Friday, September 13, 2013 “…brings forth out of his treasure - TopicsExpress


Friday, September 13, 2013 “…brings forth out of his treasure things both old and new” –Matthew 12:35 Good Morning Heavenly Father, Family & Friends!! Hebrews 11 is the famous “faith” chapter in the New Testament, the “Hall of Fame” of those who have learned to walk the “tightrope of faith.” (*) Yesterday’s Discovered Treasure for Today: “The fundamental fact of existence is that this trust in God, this faith, is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. It’s our handle on what we can’t see. The act of faith is what distinguished our ancestors, set them above the crowd. By faith, we see the world called into existence by God’s word, what we see created by what we don’t see” (Hebrews 11:1-3 The Message Bible). “It’s impossible to please God apart from faith. And why? Because anyone who wants to approach God must believe both that he exists and that he cares enough to respond to those who seek him” (Hebrews 11:6 The Message Bible). (*) Today’s Application: I read somewhere that the Christ-like life is like learning how to walk on a tightrope. We first learn to walk by faith on a “low wire.” As we grow in our faith, we ascend to progressively higher heights of wires to walk. This process of growth builds our faith in God. We can be assured that it is in God’s design to never put us on wires too high for us to handle (I Corinthians 2:13). They may seem too high at the time, but they aren’t. We know that God honors faith. He wants us to live completely by faith in Him. His design is that we learn to depend on no one or “no thing” but Him. This requires concentration, risk and balance, just like walking on a tightrope. Our problem is that we want to stay on the “low wire” where we feel much safer. We look up at the higher wires and become frightened. We are not sure we can learn to trust God that much. However, if we would just stop and ponder this thought for a moment, the only thing which makes life worth living is experiencing our faith in God and trust in Him for our existence and safe keeping. Let’s be found ready to take on a higher wire or being thankful for the higher one we are already walking. The Apostle Paul noticed that the new Christ-followers in Thessalonica were learning this process, and he encouraged them with these words: “Your faith is growing phenomenally; your love for each other is developing wonderfully. Why, it’s only right that we give thanks. We’re so proud of you; you’re so steady and determined in your faith despite all the hard times that have come down on you. We tell everyone we meet in the churches all about you” (II Thessalonians 1:3-4 The Message). Let’s be willing to step up to higher heights in our spiritual growth and experiences! The view is incomparable!! 0;-)
Posted on: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 11:43:35 +0000

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