Friday 9th January, 2015 Aries You have the key yourself dear - TopicsExpress


Friday 9th January, 2015 Aries You have the key yourself dear Aries, there is no one in this world that has the key for you and there is no one in this world that can walk the path for you. I want to remind you that you do have it in you, the courage you have is truly profound and when you bring your attention into the here and now then you don’t have to buy into the plans of the ego. The ego always has its own set of plans and none of them are ever in alignment with who you truly are. Taurus There’s a wow factor that happens in your life today dear Taurus and this shows you that the thoughts you have been holding on to from the past are not useful to you in any way, shape or form. It’s time you stop living your life based on these old thoughts allow yourself to be in the new space that life is currently inviting you into. If you keep using these old thoughts then you’ll keep re-creating the very past that you so desire to move on from. Gemini All you need to do is keep it real dear Gemini, when you can be real and honest then you needn’t worry about how your response is being taken. You don’t need to control the situation and nor do you need to stress yourself for any particular outcome. The outcome your heart longs for doesn’t require any kind of stress so please leave it be and bring yourself into the moment. A welcoming message today really has your heart beating a little faster than usual. Cancer You’ve allowed life to open you up in a way that most would be so petrified of dear Cancer and it feels to me that you are not allowing even an iota of fear to step into this very space that illuminates your soul. A powerful moment in your day will show you how to rise beyond anything that is limitation in your own mind and this is when you make the decision o move forward in with a new found confidence that will carry you a very long way. Leo You can talk till your black and blue and you can keep pretending that you are guiding others into a space that they outgo to be in. However at the end of the day to step over someone else to make yourself look good will hurt you in the long run and what ever this nonsense is about showing others the way needs to stop. You can show yourself the way and if others feel to follow some of the path that you have walked so be it, otherwise you are doing them a disservice. Virgo The kindness in your heart needs to come out a little more dear Virgo and this means you’ll have to show up in all of your generosity. I get the feeling that there is a judgment that you are buying into and this is causing some stagnation in your life. A very freeing moment in your day will show you how important it is for you to mind your own business and to live your own life. You have to also give room for others to make their own choices, but you can only do this when you give yourself the room to make your own choices. Libra A very kind gesture today will blow your mind and have you realising that in fact you have so much more to offer than you thought you had. In fact what is now in your hands is something you feel to share and be generous with and this is when you’ll feel as though you are really following your heart. A very beautiful message at the end of your day will have you smiling from ear to ear and standing up to dust yourself off again. Scorpio You have to be in it for yourself right now dear Scorpio and what ever needs to work out with those around you will work out. There is a beautiful flow in which life is showing you right now and the best thing you can do is make sure you are taking the time to believe that this flow is real. I know sometimes it seems that nothing is working but today it all changes and you get to see how your patience and awareness and hard work has paid off. Sagittarius You don’t have to try and make it work dear Sagittarius, instead realise if you will that when you are in the here and now of your life then it works out to the best of its ability, which is far greater than all of our abilities. You’ll realise today how important it is for you to make sure you are taking very good care of your health. It’s time to bring about the change that your body requires and this may mean some discipline will be required and so be it. Capricorn Believe me when I say you don’t need to keep thinking about it dear Capricorn, it’s the thinking that causes you to disconnect with what is ultimately the truth. You don’t want to be disconnecting from this truth at any point in your life let alone right now. I say this because right now you are about to step into a whole new space and this space requires only the truth, which then means you have to really make sure your feet are on the ground. Aquarius Don’t get involved in what the media tells you about the world, don’t get involved in the opinions of the millions because the millions get their information from the same media that causes so much damage to the world we live in. The point I am making dear Aquarius is that you have a choice and never believe anyone or any of the millions when they say to you that you don’t have a choice. I want to remind you of the unlimitedness that you are, but you need to move away from the opinions of these millions to allow yourself to be reminded my friend. Pisces There’s a different feeling today that moves you dear Pisces and this is the feeling that shows you what you deserve, the feeling that shows you how appreciated you are and reminds you of the life that brings your heart to life. You have now stepped into the flow of life and I promise you that your thoughts are not required anymore so please leave them behind. As the day meets you through the night you’ll really find a new sparkle in your eyes and new spring in your step. Much Love, Ghazaleh Lowe
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 00:38:04 +0000

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