Friday, September 12th and we are already at the Mid-term of the - TopicsExpress


Friday, September 12th and we are already at the Mid-term of the first nine weeks of school! I have never been shy about voicing my dislike of the idea of beginning school in the midst of Summer. I continue to research and that research continues to validate my belief that school systems in states that do not return to school until after Labor Day out perform our students! Georgia has led the nation in very few areas and I am beginning to wonder how far off base our priorities have ventured into making us the most uneducated state. Our public school teachers work as hard, if not harder, than humanly possible. My fellow educators love their calling so much,they dig into their own pockets to help buy supplies for their classrooms, they work many hours that they are not compensated for, as well as putting up with the ever changing dog and pony shows. In our state everything has become another measure to hold teachers accountable for a childs learning. No consideration is being given to the actual things that we know make a difference. All research shows the biggest factor is smaller class size. Our classes are still way too large! Another factor is the environment in which children live. Every child here is given the same test. It doesnt matter if the child is hungry, hot/cold, genius IQ or below average IQ we say they should learn the same and pass the same test. I love my job and work with some awesome educators but I hope I see the day that those who know what really works will stand up and say NO, we will do it this way! We will hire teachers in their field of expertise and we will let them teach! We will let them test their students over material and concepts covered and we will determine who has mastered to and who has not!
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 14:07:09 +0000

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