Friday, November 07, 2014 WoSET Product of Obamas love - TopicsExpress


Friday, November 07, 2014 WoSET Product of Obamas love letter to SHIITE HEAQUARTERS The WORLD thought it is combating radical sunni salafiya jihadism. It believes the United States is LEADING a STRONG alliance of 60, to teach the pariah - Islamic state - a bitter lesson. Khorasan was added to the list of those to be FOUGHT and thoroughly BEATEN, so the Dr. Zawahiri, Ayman - led CORE al qaeda is SPARRED, even as Khorasan and Jabhat al - Nusrah answers to Al Qaeda HEADQUARTERS. And, forget al - Nusrah does in Syria just what ISIL deals, and so also Khorasan! In Europe and at HOME, Berlin determined the RADICAL salafiyah THREAT EARLY and jumped to ACTION. German security began SEIZING HOMES and PROPERTY of suspects linked to ISIL, based on APT diagnosis. A Ghanaian TERRORIST? As a rapper, he was called Deso Dogg. Born to a GHANAIAN FATHER and a GERMAN MOTHER, 39 - year - old Cuspert, Denis grew in Kreusberg, Berlin and under all circumstances should have become a USEFUL MAN with so much potential. Instead, his, was a life of PRISON for various offences, got CONVERTED TO ISLAM, and JOINED a SALAFIST MOVEMENT by 2010. TODAY, he is called al - Amani, Abu Talha. His previously CHOSEN theme of preaching AGAINST DISCRIMINATION in music, now TRANSLATED into GRUESOME ACTS of human decapitations. Videos had Deso Dogg HOLDING SEVERED HUMAN HEADS to which his justification is: thats why they received the death penalty, referring to the BEHEADED, having FOUGHT ISIL. KNOWN to German Intelligence as having the CORE BUSINESS of MOBILISING SALAFISTS in German - speaking nations to JOIN the Islamic State, the Islamic State terrorist, who PERSONALLY vowed allegiance to ISIL Chief Baghdadi, Abu Bakr akin to Baghdadis predecessor al - Zaqarwis 2004 allegiance pledge to Bin Laden, Osama, is but just ONE OF THE MANY Germans gone to FIGHT ALONGSIDE ISIL. The [ German ] Federal Offfice for the Protection of the Constitution, BfV, holds Denis as a CORE ISLAMIC STATE OPERATIVE, @ the very HEART of the terror group. The FEAR, is that such fighters on RETURN, as well as those inspired to the ISIL cause in Germany, pose significant threat to the German HOMELAND. Berlin isnt leaving things to chance, and is ACTING TO QUENCH the threat. Even so BUSY COMBATING terrorism - ISIL threat - INTERNALLY, as evidenced in the Schöneberg ASSET SEIZURE, Germany has not at yet engaged the THREAT in similar fashion EXTERNALLY. She has other matters to handle. The United Kingdom is one such. At the revised EU budgetary input, Berlin holds London to paying its apportioned SHARE of $ 2.7 bn by December 01, which money Prime Minister Cameron, David FLATLY say the UK would NOT pay. Berlin then warned the UK would incur £ 70 m fine each month in case of default. Again, Germanys leader - WORLD FIFTH MOST POWERFUL PERSON - sees PM Camerons intransigence @ capping EU immigration to the UK as a show of why London could be LEFT OUT OF THE EU. Yesterday, the leaders of Finland and Sweden, ECHOED Merkels. The UK, has EUROPE AIMING ARRORS at her.CLEARLY, the EUROPEAN QUIVER HOLDS NOT just a weapon! Israel threatened It is NOT the UK alone facing difficulties. Mid October, the UK parliament by a 274 - 12 decision, voted SYMBOLICALLY to RECOGNISE the Palestinian State: Gazi + West Bank with East Jerusalem as CAPITAL Earlier same month, Sweden had served notice it would RECOGNISE the State of Palestine. And it did, becoming the FIRST EU member to do so. This week, the French Socialist party chose to meet Foreign Minister Fabius, Laurent and PUSH FOR THE FRENCH PARLIAMENT TO ACT TO RECOGNISE the State of Palestine. Fabius is for the RECOGNITION of the Palestinian State, having ADVOCATED for same on October 14, adding IF that would lead to peace. Unlike the UK House of Commons, Fabius was NOT LOOKING at a symbolic gesture! And that mean MORE PRESSURE AND BAD, FOR ISRAEL. In Israel, Temple Mount [ Asqa Mosque ] tensions manifesting in Palestinian attacks on Israeli civilians and police, have seen a SHARP RISE. Some say a THIRD Intifada is underway. The recorded ACTS