Friday the thirteenth inauspicious day chosen for Welcome Party - TopicsExpress


Friday the thirteenth inauspicious day chosen for Welcome Party Inizio fiesta by PGP 2012-14 batch. And the search for truth started….. To make the matter worst theme chosen was Fear and interpretations were drawn to be a welcome theme. Challenge grew for the PGP 2012-14 cohorts and so did the reservations….. Was it necessary to hold an event on Friday when scheduled day is always the Saturday followed by Sunday? Faculty and Staff assessed mediocrity of operations and participations and a lacklustre event considering low interest of PGP 2013-15 in the shortlisting stage. Three days before the Inizio fiesta one group asked for permission to work in the seminar hall till late which was unusual. Permission was instantly given as it was seen to be one odd request received in time for a change. Three unusual things happened: A facebook post from one group of students raising party expectations, another group of student working in the seminar hall till late and a third group seen in the campus continuously lead by a student who is often referred as visiting student. CRC office was also seen to be buzzing with Fear theme. A joke started about the National government at EBS similar to national scenario where surprisingly Congress and BJP came together to work in parliament with unknown understanding. But something was working well. Regular scary posts on Facebook and devilish music on the Public Address System which is used to Symphony got everybody by surprise. Sixteen participants from PGP-1 became a difficult choice from a doubtful scenario of getting 12 for first round. An Army Officer was seen behind the coup spending almost the entire day and evening in the campus and struggling to even find time to drop her daughter for her evening dance class. Scene had changed And for Good….. Pre event evening faculty meet on Academic planning got turned into discussing the preparation and feverish response to the event by the students on the campus. Even faculty got interested when they knew the dress code for students was black. One faculty who was incidentally wearing black on that day requested early meeting off to buy a black top for the event. IT Head also stated his interest to buy a black shirt. One faculty offered to get face masks when students were in such high spirits. She collected the masks in the evening and txted the entire faculty. Students were in the campus till very late and very early next morning only to leave Guards surprised. The Party Faculty moved in with masks-on lead by Pirate Leader to provide the element of surprise only to enter the Hall with a WOW expression to settle down. Director got a bloody Hands welcome after all it was a Halloween theme and then the Party rolled out. Hard Rock Café Band was amazingly received by the Students at 2 pm in afternoon when the scene had settled everybody at 2 am in the morning. When the Band wanted to wind after an hour everybody in Hall wanted them to stay but Scholar Director signalled and the performance was closed because the event was to unfold. 16 participants were on stage for into round one and the competition had begun and journey to pick Mr.Fresher had begun. Second year students gave roaring performance and the students wanted the Party to go on for ever forgetting the DJ waiting at the Ground Floor which they had invited at 4pm paying a fortune. It was all Fun all over and many Dark horses emerged from the PGP 2012-14. Talent was sprouting from everywhere and Better than the Best feeling was at display live for all the students, faculty, Registrar and the Director. Students have proved that they were Era Business School and it was their talent and Team work which makes EBS a great place to be in. Ms And Mr Inizio Fiesta were announced everybody realised they were hungry and thirsty and Cafeteria turned packed for Cake cutting and then the DJ was at work. More water was turned out through sweat than other outlets from the body in the evening. It was one hell of a Day and students were surprised to see that campus was on and they decided to call the party over individually as the institute was not pressing for the calling off time. They packed after one another…. PGP first year students assembled in the campus at 9 pm around fountain area to plan a Farewell party better than this because this was the Best party attended so far and bettering it would be a big Challenge. Fear of better than the best was overcome by the theme of the party and a hard Lesson was learnt—We all have Fears- Stage to acceptance and the winner is the one who understands his fears, take baby steps to overcome it and finally realises it was just the Fear. What a great Lesson from a senior Batch to the Fresher Batch on Friday the thirteenth and they say it is a Bad Omen. EBS lived a wonderful day on Friday the thirteenth, four criminals of rape got punished to death sentenced, one OBC Chaiwallah got selected as Prime ministerial (actually should be Pradhan sewak) candidate. Next time somebody says Bad Omen I will not shy to say Stupid !!!
Posted on: Sat, 14 Sep 2013 11:03:22 +0000

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