Friday 7 March 2014 Sun in Pisces; Moon in Gemini; Foci in 3, - TopicsExpress


Friday 7 March 2014 Sun in Pisces; Moon in Gemini; Foci in 3, Communication, Neighbors and 10, Position, Honor |Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week ends at 2:30p PT | 5:30p ET | 10:30p UT }Expanded, More Secure Insight{ There is depth of thought and an attempt to get at the extensions of time and space beyond the ordinary, that is, orientation within the spatio-temporal complex. Some of this has a practical side, the movement of things, a mechanical bent or ability to handle materials, get them in place, and maybe deal with technological issues effectively. A reserved side of you wants to be alone or at least does not feel uncomfortable alone, facing the deep side of life in your own manner, alone with G*d. Despite the square between Venus and Mars, and the seemingly endless T square among Jupiter, Pluto and Uranus, there is human communion making us feel we are in an uplifting phase leading into the weekend. Delays which all have experienced in the past five weeks may be less galling in that Jupiter has turned direct (yesterday) although Mars has turned retrograde and Mercury remains slow. When one thing cannot be done, another can be put in its place, a good way to finesse all the delays and backtracks. When feeling dissatisfied, one can assert oneself somehow, maybe humorously, to make life at least amusing when it seems annoying. Personal growth goes on through the annoyances and expands beyond them. People learn from one anothers exasperations and protests. When some seem to be lazing away their time or killing it for no good reason, one can learn what one can through the situation and maybe help them find something more interesting. Someone of whom you are aware who is a good leader, able to organize a group for action, may be effective in your own interest if you link with him or her in a way which makes sense to you. A scientific, philosophic, versatile mind is capable of much more than appears at first. We are learning to respond wisely and even enthusiastically to one anothers peculiarities and even one anothers failures or backwardnesses. We may have hit a spot where the future start to looks much more promising than in recent weeks. {Friday} {Expanded, More Secure Insight} Cosmic Piper
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 23:36:40 +0000

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