Friday XXIV 3 Jumada II 1419 The first sermon In the name of God - TopicsExpress


Friday XXIV 3 Jumada II 1419 The first sermon In the name of God the Merciful There are two khutbahs brief word before I say to you that we are of course in June and in the twentieth of June the birth of Zahra (peace be upon her), but please you shorten the occasion to visit the faithful (peace be upon him ). In addition to that the birth of Zahra will fall on Monday on what is suspect. Then in the Friday, followed by, in fact the first anniversary of the founding of the Friday prayers in Iraq, please do not shorten to come to the mosque of Kufa to commemorate this anniversary, of course, if it remained life, but if not longer life, and this is to be expected in any same at any day Vasalkm light and pray and everything else It is a key that Thou shalt observe the religion and Mzhpkm not let this implant which Hsdtmoh thanks to God Almighty that is wasted and dry. No, keep it. Of course, God exists and that the courage and awareness of existing debt and Bzmtkm Bzmtkm doctrine should not be compromised by a little or not much. Im not important in my face and Abedi nor with my own eyes, but the important thing is the religion of God and the doctrine of the faithful (peace be upon him). I take refuge in Allah from Satan the accursed dreaded, the name of God the Merciful, and prayed to God to the best of His creation Muhammad and companions. In the name of God the Merciful Hallelujah great and praise, Hallelujah to the God of what I own, and glorified the king of what I value, and the Almighty from Kadeer what Bearer of wine, and glorified the great what for him, and glorified from Jalil What glorify, and glorified from Majid what Aravh, and Hallelujah from Rauf what Aazza, and the Almighty of Aziz as the largest in, and glorified from much what I serve, and glorified from Old as above, and glorified from loud what Asnah, and glorified from Sunni what Abhah , and glorified from BHI what Anor, and the Almighty of Munir as shown by, and glorified from apparent what was hidden, and the Almighty of cryptic What Im aware, and glorified from Knowing what told him, and glorified from an expert honored and glorified cream is tuff, and the Almighty of nice what I behold him, and glorified the seer what I hear, and the Almighty of listens and what save it, and glorified from Hafeez is dictated, and glorified from milli What Novak, and from the Almighty and in what enjoined, and the Almighty of what gave him the rich, and the Almighty from what Ausah donor, and glorified from what Ojodh wide, and the Almighty of what Id like Jawad, a favorite of the Almighty and what Onamh. O Allah, bless Muhammad and the best and biggest Tzlematk your prayers and greetings as the best and greatest Akram and prayed for the best of what Ibrahim and Ibrahim Hamid Majid effectively you what you want and everything you martyr. Fear God Tqath right, not die except as Muslims. This day is the memories of the death of Lady Zahra (peace be upon her) like the one already on previous occasions it well to keep talking about it continuing. The poet said: And any things buried at night .... a few Mustafa exempt Theraha It has raised the poet God reward him a couple of questions about the two problems relate to historical periods Balzhra (peace be upon her), one of them a burial at night I got the conviction Zahra (peace be upon her) and Usitha. And the other got a hide her grave convinced her husband faithful (peace be upon him) can have access to the questions, because three or more put this house on the poetic form of a question: And any things buried at night .... a few Mustafa exempt Theraha? But the two questions in which we increase it another question. The first: that Zahra (peace be upon her), have washed after her death in a secret inside her house (Cole does not!) Did not know one so from outside the family did not participate in it one but her husband, Commander of the Faithful (peace be upon him) and the names of bit Umays what my mind that were taken water. II: The Zahra (peace be upon her) recommended her husband be buried at night while sleeping restless eyes and people do not have a funeral year. The dish faithful (peace be upon him) this commandment and buried secretly at night unanimously by the words of historians from both Islamic sects, nor is it likely to do so. Chieaha and did not attend the burial, but only a group of about seven, her husband and Oldaha (peace be upon them) and some own their own salmon and Persian Abu Dhar and Ammar (God bless them). Third: The Zahra (peace be upon her) pardoned her grave did not appear to so far and that too downright BTselem historians. He declined faithful all the intensity and strength of will, that demonstrates the community who were buried where her grave at night. We still feel that there is no legitimate argument as evidence of being buried in a specific place. However, it is a large area in Medina without any specific place them. Perhaps the most likely one of three possibilities. First, she was buried in her home (ie, the house in which she lives with the Commander of the Faithful (peace be upon him)). Second: Its buried in Baqi. I wrote to you a few words as an explanation for the Baqi improves paying attention to him too: Bakie Algrkd is called, has been a dumping ground for the people of the city (Cuada peace in Najaf) and was out of the house that day They were out of their dead outside the city and bury them in the cemetery, any Baqi. And the tombs of many of the companions and followers and the Hashemites, including some infallible (peace be upon them), and they Imam Hassan Mujtaba (peace be upon him) and Imam Sajjad Ali Bin Al-Hussein (peace be upon him) and Imam Baqir (peace be upon