AGAINST Israelis, include VEHICULAR TERRORIST ATTACKS as in the al Acri terror act this week that killed an Israeli border officer. Plus others, the October 23 INTENTIONAL VEHICULAR ATTACK at Ammunition Hill light rail station attack that threw 3 - month - old Braun, Chaya Sizzele OUT OF HER STROLLER to her death, stone and firebomb throwing rioters etc, collectively poison the ATMOSPHERE. Jerusalem is, without doubt, being SET FOR THE FLAMES. Meanwhile the responses, associations, opinions and positions etc VARY: Hamas PRAISED the November 05 VEHICULAR ATTACK for example while US Secretary of State Kerry, John CONDEMNED it; Israeli Public Security Minister Aharonovich, Yitzhak vowed to RECOMMEND TO PM Netanyahu to have homes of vehicular terrorists DESTROYED, the PM and Defence Minister Yaalon lay the CAUSE of ATTACKS at the DOORSTEP of the Palestinian leader Abbas, Mahmoud. Netanyahu, blamed Abbas, saying: The vehicle attack in Jerusalem is a direct result of Abu Mazens incitement. Steinitz, Yuval, Israeli Minister of Strategic Affairs and Intelligence said of Mahmoud Abbas: [He is] Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. In messages to Israel and the entire world he is a diplomat aiming for peace, and in his messages to the Palestinian education system and the media he incites to hatred and terror....[t]he terrible attack in Jerusalem is a result of his two bare - facedness. We must respond agressively and just as we did with Arafat to expose the dark side of Abu Mazen [ Abbas ] to the entire world. Israel, is at RISK and the THREAT is NOT FADING. It is GATHERING STEAM! While the HOME is NEAR - BURNING, the EXTERNAL maneouvre to PRESS Israel to acquiscence to Palestinian DEMANDS while PUSHING FOR UNILATERAL Palestinian State, is on - going in: ° Sweden ° the UK ° France, and beyond One attempt was for the International Criminal Court, ICC, to HAUL Israel before it. At the instance of the Comoros, an investigation into an Israeli commando operation in 2010 was investigated. But the ICC says would not prosecute. Bensouda, Fatou the ICC Chief Prosecuter said: Following a thorough legal and factual analysis of the information available, I have concluded that there is reasonable basis to believe that war crimes under the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court were committed on one of the vessels, the Mavi Marmara, when Israeli Defence Forces intercepted the Gaza Freedom Flotilla on 31 May 2010....I have concluded that the potential case likely arising from an investigation into this incident would NOT be of SUFFICIENT GRAVITY to JUSTIFY further action by the ICC. Now the NOTES! ° Germany CONFRONTING terrorism @ HOME ° The UK being PRESSURED and on COLLISION course with other EU members ° Israel under ATTACK at HOME and ABROAD! The ICC could have taken Israel on, but for the immediate reasons et al Bensouda advanced. Israel remained THREATENED however, and increasingly pressured. Could the THREAT OUTSTRIP Israeli capacity to contain? WoSET believes so, noting Israel would ACT TO SEEK EXTERNAL HELP. Summary Israel, is troubled; the UK IS pressured; the US is further WEAKENED by the November 04 Midterm elections; Berlin leads in HOME ANTI TERROR COMBAT [ in an EU that is RISING in difficulty just like the RL GOC ] Russia also, is in some trouble. The Russian rouble, RUB, has LOST a quarter of its value this year. Thursday, 46.0035 RUB traded for 1 $ US - a record low - with explanations including the imposed SANCTIONS over Ukraine, REDUCED OIL PRICE and the Central Banks decision to stop acting to defend the currency because such, is unsustainable. China isnt that clean either, and is caught in an issue of certain innocuous nature, hovering around the UK - based conservative group EIA Environmental Investigation Agencys report that a State visit by President Xi to Tanzania in March 2013 was used as cover for diplomats to SMUGGLE ivory, using diplomatic bags loaded onto the Chinese leaders private jet. The EIA, seems to validate Forbes listing of Xi, as the Worlds THIRD MOST POWERFUL PERSON, would do, except that Chinese and Tanzania officials reacted harshly to the EIA claims. But that China is a great landmass with power and capability, isnt much in doubt as seen in how she treats protesters in Hong Kong in a manner befitting the non democratic nature. Spoiler mood Obama, Baracks SECRET MID OCTOBER 2014, letter to Irans Supreme Leader Grand Ayatollah Khamenei, Ali Seyyed TIED a SET NUCLEAR DEAL with a TEHRAN - WASHINGTON CO - OPERATION to combat the Islamic State. Knowing who Obama is, the PROGNOSIS is discernible: 1 Iran would be DEALT A SOFT, CONVENIENT NUKE POSITION. 