Friday 18 January 2008 3 For the time will come when they will - TopicsExpress


Friday 18 January 2008 3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; 4 and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables. 5 But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfil your ministry. 2 Timothy 4:3-5 Patrick: Jesus, this is what is happening now in this time. Priests and schoolteachers are full of heresy, teaching a doctrine that is totally of this world and nothing to do with You. Priests and teachers are very quick to say that they do not believe in such things as Adam and Eve and so many other things within Your Scriptures. Jesus, was Adam the first man and Eve the first woman who ever lived on this earth? Jesus: My son, you know this to be true, so why do you ask? Patrick: So that others may also know through these Messages. Jesus: My son, if they do not believe in My Scriptures they are not going to listen to these Words that I speak through you. Look at the Truth, these teachers of My Word only look for self gain, they are not My shepherds but they are wolves in sheeps clothing and they teach a false gospel, a gospel of self, lies and untruth. Because they have not followed My teachings they can neither see nor know what is Truth. They are caught up in the web of lucifer and do not wish to know My Truth. Look, My son, it was the likes of these priests and teachers that Crucified Me on Calvary; it was they that nailed Me to the Cross because My teachings did not suit their selfish lifestyle. Patrick: Jesus, why can they not see when they have spent so many years studying in order to become priests and teachers? Jesus: It is a job, My son, for these fallen children of Mine. They neither know Me or have the desire to know Me in their blindness. In order to know Me you must have a prayer life. If you do not have a prayer life then how can you know Me? You cannot be friends with someone if you have never talked to them. If you talk about them you never know them. It is the same with those who do not follow Me in truth. They talk about Me and presume to know Me in their own thinking, so if My Laws do not suit their lifestyle then in their minds they presume that God would not be like that and so they change My Words. You can see this all around you. In these days many shepherds have fallen away from Me and only seek the ways of the world and preach false doctrine and are responsible for the spiritual deaths of many, many of My children. They have forgotten the Truth for they neither wish to know or see what they are doing. Patrick: It is very sad, Jesus, but I know many priests like this and I hear of many religious teachers that teach a totally different faith from what I was taught when I was a child. Jesus: My son, pray and sacrifice much for these that they may come to know and live My Truth. Without much prayer and sacrifice, these children shall be lost to Me forever. Patrick: Thank You, Jesus, I love You.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 12:19:22 +0000

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