Friday Surah Al-Kahf Reflection: And he entered his garden, - TopicsExpress


Friday Surah Al-Kahf Reflection: And he entered his garden, while being unjust to himself, saying: I don’t think that this will ever perish, and I don’t think the Hour will ever come. And, if indeed I am brought back to my Lord, I will surely find better than this when I return (Surah Al-Kahf 18:35-36) In the parable of the two men and the garden, the wealthy man becomes arrogance and ungrateful to Allah, as is the case with many materialistic people today. This story is very relevant to the times we are living in, and we must reflect on it every Friday to protect our hearts from materialism. Arrogant people tend to feel a sense of entitlement. They think that Allah has favored them above others, and that they are entitled to the best of both worlds regardless of what they do. This is a dangerous self-delusion which leads a person far astray. A believer does not feel entitled to anything in this world or the next. A believer is a humble slave, and anything Allah grants him/her in this world or the next is a gift to be grateful for, not something to boast about or something we earned. Stay humble, remain a slave to Allah and do not allow this world to deceive you. - Ustadh Ismail Kamdar.
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 09:36:56 +0000

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