Friday 25.7.14 Sandwell demonstration for - TopicsExpress


Friday 25.7.14 Sandwell demonstration for Palestine: Sandwell public demonstration supporting Palestine organised by Inclusive Muslim Action Network (IMAN) 600-800 people turned out from all backgrounds - religion, ethnicity and nationality. Including 10-15 Councillors, many Sandwell faith leaders, social and civil activists. We had local press and media present. Only people missing were the four MPs whether due to Parliamentary recess vacations or for being friends of Israel. Repeatedly it was stated that the Israeli self defence excuse was indefensible & illogical. A Complete hoax and disingenuous position blaming the victim. Supported by the subverting and turn speaking media and political propagandists blatant tactic of lying and deliberately covering up the gruesome realities on the ground seen unfolding daily to the world. Israel the aggressive occupier has no right to deny victimhood from a persecuted and oppressed Palestinian people by shamelessly claiming to be the victim when it actually is the terroriser. Message to our elected representatives and governments that it is inhuman, cruel and disgusting for the friends of the bully and mass murdering state of Israel to simply standby and repeat the Israeli bias by the likes of USA, NATO, EUROPE, India, UK etc. All of these self interests serving so called champions of human rights and leaders of the free world urgently need to clearly condemn the rogue state that it is committing war crimes, massacring young children, relentlessly targeting hospital & schools, delivering a genocide upon an indigenous nation that is blockaded and besieged in a strip of land attacked from land, sea and air with nowhere to run! Unacceptable disproportionate use of force with unjustifiable collective punishment against an armiless, stateless, voiceless, leaderless and unsupported nation of vulnerable people is heart wrenching, sickening, unbearable and distressing. Speakers included: Ragih Muflihi (IMAN) Prof Dr Tahir Abbas (Academic) Imam Ghulam Rasool (IMAN) Salma Yaqoob (Civil activist) Maysara Arbeet (Ghaza citizen) Muhammad Saleem (ANSA) Waseem Zaffar (Councillor) Zaheer Mahmood (Islamic Help) Key points and actions raised: UK, UN and International Community call for immediate ceasefire working with both sides to resolve issues in line with existing UN resolutions. UK to call Israeli Ambassador and tell them in no uncertain terms to stop bombing and killing babies, children, elderly and all innocent civilians which is totally unacceptable. UK to lead on the call for war crime investigations. UK to be in the frontline in the call for: * End the siege of Gaza, * Stop the collective punishment, * Cease indiscriminate killing, * Halt occupation, land grabbing, stealing Palestinian goods and stop the building of settlements - returning all illegally occupied areas. * Stop proliferating, promoting, preaching, teaching and indoctrinating in the ideology of hatred on the pretext of the chosen Jews against the dehumanised gentiles paradigm of hate. * Provide secure corridor for emergency aid, food and medicine * Allow in medical volunteers * Secure a safe haven security zone for the non-combatants * Call on the BBC and other news broadcasters to be unbiased and report in line with the best practice in journalistic integrity. * Pressure Egypt to open its borders for humanitarian and emergency relief needs only MPs should be friends of humanity always first and foremost and not simply be friends of Israel unconditionally. MPs CANNOT just turn a blind eye to all their friends bullying, aggression and terrorism that is paraded shamelessly, trampling over human rights and universal principles of justice. MPs need to be checked out if they are friends of Israel? And whether they received cash, grants, trips or any other benefits from them? Boycott Israeli merchandise and that are illegally stolen from Palestinian land. Stop supporting those shopping chains, and ask all Muslims or other fair minded friends of Palestine who are non-Muslim to do the same to boycott or divest or organise sanctions against Israeli merchandise outlets where possible. Local Authorities should ensure that they do not have contracts that directly or indirectly benefit Israel or provide stolen services and goods illegally taken from Palestine a land that is under occupation from the occupier state - Israel. Social media savviness we need to proactively correct, pressurise and complain to media networks like BBC, Sky, ITV, CNN, Fox news etc Relentlessly scrutinise and pushback till they give accurate coverage that is true, fair and balanced not biased towards Israel or not simply repeat Israeli propaganda, but rather to be objective with the observable facts. Next election hold political candidates to account especially those who have anti Palestinian views that are pro-Israeli or so called friends of Israel therefore get on the record assurances in writing or recording that they will champion the campaigns for the liberation of Kashmir and Palestine with longstanding unimplemented well overdue UN resolutions. Lobby all political parties and build links with all new media everywhere. Send real news to people, politicians and officials electronically everywhere via social media networks. Donate, support or sponsor Palestinians only via registered charities that are accountable and transparent have the capacity and capabilty to deliver the relief projects. Educate our next generation on the history of the Midfle East - al-Quds the first Qibla - including Jewish and Muslim relations throughout history. Seek out friends of Muslims especially amongst wider faith communities and diverse nations especially our sister faiths Judaism and Christianity.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 11:42:47 +0000

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