Friday - week one. St Lucia. Today Marcia Alexander joined us - TopicsExpress


Friday - week one. St Lucia. Today Marcia Alexander joined us and gave a great Morning Reflection with songs and a beautiful prayer. She was awesome, as usual. Hilary, Bois, Dickie, Jon and Chip headed off to work on our second house. They finished the fourth wall before the rains hit - and they hit strong for over an hour. While they waited, squished together under the porch of the next door house, they shared stories of love. That alone should have been enough drama for one day, (I wish I could have been a fly on the wall), but it ended with a first for Good News. They put up the trusses, but not the galvanized panels, then had to quit. As they turned the van around and started back (they were on a dead end road) they encountered a road repair project...4 tall mounds of rock across the road. Just dumped there with no one around! There was no way they could go around it and no shovel with them. Hilary walked back to the job site for shovels and the other guys started moving rock by hand. Soon, armed with shovels they spread out the rocks enough to allow them to drive over it - about 30 minutes worth of time. I, personally think that is how the road crews get their rocks spread! Bob, Tony and Don went to the Childrens Home and they are nearing the completion of a week-long job. The painting was started, work on the cement shower continued as all were busy. One more day, I am told. Jennifer and Mary had another dental day, seeing many patients and putting smiles on many faces. Barth, Chris, Jessie and I went to Dunnottar (Mary Jo stayed home with a touch of a flu-like bug). Dunnottar is a school for the developmentally disabled children in the area, and a visit there is a source of never-ending joy for Good News volunteers. When we arrived at the 110 year-old building (formerly a Slave Masters house) we were greeted with hugs from the dozen children sitting on the porch waiting for us. We introduced ourselves then started the morning off with a story and art project. We brought out the Rainbow Fish book we worked with at Camille Henry. The children colored their own fish and we cut them out. Then the real fun began...we brought out the plastic Hot Potato game. The children sat side-by-side spread across two picnic tables and laughed and giggled as one-by-one they were eliminated from the game (the one caught holding the potato when the timer rings is out). When a victor emerged everyone cheered for her and sat down for another round. The second round included the teacher. Lots of fun. Next we walked down to the lower level with intentions of bringing out the parachute. Within 5 minutes the rains hit us, so our Plan B was to play with soccer balls and beach balls under the shelter until lunch. Afterwards we played the Hot Potato game with the older children (10-16) to even more laughter and fun. As Barth and I were deciding that we really needed a song to go with the game, one of the girls started clapping a staccato rhythm. Then drumming on the table was added and a great percussion sound track emerged. As if by God... The thing I was most impressed by, with the Hot Potato, was the graciousness of the children. When a child was knocked out, they stood up with their peers clapping and cheering FOR them. There was no pouting, no arguing, no mean attitudes. They accepted the outcome and stood off to the side to cheer the others on. Amazing. Needless to say a good time was had by all. We all made it back to the APC, had a great meal and, as I write, the majority of our group is playing dominoes in the other room. They are having a good time. Signing off - Toni
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 02:54:55 +0000

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