Friday, October 24, 2014 Three goods and better. Today - TopicsExpress


Friday, October 24, 2014 Three goods and better. Today we’ve come to Mom and Dad’s old place at Gulfport. Our daughters have loved and used this house since the grand folks went on to heaven. Having a house as a Methodist preacher is something special. The parsonage system continues, but more pastors are having the choice of a housing allowance, or a parsonage. The housing allowance has double blessed us. Our place here needed work. The long hedge between our house and the one next door had grown ‘way’ up! We knew we’d need some electric trimmers to help get the job done. I called our daughter and husband who live here (parents to Ellie, and our fifteen month old granddaughter!) to ask about borrowing the equipment. “No, daddy, we don’t have those but Edgar does. Edgar Dapremont, our grandpa- in love. (It’s he who so often adds pictures of family to our blog, and I prefer to say ‘in love’ when we often say in-law) He and his wife Chrissy go out of their way to be helpful, and when he called back, he said that he was on his way to work (Edgar is an Ophthalmologist) he’d be glad to drop the ladder and tools off. They were exactly what we needed and delivered in kindness to boot! Thank you Edgar, and thank you Lord. Then as we talked, he mentioned in passing that his brother Joseph is a handyman in just about every way, and we knew this because he had already helped around the house when our daughter still lived here. Well, he also does electrical. Edgar called and his brother said that he would be glad to come take a look. He did, and the automatic lights our other daughter has wanted installed for just about a year, are just about half ‘up’ and close to working! Thank you Joseph and Edgar. Another good in a single day! Our associate pastor at Wells, John Brashier, had a mini basal stroke the first part of the week, and we were all worried and concerned. Our youth have a retreat this weekend, and he’s in charge. More, he had invited a special friend, Milton Brasher-Cunningham, to lead the retreat and preach for us Sunday at the 11 o’clock service. All his tests came out very well, and when we talked this afternoon, he said, “I’m feeling more like my old self again.” Once again an act of God for which we are so grateful, and such rapid response to something so serious is more than mere coincidence. It’s God at work. Often the ‘world’ makes acts of God the bad stuff-- tornadoes, hurricanes, fires, and so forth. Such are elements of God’s amazing and complex creation, but certainly not God’s true intention for his own. One of the true joys of the life of faith is beginning to see all the good stuff as the will of God. The more you think about it, the clearer you see it. When God first made it all, he called it “Good.” As we experience life let’s look for every way to call it good, and do all we can to make it that way. If not good, then better. Just like Edgar and Joseph and John did for us today. Three goods and it’s better. Tonight, well have our 46th reunion get together of the old Guinn Methodist at Palmer Creek Camp Ground. Another good for which to thank God. More about that, tomorrow... Always love, always, Keith
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 11:37:09 +0000

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