Friday rant: 1) Jedward- You may be surprised to hear that - TopicsExpress


Friday rant: 1) Jedward- You may be surprised to hear that these two Irish bafoons had to be rescued yesterday after they became trapped on a sandbank in Dublin. The boys mother, alerted the coastguard after she was contacted by her sons who were getting more and more desperate as the tide continued to rise. Can you imagine that phone conversation “mummy, mummy, there’s lots of water around us and you know we get worried that our hair may get wet and go frizzy” (I can relate!). Anyway, in the end a helicopter was used to locate the pair, before a ten-man Coast Guard team waded through up to six-feet of water to come to their rescue. No, not 6 feet of water OMG!!! 2) Middle East- By now we all know what has happened in the last week in Israel. It truly is a sad state of affairs, it is important to remember what Mahatma Gandhi said “There is no path to peace. Peace is the path” For decades Israel has been under attack by its neighbours hell bent on its destruction, which in turn has turned them into a paranoid state. The outcome of this has been generations of people on both sides of the conflict who now know nothing but violence as it has been imbedded within their psyche. There is another word for this, it’s called brainwashing and unless everyone is prepared to take a step back and say “I don’t want my children and grandchildren to go through this irrelevant what has happened in the past” then the circle of violence will continue. There is only one way out of this and it’s called education and everyone involved needs to understand that we are all brothers and sisters and for millennia have lived side by side with one another. There is no room in the world for hate and extremism! 3) The Ritz- On a lighter note I saw this week that Nora Al-Daher, a multi-millionaire gambling addict who is also the wife of Omani Foreign Minister, Sayyid Badr bin Hamad bin Hamood Al-Busaidiwho (try saying that after a few tinctures of sherry!) lost £2m in one evening, is suing The Ritz casino for allegedly “taking advantage” of her gambling addiction. She claims that they spoon fed her credit and knew she had a gambling problem and are therefore at fault. Interestingly between 1999 and April 2012, The Ritz alone had received more than £20m in buy-ins from Mrs Al-Daher, of which she lost more than £7m! Now call me sceptical but it does seem somewhat suspect that a foreign ministers wife has such a huge fortune considering her husband’s job. Dodgy arab plutocrat cronie lavishly living it up in London, perhaps?! Either way The Ritz should give her money back just so she can reinvest it into her country where 32% of the population are below the poverty line as I am sure that’s where she would love to see the money go! Have a great weekend and enjoy the football!
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 11:29:53 +0000

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