him) and Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him). It was on these graves (ie, infallible graves of four) to build a large and still photograph exists. The people of the region are called when a dome was demolished household Wahhabi Saudis. He became, in our view on a particular day of the year called on the demolition of any graves demolished graves Baqi, adjusted calamity calamity anniversary of the death of one infallible (peace be upon them). And now people are working on this occasion condolences and memories and so on, as well as the poet said on this occasion: But the incident .... Baqi graying of the baby horror delegations It will be light Alersaya .... if not advised of this remissions As has been the graveyard of Baqi building called the Wailing Dome, which is that Zahra (peace be upon her) after her father when in fact expelled from within the city he Asktoha the crying hurts neighbors. Fajrjha her husband to Baqi, became weep there. Over the generations, built in the same area of the building is composed Wall and the Dome of the dome, called the Wailing to the memory of Fatima Zahra (peace be upon her), and it was in this part of the demolition when the demolition Baqi. There are explained and so detailed in a book called Holy mirror to one of the officers of Egyptians who were going from Egypt in the Hajj each year before seventy years or more, and the picture of the cemetery Bakie Algrkd before Rift. And it appears many buildings, including the Wailing building, including the Dome of the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) and other things. He also lists the contents of the Baqi single one. It is important that it is a good source of them, and not of our own darling. And replace the witness that one of the novels is that it (peace be upon her) was buried in Baqi, but did not know the position of the grave so far Is it in fact Baqi? Or anywhere in the Baqi buried? Do not know. It has not built a dome because it is unknown when the burial. Third: It was buried near her father means near the cemetery of the Prophet (Allah bless him and his family). Some of them may pivot Almichraei as we say, to understand that what is stated that the Prophet (Allah bless him and God) says, between the graves and Menbri the gardens of paradise. It seems that this news, which was narrated by the two teams according to my knowledge. We say here that this is the paradise of kindergarten tomb Zahra (peace be upon her), and there are no other accounts weaker than these three. In any case my understanding that only these three are also not listed under the pretext of legitimacy, but are preponderant as potential anyway. Enough so that the faithful (peace be upon him) deliberately media blackout (in modern) on the same night of the grave, which is still buried where this opacity is present. How can we infer that the grave under the pretext of legitimacy with the existence of the blackout, which support the faithful himself (peace be upon him). It is noticeable that the other imams after the faithful (peace be upon him) committed on the same course, and did not declare the locus of the tomb of Zahra (peace be upon her), apart from other things, they were very much about them as a placement tomb of the faithful (peace be upon him) and incidents of child and so on. Where they were going to visit the grave of their grandfather faithful (peace be upon him), but they did not try to visit the grave of their grandmother Zahra (peace be upon her) in order to not be so marked lifting inattention and opacity for replace her grave If they have shown this is a betrayal of the idea begun by their grandfather faithful at the base of the blackout on tomb Zahra (peace be upon her) and Hashahm of treason. So, they did not work in word Atlvzawa pursuant indicates replace the presence of the tomb of Zahra (peace be upon her). The road Almnhsr for generations to appoint Late real tomb Zahra (peace be upon her) is waiting for Imam Mahdi (peace be upon him) and asked him to do his appointment, but now it is completely Mnsd. Other important step as well: While it is a matter Tkuwenha in secret and secret burial at night is special, a contemporary generation (peace be upon her) (for example, because they are no predicted that prohibit the Tkuwenha and prohibit the burial and we of course do not exist). Fajfa her grave is not something special in this generation, but for other generations of Islam which is a welcome sign, of course, and ill-considered Tawfiq Islamic generations each generation from contemporary to her death and to now and its unclear when the emergence of the inherent right (peace be upon him). It is not anyone of us deserve to receive this special grace and mercy true whatever the claim that a person in a high or low debt. We return now to the question of why this blackout intensive and long-term as we heard of the poet when he says: Lay and bury things .... incised Mustafa exempt Theraha Perhaps this is also the reality is also considered of divine mysteries to know not only Almasmon (peace be upon them) and their friends, but popular with Almichrah far that Zahra (peace be upon her) she wanted to prevent its enemies by angry they attend Chieaha and visit her grave after the burial. Was the best way to do this is the absolute blackout that happened the whole society for the prevention of the enemies in order to refrain from that also there is no way to stop them, but in particular the prevention of the whole society. That face is not very good for forms one to publicly Turning to him if it was a (peace be upon her) mean the same enemies who are in that generation still has permission to exist, for example, after a hundred years or more or less . So why did not disclose Almasmon offspring of the position of the grave after that? So then it is deeper