Fri. 12/12/14 ... Major Rosetta Stone Spanish bug that has been - TopicsExpress


Fri. 12/12/14 ... Major Rosetta Stone Spanish bug that has been driving me NUTS! Now, I STILL am very much enjoying my Spanish studies and progressing well using Rosetta Stone, and OTHER TOOLS SIMULTANEOUSLY, such as Duolingo, which is AMAZING and I LOVE it, and I also have been excited enough with my language studies that I also just pulled the trigger on Rosetta Stone LATIN as well, and I am progressing in that very well also - a dead language, but that misses the point, because (1) to learn Latin well is to embrace the very ROOTS of MANY languages, including English, (2) I am doing it to honor my father who was an EXPERT in Latin, and thus, COULD NOT BE STUMPED when deciphering new languages, and finally, (3) I want to learn Latin not because it will be easy, but BECAUSE IT WILL BE HARD! What a concept! Its a shame Americans have, for the most part, lost that edge. That all said, my studies carry on just fine, but these software bugs are AGGRAVATING, and it is as if Rosetta Stone wants me to speak with a REDNECK Southwest Georgia accent. Im sorry but that will NOT cut it! Watch the 6 Spanish language questions here, and note that, on the 4th, it will not accept my more or less correct Spanish pronunciation, but as soon as I go full-blown-redneck, BOOM! PERFECT SPANISH! MAJOR PROBLEM! So, while I dont claim to have perfect, or even good pronunciation, it is at least better than the REDNECK it is accepting from me when I get irritated with it! This video shows only one error, but earlier, EVERY SINGLE QUESTION WAS DOING THIS, and it happens with my Latin program sometimes as well. This is NOT an isolated bug, folks! Wake up Rosetta Stone!!! One HAS to wonder what things will be like when I get to the advanced levels!
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 09:08:25 +0000

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