Friday 7th November, 2014 Aries It’s just noise dear Aries, - TopicsExpress


Friday 7th November, 2014 Aries It’s just noise dear Aries, don’t be afraid of the noise in your mind leave it be and keep bringing your attention into the inner field of your body. Feel the sensations flowing through the inner field of your body and this is when you feel the truth of who you are. And of course this means practice, practice and more practice. A conversation in your day brings so much light to a situation that has been somewhat of a bother to you for some time. Taurus Just stay open to the possibilities dear Taurus, there is always a way and no the way cannot be found with your thinking. Staying open to possibilities doesn’t mean to sit and think about all the different ways that things can be done. Possibilities and thoughts have nothing to do with each other and if one exists then the other won’t. So this being said the best thing you can do is remember to remain in the here and now and leave all the doors open, all of them. Gemini What forms in your life today will surprise you dear Gemini and you’ll find yourself realising that perhaps all along the answers has been deep in your heart. Perhaps the truth really is true and all along you have been thinking about the truth rather than feeling it. I get the feeling that this means new doors are opening up and all you need to do is make sure you feel the truth. Feel who you are now in the moment and forget anything that is outside of this moment. Cancer You’ll find yourself pondering on a question today that will leave you wondering what your heart is actually saying to you dear Cancer. Maybe your heart is showing you what is real and maybe what is real has nothing to do with all that you once thought it had to do with. This deeper pondering is working for you so please stick with it and allow yourself to remain open to what ever shows up rather than ‘trying’ to choose things to open up. Leo For some reason I feel to say to you today for you to find the sound of the piano and just listen to it. It doesn’t matter what the song is just make sure there is a piano playing in the song and just sit and listen to this piano. I get the feeling that there is about to be a major surrender for you in your life and this piano in your ears is part of the support in enabling you to drop into this surrender. Please don’t question your forecast today and allow yourself to follow the instructions given. Virgo Giving in can certainly be a triumph dear Virgo and of course it depends on what you are giving in to. You are either giving into the moment or you can give into the thoughts that continue to torment you and claim to tell you what is real and what isn’t, what you must be afraid of and careful of. I know deep in your heart you are ready to give into something and I will trust that you are yearning to give into the moment that holds you, the moment that doesn’t require you to be anything other than who you truly are, oh this moment. Libra There is a sense of knowing today that has you feeling more powerful than ever before dear Libra, I get the feeling you are realising what it actually means to pay attention and stop giving up on yourself. It seems to me that you are noticing the aliveness of who you are and this is where the difference in your inner and outer world shows you what life is really about. Believe me trust isn’t even needed when you land in the here and now. Scorpio It will all fall together perfectly and what you mustn’t be afraid of is falling dear Scorpio, don’t mistake falling to mean something that is bad or negative. This falling is in fact your rising and you may not be able to see this so much today however in no time at all you’ll realise why the necessary falling and how this falling is what enables you to find your wings. You’ll come across peace of mind today in a way that you haven’t experienced yet in your life. Sagittarius It’s not about right and wrong dear Sagittarius and it really doesn’t matter where someone else claims to be or not be. Bring your attention back to yourself and focus your attention on what matters to you and not what matters to the person next to you. This way you are able to clearly communicate with the person next to you from love rather than from resentment or with some form of competition. A powerful insight has you realising the dedication in your heart. Capricorn When your attention is on all the things around you then you can’t be responsible for your space and in fact you can’t even hold your space. Being in the here and now isn’t something you do once in a while in hope of change. No, being in the here and now is where you must always remain no matter what seems to be going on. It’s far too often that people think of the here and now but have no clue as to the importance of actually being in it. Aquarius Some things are slower than others because that’s how it’s supporting you dear Aquarius and right now patience is required. And anyway if you are really in your moment then truth be told there is no needing or wanting of anything else because you are here with all that must be here with you. A realisation about the here and now today has you noticing that perhaps all along you have been trying a little too hard and this trying isn’t even required. Pisces The realisation today has you somewhat speechless yet again dear Pisces and this is due to the enormity of it. You’ll realise today that you never needed to look past yourself and all along this journey has been guiding you back home to you. You are home my dear friend and you are the moment, you are the here and now. A powerful interaction today brings so much awareness to the love in your heart that now speaks volumes. Much Love, Ghazaleh Lowe
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 20:00:01 +0000

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