than that of the two sides: The first: the lack of jurisdiction of this anger Fatimid contemporary generation, but it is comprehensive for all the generations to follow and as long as there are supporters and loving them. Second: the lack of jurisdiction of this anger Fatimid layer we consider certain extremist misguided, but include all the evidence to the community that there is no one of them or us know that along the generations, even if we were worthy so we knew Ikeda, because the mercy of God, close to the benefactors. And where we do not know we are not authorized for this worthy compassion property generation after generation. He said something like this sense is the absence of the Imam (peace be upon him), they represent the wrath of God on the enemies of Allah, peace. So their guardian with science is certain and that stated by earlier scholars that he can not be absent from the deserving to see and he (peace be upon him) but obscured by the sins and flaws and injustices in the possession of individuals and groups. Fi individual we envisaged that it is not his sins and flaws, which absolved before God Almighty, he will see them Mahdi and recognize it. In other words Almichrah feel that, because they missed the (peace be upon him) for fear of murder, van that was entirely true, why does not appear sometimes those who are not afraid to attack him and they are numerous and thankfully Shiites and loyal . And answer the same answer, which they are not entitled to see the Imam nor Mbrún of sins and defects to the degree to which they reach their degree of maturity. So our balance and our Flanaraf before God Almighty, both in the estate or in the outside, whether in Iraq or abroad and whether or between loyalists outside their number. Because all our generations concealed by a lot of things divine mission and he spelled identify the tomb Zahra and identify the person forward the argument. Knowing that he is not likely to conceal that from him eligible, and not that of Divine Justice. For example, from the viewpoint of some of those who know that the scourge which descended on the Jacob or his family but had some shortcomings as a novel present (health corroboration leave now), which they were eating lamb grilled on some evenings came to them asking poor tender did not give him. In the wise: If ratified liquid perished in charge. This has been the liquid in the knowledge of God worthy Vmnauh was the fact that ushered scourge. The important thing is not hearing the details of the story which is well known and irrigated in the Holy Book and the Sunnah. But where to place the witness Jacob (peace be upon him) wept until his eyes turned white from grief is Kzim text of the Koran, but he had returned his eyesight when he was Yusuf shirt over his face. It was not crying crying passion to his son, but regret the failure to get it and a statement of repentance from him and he also says the text of the Koran ((and I know from Allah what you do not know)) and was interpreted by some people of the knowledge I know that when the demise of the anger go away scourge. It was Jacob (peace be upon him) awaits the demise of the anger of God and repent for them. When thrown shirt Yusuf This marked the demise of anger and he can recognize Joseph and get satisfaction, so he stopped crying and returned his gaze. It was not anger, anger at all because they are divinely (peace be upon them) are infallible, but was alert and to shorten the test was not simple, of course, is a taboo to be contrary to the infallibility. And replace the witness if he still continues to rage and the scourge either as long as the scourge exists Venaraf of the anger that still exists and we have no entitlement to its demise. The scourge of many in this world but in the place of our conversation is the grave of invisibility Zahra (peace be upon her) and subtle person Mahdi (peace be upon him). This means that we are still at the level of shortcomings and negligence and humiliation before God Almighty until Seyyed Mohammad Sadr, I do not mean to others, but everyone is so generation after generation until the Hawza until Akaber Hawza Vladl one of them on the tomb of Zahra certainty or knows someone Mahdi certainty, less than So even the most despicable and Seyyed Mohammad Sadr. This means that we are still at the level of shortcomings and negligence and humiliation before God Almighty and non-entitlement pities own not excluded from one of the people that whoever he is. This is what calls us more cautious and Awakening and control of God in small and large and in all the same as wisdom says (sandals God like you see van were not deem it sees you) gradually Let us get to the level required divine. In the name of God the Merciful, if Nasrallah came and * Open and saw people entering the religion of Allah in crowds * then glorify your Lords praise and ask His forgiveness he was Twaba * Believe God Almighty Friday XXIV 3 Jumada II 1419 Second Sermon I take refuge in Allah from Satan the accursed dreaded, the name of God the Merciful, put my trust in Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, and may Allah bless the best of His creation Muhammad and companions. In the name of God the Merciful And your God is one God, but God is not merciful. No God but God is the neighborhood Gayoom not take him one year and not sleep. No God but God is the neighborhood Gayoom inn you book the right is the womb in which Asourkm how he pleases. No God but is Aziz al-Hakim. God saw that it is not God but angels and Olu science based installment. No God but is Aziz al-Hakim. The religion with Allah is Islam, that this is a right and stories of god but God and that God is a Aziz al-Hakim. No God but God is Ijmankm to the Day of Judgment is no doubt believe it is of God recently. Have disbelieved