Friday October 18ths vibration (18+10+2+0+1+3) = 34/7. 7’s - TopicsExpress


Friday October 18ths vibration (18+10+2+0+1+3) = 34/7. 7’s energy gives us the opportunity to turn inward, rest and recuperate and create a space to be receptive to our intuition. The words LISTEN and SECRET both have a root letter total of 7, so today you must listen to the wisdom of the Higher Self, which will reveal the secrets of life’s mysteries to you. The 34th Tarot card is the Eight of Wands. In this card, 8 wands are seen flying through the air, moving left to right, in the direction of the east, towards the light. The bottom wand touches the earth, telling us that the swiftly evolving ideas, messages and contacts you make today will make their mark substantially in your reality. The 3 initiates this vibration and because the symbol of 3 is open at the top and bottom it reflects the expressive communication of its vibration, hence the theme of giving and receiving messages. It’s a day for getting in touch with people and for them to get in touch with you. This feeling of motion can stimulate the desire to travel, to activate plans that have been waiting for an opportunity to move. The overall theme with this vibration is mental swiftness, ideas being generated, new contacts being made, its a time of both physical and mental motion. The theme of motion is reflected in the 7th card of the Tarot, too, the Chariot. The Chariot is our Light-body vehicle, or Mer-ka-ba as it was known in the Egyptian Mystery Schools. We have 7 energy bodies in the fully-evolved human energy form. The Charioteer is a warrior going into battle, and it is the battle for the balance of the mind he needs to harness and claim victory over. We see him maintaining control over two sphinxes, opposites, black and white, left-brain/right-brain. However, in the image on the card, it is important to notice that the Charioteer has no reins. He is mentally controlling two sphinxes, the polar aspects of the mind, to draw the chariot along. This of course points to the strength and the power of the mind and how by directing one’s intent, one directs one’s life and experience of it. It is time to take control of your mind, time for you to take the driving seat. 7 says “Have Faith. Do NOT worry!” Let go of the reigns and the whip-cracking egos that compel us to go this way and that without any true direction. Those 7 rays of divine energy are within you, you just need to be receptive to them, so give yourself time for reflection today.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 11:37:20 +0000

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