Friday, November 1 - Is It Fair? ‘Those people worked only - TopicsExpress


Friday, November 1 - Is It Fair? ‘Those people worked only one hour, and yet you’ve paid them just as much as you paid us who worked all day in the scorching heat.’ (Matthew 20:12) From a human perspective this just doesnt seem fair. But that is because it is from a human perspective. How much is eternity in heaven worth? Can time be divided into segments when time does not exist? Can a judge fairly make a judgment against someone that has not broken any law? The Bible says we are saved by grace, not by works. So why would God, or how could God, judge a persons eternity for working to get there? That does not, in any respect, give me a free ticket once I have accepted Christ and entered into His fields. There will be many late-in-life or just-in-time decisions made by men and women that will usher them into the presence of an all-loving God. Jesus came to seek and save those that are lost, accepting them early in their earthly walk or at the last minute. There is a fatal risk, however, for those that think they can live as they please and purchase a ticket at the last minute. Simply put, as is evidenced every single day, we dont have anyway of knowing when the last nano-second will be, much less the last minute. Pretty serious gamble for those with that attitude. I look back on the thirty years prior to surrendering my life and ask a simple question - have I missed out on anything worthwhile by accepting the invitation to work in the vineyards early in the day? Absolutely nothing! I would not trade the peace and joy of these past almost thirty-five years for anything. Anything! And I do not envy that one who calls upon the name of Jesus Christ on their death bed, that will work alongside me in Gods eternal vineyard. I will rejoice, just as the angels, because his/her name was written in the Lambs Book of Life, even if the ink was not completely dry as they stepped across the threshold. In the interim, my job may be to work in the scorching heat doing what the Master has called me to do. But, I do it knowing that the wages paid at the end of the day, even if the same as that one hired late in the day, will be worth it all. Both that one and myself will enter through those gates rejoicing together, ready to serve throughout eternally.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 11:21:52 +0000

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