Fresh Manna: Monday 29th July, 2013 There is Light Ahead… 2 - TopicsExpress


Fresh Manna: Monday 29th July, 2013 There is Light Ahead… 2 Peter 1:19 (NiV) We also have the prophetic message AS SOMETHiNG COMPLETELY RELiABLE, and YOU WiLL DO WELL TO PAY ATTENTiON TO iT, as to A LiGHT SHiNiNG iN A DARK PLACE, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. Have you ever heard folks say, “I seem to be in the dark”? When you hear such things, just know that folks are going through a hard time. They have probably come to a point in their pursuit of purpose where they are in a “dead end”. They are “held up in a spot”, and can’t seem to advance anymore. Yes, there are “dark times” and “dark seasons”. There is no one who is a success today that at a time did not come into a dark time. There comes a moment in life in which we don’t see “light” ahead. It can really affect our will to live and move on, when we don’t see “light” ahead. I read once about a research that was done by experts to determine the power of attitude in rats. They wanted to see how the rat’s attitude affected their will to live. They put one rat in a large tub of water with high sides, so it could not get out. Then they put the tub in a dark place. They wanted to know how long it would take the rat to attempt to swim out before it gave up. Well, to their amazement, the rat lasted for about four minutes. A similar thing was done with another rat, but this time around, they allowed a little light, a bright ray of light, to shine in the dark room. Guess what? This second rat swam thirty-six hours, seven hundred times longer than the rat with no light! Oh, how difficult it is to go through life with “no light”. The rat with no light had no hope. When he looked ahead he saw only darkness. There was no more reason to “keep swimming”. It gave up, and caved in! That’s what happens when we don’t expect God’s Help to come our way. But we need not act like that rat with no light. We have “light” ahead of us in this journey of life. It’s the light of God’s Word! The Word is a “lamp" unto our “feet” and a “light” unto our “path”. It’s not about the “measure” of the light. No light is “weak’, no matter the size. Darkness will always be consumed by the light! Did you notice what Peter said in our text concerning God’s Word? He said the Word is ‘completely reliable”. It is a “light shining in a dark place”. Yes it SHiNES in a DARK PLACE. We will “do well” if we pay heed to heed. No matter how dark it appears, when His Word comes to us, the darkness dispels, and hope comes live. The light of the Word ignites us; it rejuvenates our strength and our passion. We know we can, because light has come. We expect “uncommon favor” in our business deals. Like the rat with light, we keep our faith high. We don’t give up on our dreams. We know that the God of heaven is watching over us and directing our paths. We see the “lines fallen to us in pleasant places”. We know that we are going to “arrive alive”. This light, no matter how “little” it is, is “shining’ in our dark times. We sense in our spirit that our “day” is about to “break”. We refuse to “settle for less’’ when we know by the “light” that we can have “much more”. I SEE the DAWNiNG of a NEW DAY in your LiFE! Your WATER is about to BREAK; get READY TO GiVE BiRTH to your BABY! The DARKNESS around you notwithstanding, you HAVE MADE iT! Let somebody SHOUT HALLELUJAH!
Posted on: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 09:18:59 +0000

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