2 ISIL would NOT be DEFEATED by the US - led campaign. To Medvedev, Dmitri the Russian PM - then President - the US King had said he could in his SECOND TERM as US President, be MORE FLEXIBLE considering he wont be seeking ANY ELECTION thereafter. The Obama mindset REVEALED in the meant - to - be - a -SECRET ASSURANCE then, is discoverable in the clandestine approach to Ayatollah Khomenei. The private letter, a huge spoiler! Baracks EXPECTATION, is in a Tehran ASSIST to DEFEATING ISIL while a determined nuclear deal gets facilitated so as to clinch for him a possible duo FOREIGN POLICY success. But the US leaders calculation is approximated in steep error. The fundamental mis - reading, is to ASSUME Tehran ACTUALLY EVER WANTED a NUCLEAR DEAL! Deluded thus, he deals with Iran the way that STRENGTHENS the shiite headquarters! Irans game Iran engaged the P 5 + 1 on convenience terms ONLY. The Ayatollah calls the TACTIC heroic flexibility, which fits the broader STRATEGY that seeks to: ° BUY TIME ° CONSOLIDATE POWER @ HOME, work the then ailing economy and ill - struck rial, while averting possible mass challenge to the clerical leadership via public anger tool etc ° BECOME STRONGLY POSITIONED REGIONALLY ° BE CONSIDERED THE LEADER OF THE UMMAH etc And at the set calibration, determinable by the Supreme leader with ruling twelfer cleric input, Tehran would break out, rush for and EXPLODE the nuke. Then, would the world be ushered into ORIENTATIONS in nuke warfare! Days just aheard The world set as at today records: Terrorism UNCONQUERED; IRAN about to be a NUCLEAR POWER while still the worlds FOREMOST TERROR - SPONSOR STATE; Israel continually, and more THREATENED; PRESSURED UK with WEAK brother - US - very PARALYSED by LEADERSHIP; GERMANY taking the HOME CLAMP on terrorism / TERROR SUSPECTS a step further and the Russo - Chinese block battling to overcome recognisable blots and challenges. The FAILURE @ terrorism stoppage by the US leadership, gleanable from the WEAK FRONT before, NOW and also threatened by a DIVIDED NATIONAL FRONT, in days coming would get worsened. The indication is seen in House Speaker Boehners insistence on thursday he TRUSTS Iran NOT, CONTRARY to White House position per ACTION till now. Boehner disagrees also with the President OVER MANY else including IMMIGRATION. And with the likely McConnel - Boehner Congress leadership so pitted AGAINST the president, leadership from Washington isnt expected to IMPROVE. Hence the world would require another strong effort, an alternate anti - terror COMBAT, and leadership for the menace to be successfully treated, except the US SOLUTION gets bettered and suited to the metastasizing carcinoma. The Chinese approach to terror, the Russian way to same, and how Berlin IS DOING IT NOW, would leave neither ISIL / Al Qaeda - spearheaded sunni - salafiyah nor Iran - spawned shia apocalyptic terrorism SPARRED when ADAPTED TO IT. Core al qaeda and franchises RAGING so very unrestrained would be hit also. Now, these all REIGN thanks to weak, indecisive leadership that wont accurately define and UPROOT the terror tree but CHOSE to attempt branch pruning in rapprochment instead. This would change. TIME would come when the RAGING GLOBAL TERROR THREAT, would be met brutishly, squarely, and fairly by a more DETERMINED GLOBAL ANTI - TERROR EFFORT. Before then, we brace for some more anti - terror failure, in the midst of much more despicable terrorist monstrosity. WoSET: World SET
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 09:16:10 +0000

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