Friday Prayer Service(19 Sept 2014) Topic: Doers of The - TopicsExpress


Friday Prayer Service(19 Sept 2014) Topic: Doers of The Word Proof Scrips: John 3:16, James 1:22-25, Prov 10:22 For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world that HE even gave up HIS only begotten, unique Son, so that whoever believes in, trust in, clings to and relies on HIM shall not perish or come to destruction or be lost but have eternal everlasting life. God is a giver and not just an ordinary giver but HE gave willingly out His loving heart for us. Christians find it hard to give in life and yet we want to prosper. God gave so He came redeem us and if He gave to redeem why cant we Christians follow in like manner as He did to redeem our blessings. God is the doer of His word, for He says I stand upon my Word to perform it. In James 1:22 it says be ye doers of the word obey the message and not merely hearers or listeners only, betraying yourselves into deception by reasoning contrary to the truth. If you are a doer of the Word of God you automatically qualify for His blessing because you are living according to HIS Word because HE HIMSELF is the WORD John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. You will qualify without any doubt for His blessings. For the blessing of the Lord it makes truly rich, and He adds no sorrow with it, neither does toiling increase it. Prayer Arrows: Shout and say My Father! My Father! 1. Lord help me to be a doer of your word in Jesus name. 2. Lord help me to do your desires in Jesus name. 3. Lord as I do your will bless me indeed in Jesus name. 4. Oh Lord remove from me the spirit of stinginess in Jesus name. 5. Lord teach me how to give in Jesus name. 6. Oh God as I give let every good gift and perfect gift come from above in Jesus name. 7. Lord let me not sow sparingly and reap sparingly in Jesus name. 8. Lord let my secrifice bring forth a mighty blessing upon my life in Jesus name. I would like to encourage you to give to God and see Him doing a miracle in your life, give willingly at your church, something that will leave you pained, not rags or anything with blemish, I mean give without murmuring, with a cheerful heart. May the Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you and your family as you give in Jesus name. Amen and Amen
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 08:41:27 +0000

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