Friday 28, (Our Retirement Ceremony) Part-Two My Military guards - TopicsExpress


Friday 28, (Our Retirement Ceremony) Part-Two My Military guards were spit shined and perfect. Their armored uniforms glistened under the shining of the street lights as we marched past them. Crowds of onlookers cheered, Clapped and saluted. Flowers were tossed up on the walk bridge as we made our way. We reached the door and Jaden and I took a moment to exchange a look of love and held hands. When we walk out of this building we will be just Mandy and Jaden, And that was just fine for us. We had gone over the plan I had for the ceremony. Their were surprises and risks. But Jaden agreed, for us to start again, We had to cut ties with the past. As we marched to a halt. Tachikova marched to the door and made the ceremonial knock. Per ceremony, Praetor Praytack had to say Enter before the doors could be opened. His voice was heard loud and proud. I should have known he would one up us after the stunning Wedding dress and jewels. The doors opened up to a stunning vista of pines Flowers and grass. The columns were all draped in white with Roses pined all over them the floor was covered in rose petals as they rained down from above. Everywhere Cameras flashed and buzzed with activity. Everybody we knew and talked with was there The cheers were deafening all were on their feet cheering and praising our reign. I was astonished and gulped for air Both our eyes went wide when we saw up front standing beside Praytack ans Kelanna were our children and their families. Finally we made it to the great seal. The guards turned around and marched back out. I gave Jaden a look. Suddenly the Marriage doors were opened and the cheers died down. Holding hands we both stepped forward, saluted and bowed. Pratack said, Never again are you to bow to me or any one. It is we that should bow to you Praetor Jaden and Queen Mandy Romulas Our glorious Peace Makers. This is not everybody. Extending his left hand to the left door. He said, From the peoples of Earth, President Hayley, Captain Jon Luke Picard Savior of Romulas, Dr Beverly Crusher, Savior of our Queen And representing the federation planet Trill. Your adopted Sister Tlana Hayley Healers of our Praetor and our Queen. As the cheers continued Praytack extended his Right arm. From the wondrous galaxy of White Star, Her Majesty Maria Hayley and her brand new husband Sir James Hayley. We were both shocked at all the preparations. Jaden wrapped me up in his arms as we were flooded by an ocean of love and cheers. Right in front of everybody. I raised up and gave my husband a long passionate kiss. The cheers got even louder when Jaden swept me up off my feet and spun me around. In the background was a human song playing, Because you loved me by Celine Dion. a 21st century singer from earth and as Sam knows, My all time favorite song, But for me and her It carried an even more special meaning. Praytack held up his hands for Quiet. He finally said thank you people please take your seats( The music Stopped). Praytack handed Jaden the gavel and said One last time? Jaden smiled and said thank you. He banged the gavel and said This exchange of power ceremony must come to order. Please be seated. Then he banged the gavel once more and presented the Gavel To Praytack for the last time. Praytack called for the officiant Bring forth the books of law. The Praetor book of history was opened. Pyaetor Jaden signed as out going Praetor. And turned the book around for Praytack to sign. He signed in as incoming Praetor. The book was turned back around and slid over to me. I signed as outgoing Praetress and Queen. and turned the book around for Kelanna to sign. She signed as incoming Praetress and Queen. Both Praetor and Kelanna stood to attention. Jaden and I stood to attention and together we marched around each side of the podium. Jaden took off his robe of state and I took off mine. Simultaneously, We stepped forth and placed the robes of state on the new Praetor and his Queen. With precision, we both took two steps back turned and marched back around the podium and marched lock step to the great seal. Turned and faced the new leaders. The Senators took their que and stood to attention. We all saluted and said the same Hail. Hail Praetor Praytack, Hail Queen Kelanna The officiant called out aloud. By Romulan Law, The sucession of power is completed, Glory to the Empire. We all repeated, Glory To The Empire. Praytack banged his gavel and said please be seated. The ceremony continues. I picked up the book access code for the mountain and keys. Jaden remained behind I stood to attention and asked Permission to approach. Praytack a stickler for protocol smiled. He knew I didnt have to do this. Praetor Praytack said approach. I marched forward and placed before the Queen, For Occupation of the Praetors Mountain Residence. I placed the book, codes and keys on the desk. Queen said I receive this with love. Be welcome to come and visit. I took two steps back turned and marched to the seal. Praytack stood and said, For the benefit of all our guests. This now concludes the succession of power and property. He banged his gavel and said now to hear from all your delegates and friends.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 03:10:11 +0000

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