified using atomic clocks. The time warp is small for everyday motion, but grows without limit as the speed of light is approached. Cosmic rays, for example, traveling exceedingly close to the speed of light, and their internal clocks are slowed millions of times. Again time in my view is for the most part man made as we interpret understands and use it. Relativity theory predicts if I “could” move quickly enough and exceed the speed of light, the time warp would become negative, and the particle could then travel backwards in time. Complete rubbish. Now I’ve never been a fan of Star Trek, yet I’m familiar with the term “warp speed” I guess most people think this means a different speed. It doesn’t in scientific terms. It simply mean warping or bending the range or attack angle of the relative curve, passing signal or waves thru the warped curve with less resistance. As Dr. Who fans are aware, travel into the past opens up a nest of paradoxes. For example, suppose a faster-than-light particle is used as a signal to explode a bomb in the very lab that the particle itself is created. If the bomb explodes yesterday, the particle cannot be made today. So the bomb wont explode, and the particle will be made. Either way, you get contradictory nonsense. At stake, then, is the very rationality and causal order of the universe. Allow faster-than-light travel, and the physical world turns into a madhouse as lets be honest most people cant even walk or drive around without crashing into others! Fix Timing the speed of a pulse of light using methods of time that humans use is imposable. Not least because the shape of the pulse changes when it passes through ever medium. To make a pulse of a short duration, it is necessary to mix together waves of many different frequencies or light Colors, and in a medium each wave will propagate differently. This is why lets say 02 phones work thru walls better than Three Phones. Basically they use more bandwidth color spectrum frequencies and more current power flow allowing them to pass thru walls etc. In the case of microwave over. Directed beams at the middle a-pose. This flaw closely relates to the quantum nature of light, where each frequency component can be thought of as made up of pho tons that behave in some ways like particles. But or in my mind no but! Photons are subject to Heisenbergs principle, according there is an inherent uncertainty in their whereabouts. In the pulses of light used in the experiment, it isnt possible to pick out a given component photon and observe it travelling at superluminal velocity. The Princeton physicists believe this fundamental fuzziness associated with a finite pulse of waves prevents information from exceeding the speed of light, so in an operational sense the light barrier remains unbroken we are told! It is intriguing to see how the wave nature of light rescues the theory of relativity from paradox. On the face of it, todays announcement in Nature that a team of Princeton physicists has broken the light barrier demolishes what is arguably sciences most cherished principle. Ever since Albert Einstein formulated his theory of relativity nearly a century ago, it has been a central tenet of physics that nothing can travel faster than light. Now it is claimed that in certain circumstances, light itself can be accelerated up to 300 times its usual speed. But its too soon to consign the textbooks to the dustbin. As always, the devil is in the detail. Moving through a vacuum, light travels at 300,000 km per second. According to the theory of relativity, it is the ultimate speed limit for the propagation of any physical influence. That includes spacecraft, subatomic particles, radio signals, or anything that might convey information or cause an effect. When light passes through a medium such as air, it is slowed. The effect is best explained by analogy with water waves. Try throwing a stone in a pond to make ripples. Focus on a particular wave crest, and it will appear to move fairly fast, but then take a wider perspective to view the group of waves as a whole, and it travels outwards from the point of disturbance noticeably more slowly. It is almost as if the waves are rushing to get nowhere fast. You can watch as new ripples rise up at the back of the wave group, whiz forwards, and fade away at the front. The same thing happens to light in a medium. It comes about because atoms in the medium create outgoing ripples of light as the primary light wave sweeps by them. When these ripples overlap and combine with the primary wave, they obliterate the parts racing on ahead, suppressing the fast-moving wave front and serving to slow down the group. So light passing through a medium has two associated velocities: that of the group as a whole, and that of the individual wave crests, known as the phase velocity. A normal medium always reduces the group velocity of light to below its phase velocity, leading to the familiar phenomenon of refraction - the effect that causes a stick to look bent when it is stuck in water. The special feature of the Princeton experiment was the creation of a peculiar state of matter in which this situation is reversed: the secondary ripples of light actually make the wave group travel faster than the phase velocity. To achieve this odd state of affairs, the scientists used a gas of cold cesium, and then excited the cesium atoms with a laser. So energised, the atoms do more than cause secondary ripples of light, they amplify the light too. It is this amplification that is the key to boosting the speed of the wave group, reportedly to 300 times the speed of light in a vacuum. Bizarrely, the wave distortion achieved is so large; it causes the group velocity to become negative, which means the peak of the wave pulse appears to exit the gas before it enters. In other words, the light waves seem to run backwards. What makes this result so sensational is the relationship between light speed and causality. The theory of relativity predicts that speed slows time. For example, time passes a bit slower in an aircraft than on the ground, an effect that has been verified using atomic clocks. The time warp is small for everyday motion, but grows without limit as the speed of light is approached. Cosmic rays, for example, travel exceedingly close to the speed of light, and their internal clocks are slowed millions of times. Again this was referenced in a 80s classic movie called “Cocoon” where some geriatric’s go of to space to re juvenile and live longer. As with all my writing, it is fully open ended and open to not only question but also continued interrogation and learning. There is no point in having a point! As that point surly moves, ride the wave too continuum and continue to always question and why?
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 13:09:31 +0000

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