who say that God is the third of three and no God but one God, and have not finished what they say to Williamson who disbelieve them a painful torment. That is Allah, your Lord is no God but is the Creator of all things, a worship Him everything agent. Follow what was revealed to you from your Lord is no god but is introduce the idolaters. O Allah, bless Muhammad and Muhammad. Pray to God Mustafa Muhammad, and Murtadha Ali and Zahra Fatima Mujtaba Hassan and Shahid Hussain, carpets Ali Baqir Mohammed Sadiq Jaafar Kadhim Moses and Redha Ali and Jawad Mohammed Hadi Ali and military Hassan argument Hadi al-Mahdi Aúmte and gentlemen and my leaders their take -away and their enemies Atbara in this life and the afterlife. Fear God Tqath right, not die except as Muslims. And any things buried at night and any matters exempted Theraha Go back to the question about it. According to my understanding, that the best thesis in answer to the cause of concealment cemetery Zahra (peace be upon her) is that we know nothing of the affair Zahra (peace be upon her), in order to deduce the result easily if thesis anyway and not Kammer Betty because each one and his conviction, but the thesis I Embed in front of you and on your ears. So that the state of making her a real service, or benefit real savior can not enter into the fire, so it is Hafeeth and Taftmh of Fire (peace be upon her) because she Mustafa few congealed and that his heart between his sides. This has two examples: First example: the people of the companions encountered that fell a drop of blood of the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and God) in some invasions on his hand Vltaha ingested then asked the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and God) in that he said to him in substance: the misery of what I did this is haram, but your body has been deprived of God on fire. It can not be said that the intervention of the drop, which is part of the Prophet (Allah bless him and his family) to fire each image. The second example: what he was saying Abe (Jerusalem secret) had to say: he is known among Almichrah and that it was killed by the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and God) with his sword directly go to heaven, whoever had the blessing sword Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and his family) and this Privacy Policy non-existent for the other person until the faithful (peace be upon him). Hence did not kill the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and God) in person at all, but one was a warrior main and most importantly in the hands of the Prophet, Ali (peace be upon him). It was killed with a sword to go to hell is a disbeliever and ill-done. Hence, it kills the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and God) infidels sword Ali Ali Lloyd is not his sword and his personal profile, even though he is not likely to be less courageous than Ali. Ali brave human and courageous character, but is not likely to be a prophet less courage of Ali in terms of what we know to be appropriate Qaeda that is best characterized by the attributes of the lower with the increase in no doubt that the Prophet (Allah bless him and his family) are better than the faithful (peace be upon him), then he is characterized by the attributes of the faithful with an increase of prophecy and the message. So it is brave like the faithful (peace be upon him). This is what he said to his enemies in substance: (if they put the sun in Yemen and the moon in the north to give up on this matter is waived him). So this is as special blessings sometimes exists. And the meaning of the special blessings here: that of the prophet kill him go to heaven, he receives a special blessing. It tastes the blood of the Prophet (Allah bless him and his family) go to heaven. So this is as special blessings exist sometimes, though not explicit unknown among the people, especially in relation to the Prophet. It is possible to prove that some of the qualities of Zahra (peace be upon her), especially after we turn it into the heart of the Prophet (Allah bless him and his family) and the spirit of the prophet that between sidearms, the fact is not a metaphor, as we said in some previous speeches. This means that the likes of these blessings be Mngeh of fire if at all. It is meted out not enter hell, even if the individual is an evildoer, or an infidel. It seems clear that the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) were noticing it and without turning to get it for a layer of hypocrites and stubborn and strike, and who deserve to go to the fire if at all. Imknohm not to visit the grave of Zahra because he Ivhabon unknown to the fire. It also seems clear _ if you will _ that God was also noted that Fam success in serving and of all of the fire is worth the entry of the likes of these reasons Almtbarakh honest. Hence, we did not find did not respond in history that someone a hypocrite or infidel according to any real benefit to them sincere (peace be upon them) and how to be useful with a sincere hypocrisy and infidelity in his heart? It is even possible to say that he did not do one of these classes at all, I mean job worth doing paradise if at all. Is not to say that the duty of the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) from Allah Almighty to help prevent access to any one that does not deserve. Was among applications benefit Zahra (peace be upon her) Ptgusal or shrouding or funeral or burial. Hence, it is strictly prohibited to prevent the order is not worth the paradise of this aspect of not deserve from other parties, but he has to take up a full day of resurrection. In the name of God the Merciful Believe God Almighty
Posted on: Sun, 04 May 2014 20:47:59 +0000

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