Friday late Evening Reminder. : Lets correct our Intentions in all - TopicsExpress


Friday late Evening Reminder. : Lets correct our Intentions in all we do. Many of us travelled from other places, to find work and a better life. We have made a kind of Hejira, or Migration, just as Prophet Muhammad (SallAllahu Alaiyhi Wa Sallam) migrated from Makka to Madina. That first Hejira was for survival, because His life was in danger. We must make sure that our migration is not just for a better life for ourselves and our children. We must make sure that our presence in foreign countries will be a benefit to our entire family, community and the Ummah. lets note that Actions are judged by our intention and everyone shall have only what he intended. Therefore he who migrated for Allah and His Messenger (SallAllahu Alaiyhi Wa Sallam), His migration was for Allah and His Messenger (SallAllahu Alaiyhi Wa Sallam); and he whose migration was to achieve some worldly benefit or to take some woman in marriage, his migration will be judged that for which he intended. This reminder is not only for those abroad but also those who are working and also to those who migrate from town to city to make life better. Lets fear Allah in all we do wherever we maybe. My dear brothers and sisters, let us dedicate ourselves to the service of Allah. Let us make sure that our daily concerns always focus on improving ourselves, our neighbourhood and our environment. This will bring us nearer to Allah. Let us in our spiritual life, make the Hejira, the migration, from what pleases us to what pleases Allah. It means, in essence, that we must aim to rise above our selfishness, our vanity and self-indulgence. We must try to fulfil the purpose which Allah decreed for us, which is, to be His Khaleefah, His ambassadors on earth. Dont be an ambassador for sheitan through fornication, stealing, pride, arrogance etc. Aim to perform Umra then Hajj whiles still young, thats better if we can afford. Forgive me for the length of my reminders today. We ask Allah to protect us from any Satanic ways. Aameen.
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 00:23:07 +0000

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