Friday, July 18: Bless the Lord Oh my soul, Worship His Holy name! - TopicsExpress


Friday, July 18: Bless the Lord Oh my soul, Worship His Holy name! Today Dane told several people without prompting that “Jesus is healing me!” And it has been so evident today. We have had a great day. I know I am his mom, and probably a little partial, but Dane is AWESOME!!! He was victorious in everything he tried today! SO let me tell you about all the blessings Dane had on this unbelievably cool July day here in Dallas. We started the day with Dane waking and tell me that “It’s gonna be a great day!” He was able to really help with dressing himself and was demonstrating good proficiency with brushing his teeth (which I might add would be a vast improvement over his enthusiasm for dental hygiene before his accident!) We are finding that he will really work better if you just tell him what to do and let him figure out how to use his left hand. One of the victories for the day is that he will no longer take anything – food or meds through his feeding tube – we are done!!!! What a blessing to resume a diet by mouth. We are so excited and this is another step towards having it removed. We went to the gym this morning and worked on stepping up and down, and they wanted him to attempt stairs. Three up, three down. He scaled them like it was nothing. SO for our second session, Laura our PT had him ride a stationary bike. Dane did it but we did it to music, which he sang along with – “Big Balls in Cowtown” by George Strait. I know – but he loves old country music and it had a great beat. It was hilarious – we were all cracking up! Then she had him walk back to his room but this time – we climbed TWO flights of stairs!!!!! I was amazed at him. In OT, we worked on roping – yes roping. It is after all, Occupational therapy and Dane wants to be a roper for his occupation…….. Really we have the best therapists and Jason was looking for something to motivate him and his left arm. So – they had a rope off. Dane did great – he was so comfortable in the whole thing, Im thinking we need to bring a saddle next. Diran brought a bigger roping dummy and that was helpful for Dane but the best part was our sweet, sacrificial therapist let Dane rope HIM! And sure enough he did! The hospital is thinking of using it for marketing….LOL….. Dane wants to hold a roping clinic. It was a great day in therapy for him. That was the physical side of things and he still had to do all the brain workout – we worked on answering questions. I was amazed at how well he did – it is absolutely all in there – we just need to get the pathway open to get it out. God is so good! He also worked on memory – his short term memory has been difficult, so we began with today with trying to remember what we had for lunch. With a little prompting he did it! He had pizza for lunch which is also new for us! He loved it so for dinner, his “Auntie Shannon” brought him Italchos from Terelli’s . If you don’t know what that is- you should seek them out – they are wonderful…….He was played a memory game with Kayla and he did really well!! I would not have done so well! I am so thankful for all the time these people invest in my child. I know it is their job – but really – they go above and beyond. They are invested. I praise the Lord for directing us to each one of these people. They are amazing and they have been able to motivated Dane in his healing. They are a team and their goal is our goal – restoration! They have servant heart and are sacrificial in their delivery of care. I think about sacrifice. The ultimate sacrifice is the death of my Savior. Nothing even comes close. But here on earth. We have the choice of living for self or sacrificially. It is easy to get in to the self mode. I used to be in that mode a lot pre husband and pre kid. I don’t mean that you never consider yourself or that you take no time for yourself – it’s a heart matter. I see our therapy and care team as sacrificial. They give whole heartedly of themselves with the primary intent to help another. I have come to love these people. Love them like – invite them to Thanksgiving kind of love. Scripture says – “That you present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to the world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Romans 12:1-2 I hope at the end of my life, I may be worthy of such a statement. I can say this about those involved in Dane’s care here at this hospital. Glory to God.This verse is so complex – so much to think about. Sacrifice and the renewing of the mind. Those terms bring me back to Dane. Dane sacrificed everything to be a calf roper. He played no other sport, he focused on roping all the time – even at this young age. I could tell you a million stories. But He is mentally tough too. He loves the Lord. He is unwaivering. And now he is in a real process of “transforming his mind” = God is healing him. You see if every day. I couldn’t be more humbled and grateful. Everyday a lesson from Dane………….Glory to God, Sunday’s coming……
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 04:48:14 +0000

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